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I love the sound of that gun in the Killzone 4 Demo.

Also the new Infamous title "Second Son" is a reference to the Secret Society "The First Sons" who created the Ray Sphere in the 1st game. I think that one of the new protaganists will be involved with the inactive group in some way. First Sons info ~

And yes I said protaganist/s, because the Trailer pointed towards an "Anti-Hero" type protaganist plus a normal "Do-Gooding Hero" type as well. So instead of following either an Evil or Good Karma path, Sucker Punch will be making a less black and white experience for Infamous: Second Son. Hopefully with more meaningfull choices that are in a more grey area of Morality. :huh:

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name=GunSmith117' timestamp='1361322454' post='92156]

Just to let you all know. The event will be streamed live from:

6pm ET / 3pm PT / 11pm GMT

Ah, yes. One of the few perks to being American. Seeing live events before Brits. You guys get V five hours before the first Yanks, so it balances out quite well.

Not entirely true you yanks have guam

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Starcraft would have been epic.

Thanks for the video dupz0r... It does a lot better at showing off the controller than the ps4 event.

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jimmy gets all the video game stuff :(... lucky man...

Plus he's such a fake n00b. He's always like "i love gaming, i'm such a geek" Yet you put any game in front of him and he plays it like a stroke victim with one arm...

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Ah, yes. One of the few perks to being American. Seeing live events before Brits. You guys get V five hours before the first Yanks, so it balances out quite well.

Not entirely true you yanks have guam

It's all military bases and native villages there, mate. That doesn't count. :P

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Sony revealed a list of PS4 publishers and game developers at PlayStation Meeting 2033. Gamasutra reports the list has been updated, with some additions and removals.

The big name that’s off the list is Rovio, the maker of the famous smartphone game Angry Birds. Other developers that no longer appear on the list are Forzenbyte and Mojang and Vlambeer.

Some of the names that have been added to the list include Hello Games, Splash Damage and Codemasters.

The updated list of developers and publishers is available on Sony’s pdf file.

Another biggie no longer on the list is RockStar Games, the North American publisher of the GTA franchise. Their logo appeared on the initial list, but it’s not on the updated one.

Does that mean there would be no GTA 5 for PS4?

We’re not sure, as previous reports call it a possibility, and RockStar did mention in an interview that adjusting the game for next-generation consoles won’t be a problem.

What do you think this means?

Read more:

I'm not expecting GTA V for PS4, personally. I'm in fear that this may mean 'Agent' is officially cancelled. Hopefully, that's not the case. I just combed through the pdf and found that Take-Two Interactive is listed, but they weren't on the screen at the Sony event, so most likely Rockstar is just hiding under them.

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The real tragedy is that Rockstar isn't acknowledged as the biggest name in that group. Oh, and it's Rockstar, not RockStar. Fucking journalists.

The rest of that list is irrelevant. Minecraft was great, but with Mojang now making a TCG-based video game, it's clear they're a one-trick pony. And Rovio? Fuck off. Whoever wrote that article needs to get their shit together.

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jimmy gets all the video game stuff :(... lucky man...

Plus he's such a fake n00b. He's always like "i love gaming, i'm such a geek" Yet you put any game in front of him and he plays it like a stroke victim with one arm...

i would too if you put a game no one else has played in front of me too... too much pressure... anthony anderson was the true noob... at least jimmy killed a few people...

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jimmy gets all the video game stuff :(... lucky man...

Plus he's such a fake n00b. He's always like "i love gaming, i'm such a geek" Yet you put any game in front of him and he plays it like a stroke victim with one arm...

i would too if you put a game no one else has played in front of me too... too much pressure... anthony anderson was the true noob... at least jimmy killed a few people...

I wouldn't play that bad, that's for sure.


The PlayStation 4 could employ a multiple-tier subscription service, offering different levels of access in a style similar to a cable television company, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida tells The Guardian.

"We could have gold, silver or platinum levels of membership, something like that," Yoshida says. "We can do subscription services when we have more content – especially now that we have the Gaikai technology available. With one subscription you have access to thousands of games – that's our dream."

Yoshida says the PS4 will have more digital content than its predecessors, at least: Every game will be available as a download, while some will still be sold at retail. This makes it easier to host smaller games such as Jonathan Blow'sThe Witness, and it supports a broader range of payment models, such as free-to-play or subscription-based games.

"We're shifting our platform more and more to the digital side," he says. "PS4 will be similar to PS Vita in that every game will be available as a digital download, and some will also be available as a disc."

Yoshida previously confirmed that current-gen PSN games won't run natively on PS4, though emulation or cloud service plans aren't out of the question.

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Discussion of GTA V on PS4

I hope GTA V comes out on the PS4 as well.

Just imagine Los Santos and it's countryside in 1080p and at 60 FPS, it would be unflippin' believable. :jumpy:

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Inside the PlayStation 4 with Mark Cerny

Mark Cerny originally began to think about designing the PlayStation 4 in 2007. Over Thanksgiving weekend, a mere year after the PlayStation 3 was released, he began to read technical documents about the X86 processor -- the processor that ended up going into the system that was unveiled this past February, by Cerny, in New York City.

The fact that he spent so much of his personal time working on the question of just what hardware should go into the box made Cerny realize something important: "I probably have more passion about the next generation than anybody inside the Sony Computer Entertainment world."

With that in mind, he pitched his bosses on letting him lead the PlayStation 4 development efforts. To his surprise, he earned himself the role of lead system architect.

Though he began with the technology, "wanting to lead the effort wasn't based on any specific beliefs at that time -- other than that clearly we had had some issues with PlayStation 3, in that a very developer-centric approach to the design of the PlayStation 4 would just make things go more smoothly overall."

"The biggest thing was that we didn't want the hardware to be a puzzle that programmers would be needing to solve to make quality titles," says Cerny. He's referring here to the fact that the CELL processor, which powers the PlayStation 3, was extremely powerful by 2006 standards -- but also notoriously difficult to work with.

So in 2008, once he'd gotten the okay, Cerny began to canvass PlayStation 3 developers, asking them what they wanted from a theoretical next generation console -- yes, that early. "It's not like we could come out and say we were developing the next generation of hardware -- we certainly couldn't say that in 2008," Cerny recollects.

"My first tour of the developers, I had a questionnaire where I just asked them their thoughts on what the next generation might bring," he says. "The largest piece of feedback we got was that they wanted unified memory."

The PlayStation 4 will launch with an 8GB bank of GDDR5 RAM, which can be directly addressed by both the CPU and GPU of the system. Cerny is confident that this strategy brings flexibility and power to the console in both the near and long term.

The system also will ship with an eight-core CPU, another decision that came from the developer-questioning phase. "We quickly could tell that we should put either four or eight cores on the hardware," Cerny says. "The consensus was that any more than eight, and special techniques would be needed to use them, to get efficiency."

"It definitely was very helpful to have gone out and have done the outreach before sitting down to design the hardware," he says.

For all of its commercial shortcomings, the PlayStation Vita marks the first time the company put the software developer at the center of its hardware design efforts, something Cerny says paid off both directly on that system, and also in terms of laying the groundwork for the PS4's design.

"We took Vita as an opportunity to rework the tool chain and the development environment, and I think that you saw that the response from the development community [to those changes] was very good," says Cerny. "That meant that with PS4 we already had this philosophy in place -- that we wanted our tools to be much richer and much more accessible to our developers, even in the launch timeframe."

He didn't stop at game developers, either, he tells Gamasutra. "When I started talking to the development community, prominent middleware companies were in the mix at that time. It's very important to us to have those engines on our platform," Cerny says. "I have to say, also, the insights that you can get by talking to their top technology people -- It's quite nice to have those insights when doing the hardware design."

Throughout his conversation with Gamasutra -- which, in the end, lasted well over an hour -- the two threads that came through again and again were that Cerny wanted the console to be familiar enough that the barrier to entry for developers was very low, but at the same time, he wanted to be sure that the technical decisions he and his team made would ensure high performance over its entire lifespan.

In a forthcoming article, Gamasutra will share the many details of the PlayStation 4's architecture and design that came to light during this extensive and highly technical conversation.


More about the PS4 will hopefully be revealed at Sony's GDC conference. So far there's a lot of talk about independent titles and cross play/platform/save.

Primal Carnage revealed for PS4 running on the unreal 4 engine.

The wet graphics look really nice, as well as the lighting effects.

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Just an interesting note. Igns new article states Sony are making all the buttons digital again. Instead of the ps3s analog buttons where they stated that no developers used the analog pressure sensers.

But didn't rockstar so this with the R2 button in gta iv? It made the car go either slow or fast depending on how much you pressed the button.

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Sony continues to keep consumers in Europe sweating on whether their next-generation PS4 console will reach their territory in 2013 along with the upcoming PS4 Fall 2013 in the United States. This week, we have some interesting new tidbits of information for you to digest, coming from a UK newspaper who has teased a potential release and price for UK consumers.

As we told you earlier this week, Sony may now be having a surprise second PS4 event, taking place later this month and before another expected showing at the annual E3 expo in June. This second event could be used to show off the hardware for the very first time, but consumers will be hoping that Sony finally give some information on pricing.

UK newspaper The Sun has published a recent article, suggesting that the price of the PS4 console in the UK will be around £300. While this is obviously not confirmed yet, it would be a very pleasing outcome if it turns out to be legit for obvious reasons. The original fat PS3 launched at over £400 back in 2007 so anything under £400 is a great price in our eyes.

Another important factor in all of this is the Wii U price. Nintendo launched the Wii U price at £249 and £299 for the Basic and Deluxe versions of the console. It is highly unlikely that Sony will launch their PS4 at the same price given the hardware packed inside, but we can presume that they won’t want to make it much higher in fear of consumer alienation.

Along with the £300 price claims, The Sun also suggests that the console will be out in October. The fear here though is whether they are referring to the UK release or US market. There is also no concrete source for their information as well – plus it’s The Sun for those who read the newspaper regularly.

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