Console choices; A little help here?

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Okay superusers,

I would like to ask for some help in making a choice in consoles (and communities.)

I am normally a PC gamer, who has been sort of forced to go Mac. Obviously, gaming on a mac is horrible outside of Blizzard titles. So I am ready to get my first console since I bought my PS2; which I got exclusively because I saw GTA SA gameplay and fell madly and passionately in love. Bought my PS2 the next day acctually. In fact, I only played a few other titles on that great console. Anyways, around the time that GTA 4 was coming out, I was ready to upgrade to the 360 or PS3 when I got my girlfriend pregnant and consequently went back to university to finish my degree and obviously had no money to spend on things like this. So I missed much of the console war shake-out. Imagine I am a time traveler who looked out the window once or twice: I know that Blu-Ray won the HD format battle, and vaguely know that DLC came out for the XBOX crowd and either later or never for the PS3 crowd, and that the PSN was hacked to shit multiple times, and that there are more subscribers to MSN than PSN.


So now I am getting all excited for GTA 5 and finally getting to play GTA 4 and the awesome looking DLC, which I have struggled mightily to avoid learning too much about to allow me a great experience when I finally get to play.

I need to decide which console to buy and which community to buy into.

Here are my questions:

1: There was a time delay for releasing the content for the PS3, and MSN users got it first. According to what I read on wikipedia, there was a 14 month delay between the initial release of the "Lost and the Damned" on XBOX and when they released it all for PS3 users. SO::: Should I expect a similar time lag for getting GTA 5 DLC this time around on PS3 or was that a one-time arrangement? Do we have information on content exclusivity for this title?

2: Is there a significant difference in the communities and community experience between the two consoles? Can anyone tell me what, if any, multiplayer communities exist and are they a major part of the post-initial gameplay/playthrough?

3: Are netflix subscriptions included in the sub fees or is it just that the sub fees allow you to use the console in place of say, a Roku for a Netflix Streaming you already purchase?

4: Finally, beyond GTA, is there a significant difference in title quality/libraries? The exclusives didn't really make me cringe, I do think Uncharted looks fun but XBOX seems to have more exclusives. I don't give a fuck about HALO, btw. Is there more DLC in the MSN? Based on the knowledge Microsoft will have of the online community world and the seemingly prominent relationship between Rockstar and Microsoft I am leaning X Box right now.

Thanks in advance,


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It really becomes a matter of personal preference, both have advantages and disadvantages it just really depends on which ones you care about. Xbox does occasionally get DLC earlier than PS3, (e.g. Skyrim DLCs) but then again you don't have to pay for PSN and bluray DVDs means you don't have to play games over multiple disks like you do with some games on xbox. Since you're not interested in Halo like me, I can't think of many good/popular exclusive titles that you couldn't get on PC.

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It all depends on your Preferences really.

If you don't mind delays while you wait on your Console to spend an hour updating or a game updating then the PS3 will work, If you like quick and efficient updating then I'd say pick the Xbox 360. I prefer the Xbox 360's UI over the Playstation. The time delay between the launch of TL&D and TBoGT was because Microsoft purchased a time exclusive DLC for $50 Million, we don't know if that will be happening for GTA V because they haven't even talked about DLC yet or announced anything pertaining to DLC. Netflix is free for PS3 users Provided you have a Netflix subscription to use Netflix on Xbox 360 your account requires Gold membership over Xbox Live. I prefer the Xbox Community on some games and Playstation Community on others, overall Xbox has over 25 Million Gold members (I don't have exact numbers for Playstation but assume it's under 25 Mil). The PS3 does have issues being constantly hacked, while the Xbox does have some Services issues Microsoft normally has it under control within a couple hours. Really the only upside the Playstation has over Xbox is the Blu-Ray features because Blu-ray can hold up to 50GB a disc games don't require multiple disc's, yet the Xbox has faster load speeds because Blu-Ray reads slower.

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If you don't mind paying £30.00 a year for Xbox live then get an Xbox. Only reason i stick with Playstation is because i hate the Xbox controller and I'm use to the Playstation one.

It won't matter really cos from a year from now the debate will be over the next gen consoles.

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I own both, had a PS3 for two years before I got xbox, was a huge PS3 fanboy, and have not touched my PS3 since I got xbox. I feel online is a lot better. Again it comes down to personal choice. It doesn't matter to be honest, so just pick one you like better because everyone always likes one better even if it isn't by much.

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I own both, had a PS3 for two years before I got xbox, was a huge PS3 fanboy, and have not touched my PS3 since I got xbox. I feel online is a lot better. Again it comes down to personal choice. It doesn't matter to be honest, so just pick one you like better because everyone always likes one better even if it isn't by much.

I can say the same but not that I haven't touched my PS3. My 360 I usually use for online games and socializing. I only have about two or three 360 games I play, I haven't bought any in months but the online features keep me entertained.

As for PS3, I find myself playing it just as much, the main difference being I usually play single-player games and series I enjoy, stuff like Ratchet and Clank, Sly, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed. The way I look at it if you prefer games that offer a great story and single player experience, choose PS3, if you play lots of CoD, Minecraft, Halo, other big online games, go with the 360.

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Hmmm. I'm running a 360, and aside from a RRoD on my old console, I've never had any problems. I'd check exclusives, but go for the console which is either cheaper or comes with a bundle you prefer. Also try playing with both controllers and decide which you prefer - the controller is big reason that I replaced my 360. That and already owning the games, obviously.

That said, if Blu-Ray playback interests or an online subscription fee is unappealing, go for the PS3.

Better still you could get a Wii-U so you could tell me exactly what the fuck it does.

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1: There was a time delay for releasing the content for the PS3, and MSN users got it first. According to what I read on wikipedia, there was a 14 month delay between the initial release of the "Lost and the Damned" on XBOX and when they released it all for PS3 users. SO::: Should I expect a similar time lag for getting GTA 5 DLC this time around on PS3 or was that a one-time arrangement? Do we have information on content exclusivity for this title?

No info yet. I believe it was a one-time thing for the 360 DLC with M$

2: Is there a significant difference in the communities and community experience between the two consoles? Can anyone tell me what, if any, multiplayer communities exist and are they a major part of the post-initial gameplay/playthrough?

In theory, there should be less 12 year olds in the 360 community, as their parents would have to pay for their gold subscriptions. In reality, it depends on what game you're playing more than what system you're playing it on. The GTA community, from what I've experienced, is fairly relaxed, especially once all the day one dickheads bugger off. On the other hand, if you enjoy hearing kids yelling "camping cunt","fucking honky", or "I will hack your account if you don't shut up.", why not purchase your copy of Call Of Duty: Modern Black Warfare At War 2 today!

3: Are netflix subscriptions included in the sub fees or is it just that the sub fees allow you to use the console in place of say, a Roku for a Netflix Streaming you already purchase?

No. Sub fees pay for online multiplayer (Gold) and some extra content (Plus). Everything else, including Netflix, require additionally sub fees to use.

4: Finally, beyond GTA, is there a significant difference in title quality/libraries? The exclusives didn't really make me cringe, I do think Uncharted looks fun but XBOX seems to have more exclusives. I don't give a fuck about HALO, btw. Is there more DLC in the MSN? Based on the knowledge Microsoft will have of the online community world and the seemingly prominent relationship between Rockstar and Microsoft I am leaning X Box right now.

TBH, both systems are a good choice. I find myself playing my PS3 slightly more than my 360, but I like them both equally, despite their flaws.

Have you considered waiting for the PS4 and 720 to be released?

Also, If you have an above average interest in the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, and haven't got them on PC, I highly recommend the 360 versions of those games, as Bethesda has ongoing problems getting them to work properly on PS3. Just saying.

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can't be bothered to read but xbox games can often come on more than one disk if they are too big and if you wanted to watch movies a ps 3 has a blue ray player too.

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can't be bothered to read but xbox games can often come on more than one disk if they are too big and if you wanted to watch movies a ps 3 has a blue ray player too.

Mercy recommended a PS3, surely this means don't buy a PS3 :P

Oh and PS3 isn't exactly the cheapest blu-ray player on the market anymore.

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Simple as this..

Exclusive titles: PS3

Majority of Multiplatform titles: XBOX 360, Though most of the best ones are even on both consoles unless you're a Six Axis Dualshock junkie like me, but most Multiplatform companies don't use The Dualshock 3 to it's full potential anyway. *cough*Rockstar*cough*

It's all about what YOU like, fuck the fanboys. Buy a Wii U if you want to. (though I don't recommend it if you don't like waiting)

It's like CoD vs BF3, or Avengers Vs DK, or Apple pie vs Pumpkin pie, or Beatnicpie, vs Pieface.

Pick one, none, or double the fun and get both.

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I also have both, cant remember the last time a playd my ps3

I also bought a ps3 first when they were going for 699.99

Wtf is that shit.

Anyway, i like the xbox controller better now.

I really think for either console it comes down to the controller since thats the major difference between the two consoles imo...

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I thought since you said xbox 360 controller, you meant ps3 versus xbox 360 in which case, ps3 did not have rumble function at launch.

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? You asked if the xbox 360 had rumble. I was just answering you.

The controller is still the major difference between the two consoles.

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? You asked if the xbox 360 had rumble. I was just answering you.

The controller is still the major difference between the two consoles.

I believe this is the most important factor. I'm 6'1 and I can't comfortably put my hands on the PS3 controller, I at least can hold the Xbox controller comfortably.

Them damn Asians and their extremely small hands.

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That's funny because I'm 6'5 and I prefer the DaulShock. More snug, plus it's easier to hit all of the face buttons and play Fighting games. The trick is to hit X & O with the spot about one centimeter down from your thumb joint, SQUARE with the spot one centimeter above your thumb joint (the center of your finger print), and hit TRIANGLE with the tip of your thumb.


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I also have both, cant remember the last time a playd my ps3

I also bought a ps3 first when they were going for 699.99

Wtf is that shit.

Anyway, i like the xbox controller better now.

I really think for either console it comes down to the controller since thats the major difference between the two consoles imo...

So what, when I got it a family member and a friend both influenced me to buy the Playstation when I had no idea what I wanted. After I got my Xbox I enjoyed it more and my Playstation just sits there now. Major reason being is my Playstation looks shit on the standard def tv I have. When I get my new tv and fix my setup, I'm sure I'll probably start playing again, but since I have more friends on Xbox, and it's personal opinion, I don't use the ps3 anymore. Don't see what's so hard to understand about that.

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Its all a matter of preference. I have friends who own both consoles, and one always sits there gathering dust. They tend to prefer certain controllers or games. I find that people that love competitive play seem to like xbox because of their 'premium' multiplayer social aspect. I find people that like ps3 prefer the story driven single player games and a free multiplayer network on the side... its a pattern i've noticed in friends and online alike.

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