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The power of my 'Meh' is resounding. Earth-shaking, really.

And bOnEs has a point about the boobs. I can't promise I'll donate, but it couldn't hurt to give us some incentive.

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Hi, im DuPz0r. But you can call me dup, duppy, or Chris.

I'm a hardcore GTA fan, with a passion for games. So much in fact, I decided to go to university to learn how to become a games artist. I've been on the local gta forums for years now and i still enjoy the odd discussion about past times.

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I'm one of Massacre's subjects that overthrew the prototype crab-bots holding me hostage and escaped from the Warlord Industries HQ, the ironic thing is he rehired me as an independent product tester after hearing of my escape and i'm now getting slightly higher wages. I was also an OETWMIIAC inspector very briefly.

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My name's Holocaust (Antony, Ant or, as I like to be known as now, Tony), originally joined Psy's first site way back in 2004/2005. I'm 22, currently live in Stratford, UK and work full-time as a team leader at a Virgin Media call centre. In my spare time, I like to kick back and relax by playing games (GTA, obviously), working on my own little project, listening to tunes (proper into dubstep at the moment) or spending time with and spoiling my baby girl. Anyway, peace out.

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My name's Holocaust (Antony, Ant or, as I like to be known as now, Tony), originally joined Psy's first site way back in 2004/2005. I'm 22, currently live in Stratford, UK and work full-time as a team leader at a Virgin Media call centre. In my spare time, I like to kick back and relax by playing games (GTA, obviously), working on my own little project, listening to tunes (proper into dubstep at the moment) or spending time with and spoiling my baby girl. Anyway, peace out.

Gimme moar uploads please :P

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trathen93 is the name (well trathen is my surname). most of you may know me from my previous igta incarnation: el-nino, the nickname for a footballer i used to like, fernando 'here didier, here' torres.

anyway, ive been lurking round psy's gta sites since about 2007 and made an account on in 08. made a few posts and changed by display pic a lot. thats pretty much it really. :)

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Gimme moar uploads please :P

If you're a Virgin customer, and I'm assuming you are, then you could actually ring through and I could try and sort you something out. All depends on what your line can handle. We are upgrading our cables in at least 75% of the country. Chances are you're in that 75% - can give you the number if you want? All you have to do is pretend you're leaving (we're retentions) and either myself or one of my team will get you a deal. Or try to.

EDIT: And I know you were joking but I need to get my teams commission up, ha.

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Haha we arent planning leaving we're still in contract :( just wanted the 5meg upload early cause we arent meant to get it until july >_<

Anyhoo back on topic, get back to me on that ^^ in chat or something :)

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Hello, I'm Demon. I signed up at, but didn't become very active before the migration to I'm from Norway, the country that according to someone, is shaped like a penis. XD

Hopefully most of you have figured this out long ago, but I like to joke and no one are safe from my jokes, not even I am. ^_^

But: I don't want to offend people and sometimes I'm not sure if people misunderstood me or not.

I love to play games and was introduced to the world of GTA with GTA2 on pc. Then came a long GTA break for me, until I got San Andreas, and recently I bought several more GTA games but I've not had time to play them. I play all sorts of games, it began in the '80s with various "personal computers" (not the IBM compatible ones we call 'pc' today).

I like the look of this forum. :)

Iron Maiden fan,

Up the Irons!

Finally, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace are for QDs and attention whores.


EDIT: ("Not even I am") Grammar edit, less ambigious now. I hope.

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Hi I'm NCP, also known as NCP1315 and Robin. Joined the forums a couple years back and kept on joining the newer sites, I kinda got a life now so I'm not really active. I travel the world a lot, often not to the holiday destinations, but in a month I'm going to Aruba for a year so yay!

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I'm going to Aruba for a year so yay!

Is reminded of the pedestrian quote in GTA III.

"We're goin' to Aruba!"

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Hai > I'm Destruction-Overdrive!!!1!!11!11!?!? You may remember me from you can call me D-O {or DiO [for short]} I gotta let you know Im a Canadain Viking that drinks a lot I want internet freinds so liEk lets get to know each other (yes homo)

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in a month I'm going to Aruba for a year so yay!

Aruba in Caribbean?

Yes that one.

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I'm gonna work there for a year, work basicly is excercise and sport, maybe some shooting aswell.

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Heyur! I'm Lucy and i'm a Qualified Mental Dental Nurse in Newcastle, UK. I'm Psys Girlfriend and i registered to test some shizznay out for him... out of my own free will of course.. :rolleyes:

Oh and i don't like how it says im NOBODY SPECIAL?!?!? GET IT SORTED!

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Crimson, don't you think that picture of Psy in his leather jacket makes him look hot. Man,when i see that picture it makes me want to get into his pants.

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QD... Psys picture is tres hot in his leather jacket but its nothing compared to seeing him leathered up in real life..... And i know how you feel wanting to get into his pants, unfortunately.... that'll never happen for you ;)

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BOOM BOOM motherfucker make room.

Hello chaps my name is Aaron John Cooper also known as thefirm or Bulkstack. I am a uber metrosexual fat bastard from

Nottingham England im a fan of Nottingham Forest FC (the original reds ignore these scouse twats). I joined

the forums many many years ago and found my internet home. I have not been very active on the forums

these last couple of years but like a diseased pigeon i always find my way home.

I have a non-categorical girlfriend:not pretty,not ugly. I drive a forklift truck for a living, not the most thrilling of jobs

but i could probably decapitate somebody and get away with it just by filling out an accident form.

I enjoy binge drinking, shooting pool, American Television, five a side football and of course playing Grand Theft Auto.

Ive always loved these forums for the quirky characters and the bizarre profanity.

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