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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Another thing, maybe an (optional) newsletter? With frequency depending on the flow of news. This would remind people that they signed up to the site more than anything. I think a lot of people create an account, start a new topic, post about 2 replies, and then forget they ever came to the site. With a newsletter it would just be a bit of a reminder to people that this site exists and perhaps they'll be more likely to come back, hopefully building our community.
  2. Maybe not cities, but I can definitely see some small towns in the countryside featuring in the game.
  3. Have two lists of comments? One list with Old to new whereby it shows only 25 comments at a time and then you have to select a comment page [1] [2] [3]... [8] etc. Then a second list beside it, which updates with only the latest 10 or 25 posts?
  4. Oh for fuck sake... Cliff Richard - Saviours' Day
  5. So what do people think of the idea to introduce rush hours, congestion and general traffic at certain times of the day and in certain areas? I understand that it's annoying enough in real life, so why would we possibly want it in a video game? Well I was stuck in traffic yesterday (IRL), and I thought how brilliant it would be to drive a tank/truck/lorry/[insert large vehicle type here] straight through all the traffic. Then I also thought about how convenient it would be to drive on the wrong side of the road to evade all the traffic, or perhaps just use the hard shoulder! I think that it would add to the atmosphere of being in a large city. For example, Star junction in liberty city was almost always dead and felt pretty lifeless. Maybe this would liven things up, besides i'm sure no-one here would actually stop and wait in traffic!
  6. 64GB SD cards are expensive, especially compared to a 50GB blu-ray disk. I dont think the medium is that relavent (as long as it's big enough), but games have to be installed to a HDD (or dare I say it, SSD) to improve performance, right?
  7. Am I the only one laughing at the irony of the whole thing?!
  8. Perhaps distributors will make a deal to make SD option cheaper than downloading it. As is the case with CD vs download (for Xbox anyway)
  9. Xbox definitely needs to come up with a solution to Blu-Ray. I think that is probably one of their main priorities, and they need to have a built in player for their format, otherwise they'd make the same mistake as with HD-DVD. Furthermore, both platforms need to be released around the same time. One of the main reasons Xbox 360 out performed PS3 is because it was released much earlier. If they're released at the same time it should promote healthy competition, which is good for us, the consumer!
  10. We all knew it was in the pipeline, and now we have some details on it. They've clearly made a lot of progress to be able to show a trailer that, by the looks of it, shows off some of the cutscenes. I don't think they've announced it too early, they have a strong promotion team that have planned it properly. I'm sure the decision to announce GTAV wasn't taken light heartedly.
  11. I've never tried the android OS so I can't really comment. But I feel that it does everything you'd expect it to. The games are quite fun and it's a good way to surf the Internet without having to drag your laptop around or use your small screen phone. Whether that justifies a £300-400 price tag is debatable, depends how much money you have to throw.
  12. I got an iPad 2 for my birthday. Didn't really expect it and I've always believed tablets to be redundant. However, since downloading a few productivity apps and buying a stylus, I've found it's quite useful. Not necessary, just useful. My phone and my laptop are more important to me.
  13. I think expansion pack approach is better than the DLC console gaming has seen. I completely forgot about that 30 day limit. Seems kinda pointless tbh, I wouldn't mind waiting a mere 30 days if I played the game on PS3.
  14. I'm hoping we start to see some information about DLC soon. A march/April release maybe? I don't know how long they promote these things for though so it might be later or sooner? But I know that the fallout 3 expansions started rolling about 3 months after release and it's now been 2 months since the Skyrim release. Of course, Skyrim is a very very big game, so maybe they're thinking it's too soon.
  15. Haven't played in such a long time! I'm loving the Riften house though, direct access to Skyrim.
  16. Unless you're well versed in Elder scrolls lore and you have a lot of time to read a purely speculative thread, then I wouldn't really bother. But just for curiosity...
  17. I think it would be good if weapons and armour had prerequisites. Such as one-handed 90+ to use daedric sword or heavy armour 80+ to wear ebony armour.
  18. I don't know I haven't seen it. My player looks too evil with daedric armour, I just wanna look badass. Does anyone know if the nightingale armour can be smithed?
  19. The issue is whether we should strafe or turn (with the left analog).
  20. So, since I don't really like the look of daedric armour, i'm thinking of wearing dragon armour and smith the shit out of it. Not too sure if I can be bothered to make and enchant it though
  21. @Bones, I'm level 51 and i've only completed quests from Whiterun, Winterhold, Riften, Morthal and Riverwood. Considering Morthal, Winterhold and Riverwood are small towns, i've not actually done much at all. The game is massive, take your time. I like to go from city to city and just focus on things. I don't want quests all over the place.