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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Here's some background into Snow Elves and the Snow Prince: Source So are the Snow elves making a comeback? Or do we get to somehow re-live the Nord/Snow-Elf war? Some more speculation, perhaps we go to the Snow Prince's island of Solstheim? Also: It was Nordic tradition to burn the corpses of their foes, however it was decided that the Snow Prince, who was so loved by his kin, deserved better. Instead the Nordic chieftains honored him by having his body wrapped in fine silks and buried in a freshly dug barrow[1] that later became known as Jolgeirr Barrow[2]. You guys might find reading The Fall of The Snow Prince quite interesting.
  2. They should have a cap on how much money a political candidate can spend on campaigning.
  3. Indy

    Call of Duty

    Great insight there.
  4. I strangely had a single battle with a Blood Dragon, Spirrgan, Ice Troll and Bear. How all of these creatures were in the same location, I don't know.
  5. Forgive my ignorance, but my american politics is terrible. Who is Ron Paul, and why should I care? (btw, I have a genuine interest on the matter but wikipedia and the media are bad sources of knowledge on the matter)
  6. R* and Bethesda are guaranteed to produce brilliant games, which is why I buy all of their releases. But there's also Ubisoft with the Tom Clancy series and Assassins Creed etc. As stated above, I wouldn't limit myself to just these developers though.
  7. Indy

    Diablo III

    I wish I could run this game I still play Diablo II... My computer is a Quadcore with 6 GB RAM, but it has a shit graphics card. Do you reckon it's worth buying a high end card?
  8. That sounds like a pretty awesome feature. Still not worth buying kinect though.
  9. CJ has been confirmed by multiple sources to be in Grand Theft Auto Five
  10. What is the argument here?! GTAV will be made for Xbox 360 and PS3, then it will probably get ported to PC. Somewhere along the line, if Wii U can handle it, they might make a port. But I will honestly be surprised if GTAV is launched on Wii U at the same time as PS3/360. And if it's not launched at the same time, then most gamers will not wait for the Wii U version. Then, would it even be worth porting? Think of the audience.
  11. I have to add, mixing Nightingale armour with ebony hands and feet looks pretty cool. Looks even more badass when you use dual wielding ebony swords!
  12. If it can handle it, then I don't see why not. The game will (probably) primarily be made for Xbox 360 and PS3, followed by a PC port and possibly a Wii U port. I can't see them fully developing it on the Wii U though. I too don't believe the Wii U market holds much potential for GTAV. Most gamers who want GTAV will have an Xbox 360, PS3 or PC.
  13. I made most of my money from enchanting daggers and selling them.
  14. You can easily play the game without any magic. Unless you count enchanting as magic, in which case it would be very difficult. But still feasible! Anyway, Skyrim 1.5 beta update is out on steam. Source
  15. poKONYmon 2012... gotta catch 'em all!
  16. I like absorb health. It's right at the top and sells for a lot.
  17. The sand should blow across the screen, left to right. And the cracks should be synchronised with this, also appearing left to right. Not just all at the same time.
  18. Yeah that would be a great idea. Might have to have sound effects with it to make it more effective though.
  19. Your title is very bioshock-esque. Probably not what you're going for though. I like it, but it doesn't feel that it fits with the trailer.
  20. It's quite funny that we can't comprehend nothingness. It's like trying to make a calculation on a calculator with no batteries.
  21. They died of pneumonia because their diaphragm muscle had been metabolised. I'm assuming the zombies will eat one another (as well as humans) and survive out of pure animal instinct, so they won't starve. Though the disease will cause them to die as explained before. I have no idea how long that would take, no doubt it'll vary between each sample. 2-3 months sounds kind of reasonable. Might be less, depends how quick the transformation takes place.
  22. That's pretty smart. I would be walking around with baking trays and various other kitchen cutlery fastened to my body. I would completely fail in a zombie situation. I have too many vulnerable people I love