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Everything posted by BigDannyK

  1. As I said earlier, no PC version, don't care... They're doing it again! I thought they have learned their lesson, apparently they didn't
  2. I won't mind if the Taxis or Police cars will be an exact copy from GTA IV (with a Los Santos/San Andreas color scheme/livery, of course)
  3. Let them decide which soundtrack to use, they get it right most of the times... But they should add a custom station in the style of Independence FM
  4. I would like to see these vehicles:'55_GMC_Pickup_(Centropolis_Laval_'10).jpg
  5. Just came back from driving around the countryside in GTA SA... I would like to see vast deserts, forests and hick towns driving 1970's cars and pickup trucks, and of course, a Country radio station, for the feeling of immersion...
  6. I saw that on Rockstar Informer's post on Twitter:
  7. Here's what I'm gonna do: Wait for 6 months for a PC version (I bloody hope not!!!!!!!) - Now seriously: I'm gonna play it Terminator style, as I do with any GTA game, after the initial mission I'm gonna rob some people (kill them and take their money), which will attract police attention, kill the cops and take their pistols, get in and out of their vehicles for the shotguns (If that feature still exists), evade the cops, get a cool car (probably an SUV), save the game and go on with exploring the map, and doing missions, etc.
  8. Good luck with that guess. Thanks, I'll begin my second (and final) year on October 23rd 2012, so GTA V (For the PC, of course!) would be a great present...
  9. Strange, I've picked October 23rd 2012 too, because I began my service on Oct. 23rd 2011 :-)