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Everything posted by Firm

  1. Fucking southern fairies. Everyone I know hates it...including the young lady in my life. So I'm keeping it.
  2. The last mo pic as November draws to a close. Behold the maiden slayer!!! To keep or not keep???
  3. At work. Making my "do-fuck-all" quota. Thought I'd document the mo'gress. Or lack of mo'gress. Five days to go...
  4. Yeah. Looks alright, mate. It would look so much better if you were clean bro...
  5. Yeah. But at least we don't have to display our tax discs anymore....
  6. @gtagrl Sorry. No nudes, it's fucking cold this morning. Looking like a city gentleman. Just missing the umbrella.
  7. Cuda, how was Ham on the Rye. I've finished Post Office(hilarious btw). I'm thinking about getting it.
  8. Fuckin' hell, gtagrl. Thought you knew me better than that
  9. Looking crisp and sharp, sharp and crisp. Dress for church: initiate hooligan mode.
  10. Oooooh. Sorry boys. We need to camp this place up a little. He he.
  11. That's a big 'un, Con. I assume the guns are yours and your mates. But, how much do firing ranges and gun experience days cost?
  12. I've just started the Post Office by Bukowski. So far so good.
  13. I'd be honoured to attend a pointless work function with a bit of Mercy candy on my arm. I must warn you I'm very competitive. And this insatiable cock hungry homo needs to get PAID!
  14. I know. I suck. However office Christmas parties are pretty fun. They make it all worthwhile. I'm gonna try to fuck my boss at the next one.
  15. The age old English debate; older than time it's self. It's not a fucking roll/bun it's a COB! But yeah, That's a lamb kebab with garlic mayonnaise.
  16. Followed by.... This is how men live in the East Midlands.
  17. On my lunch break. Shitty cafe down the road. Bacon cob, oh yes.
  18. Yay. Walkers finally got my letters!