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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. ViceMan


    It's odd you can only get vault suits from 111 and 114, (not sure about that one as i've not been in it yet.) I guess if you had the pickpocket perk you could get 81 suits though.
  2. ViceMan


    Was it the one in Malden? I still haven't checked that out but know the story of it.
  3. ViceMan


    I gave one of my provisioners a gauss rifle, and another a fully upgraded railway rifle. So much fun hearing *clank clank clank choo choo* when I encounter them in a battle somewhere in the wastes. One thing I just figured out was that you can also give them a single grenade and they'll have an infinite supply, like their ammo. Not sure if it works for nuka grenades though. But plasmas definitely.
  4. ViceMan


    I've never even used the syringer yet, actually i'm not even sure if i've used a chemistry station for anything other than stims and chems.
  5. ViceMan


    I still maintain that deathclaws are ridiculously easy to take down in this game, I only had trouble with them when using laser weapons as my last character - even with the same rifleman perks. I just get a few shots off with my combat rifle as they rush towards me which takes them down to half health, then finish off with a couple of combat shotgun rounds to the belly. For legendary or alpha (or both) I generally try to stay stealthy (i'm avoiding the stealth perks in this playthrough) a bit longer, take them down until they mutate then if by that time they've spotted me I take a psycho and a jet and rush them. On an related note make sure you visit the tower in Lynn Woods, there's much fun to be had. Oh while i'm at it:
  6. ViceMan


    I'm not even sure who I ultimately sided with in my first playthrough, it was a total mess of random quests for all factions. I was hoping for a "let's all be friends scenario" towards the end, but nope... There isn't even any interaction between the Minutemen and the Railroad, the two neutral parties most likely to join up. As a lot of people have said there isn't nearly as much choice making in this game, it all leads you down the same path eventually, whether you like it or not. "Do you want to do this mission for me?" "Nope." "Ok, here's the mission..."
  7. ViceMan


    I'm doing the Brotherhood side now in my third playthrough, my last was going to be but I switched at the last minute and sided with the Institute. That ending was pretty good, as for the Brotherhood ending;
  8. ViceMan


    This one is always a full suit, assuming you are level 30ish. If you have X-01 appearing elsewhere it should be fine.
  9. His name isn't Marney is it?
  10. ViceMan


    *cough*Try 35 Court*splutter* *wheeze*Where you say?*hack* Just watch out for the guards.
  11. ViceMan


    I've been wondering for a while now but:
  12. ViceMan


    I don't even bother defending settlements. If I haven't taken the time to defend them with turrets already I couldn't give two shits about them.
  13. ViceMan


    And thus romance blossom'd across the oceans. Life finds a way... Anywho, KOTOR eh? The hours I sunk into that as a teen, yes indeedy.
  14. Ugh, lost my Dukes. Had trouble logging in and it eventually prompted me with the EULA, looked in my garage and it's not there, and all other returning player content has gone from too. Sent a ticket, we'll see what happens.
  15. ViceMan


    Lol, they look like Marked Men.
  16. ViceMan


    You should know Q it's not the size that counts, it's what you can do with it. A set of those fully painted - that would probably be worth a bit.
  17. It is, and it is 375. Grindin' time starts now.
  18. Nearly got enough to actually get the Mamba, then the whole process starts again. The Tampa might be $375,000.
  19. Plus while you're wearing that headset people could be doing... anything to the rest of you. Anything! I doubt it's something i'll ever invest in, hell I hate the Wii because it's not true gaming - which as QD said is sitting on your arse with a controller. Anything that isn't that wouldn't feel natural. In terms of television again I wouldn't bother, it's like HD - yeah I could see more pixels but what's the point, the image is good enough as it is. Plus most of the stuff I watch is old British sitcoms anyway and they weren't exactly shot on equipment that was HD ready.
  20. ViceMan


    It's annoying when I make a trip to the shop to buy duct tape or other needed bits only to get home, craft one thing then find i'm low on something else. Settlement vendors never sell the right shit either, only stuff I don't need.
  21. ViceMan


    Lol, i'm on my third character by now. Got to 50+ with my first and 60 with my second. This guy is gonna be a right arse to everyone, be a sort of raider (who all the other raiders attack) and eventually join the Brotherhood. I'm not going anywhere near Preston Garvey either, as soon as that guy leaves the Museum of Freedom he can fuck right off out of it. At this point I think i've done most of the quests in my first two playthroughs, seen a couple of different endings:
  22. Since the SP DLC isn't coming and even if it did it'd be pretty irrelevant by now, then yeah we need something other than expensive trinkets to buy just so rich kiddies will splash out buying several megalodon to make them look cool. It's been a while since R*s last release, so i'd imagine their focus is probably shifting towards that - hopefully RDR2.5 or Agent. I like buying cars and filling my garages, it's just that grinding is so damn dull. Perhaps those with yachts could have the option of sailing them to Liberty... although TBH i'd prefer sailing to Vice City.
  23. I'm still grinding away to get the Mamba, then the Nightshade then possibly the Verlierer. But i'll get the Tampa in a heartbeat if I have enough cash when it drops. My muscle car garage needs a new addition or two.
  24. Can't wait to get my Tampa, I just hope it still has stripes on it. Probably gonna be over 300k though.
  25. ViceMan


    More to the point how would the water sources not be irradiated, I mean House shot down most of the missiles but not all of them.