should weed be legal?  

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Feel free to tell us what these 'bad purposes' are. Non-medicinal recreational smoking in the privacy of my own home? Fuck, I'm a bad guy. Take me to jail.

*Presents wrists for cuffing*

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The only real reason why cannabis is still illegal for the majority of the United States, is the criminal atmosphere it brings with it.

Where I live almost all the weed I can get is controlled in the hood and is brought in by the cartels from Mexico. Don't get me wrong, lots of nigs have weed plants but its all dirt shit they grow. Special weed like orange kush, loud, gas etc is different as its not part of a huge brick from Mexico although you still gotta get it from the hood. Theres only a few true potheads who grow some really good shit.

If the government where to legalize and regulate it, the price of weed would have to go lower, to near the same price as cigarettes in order for them to regulate it, otherwise people, like me, would just buy it from the buddy down the street for cheaper than whatever the government tried to sell it for.

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this was a worthy bump, because smafulagala touched on a great point... which also touches on the point of weed still being federally criminalized right now... the gov't doesn't see a profit in this, therefor, why would they make it legal when the neighbor down the road could grow it himself??

good point dude... but hopefully states can weigh that option and make a decision for themselves... i still prefer that states actually have control over community issues... and weed shouldn't be in control of the government... issues like this need to be up to the people, the voice of the communities, the guys that are suppose to represent our district... it still needs to be decriminalized, but still with regulations that don't make it completely and recklessly used... the restrictions alcohol has in place is something that should be considered...

trust me, there has to be regulations... if there aren't regulations, then there will be backlash... it still needs to be controled because it's still an addictive substance just like tobacco and alcohol...

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did for awhile.. everyday..then i woke up one morning on my friends floor with a bunch of buddies, my wallet tapped, my belt undone, an NES controller in one hand with Super Mario Bros on, a dried up burrito in the other, a bloody gash on my forehead, my walkman stolen and no real recollection of the night before, and I realized "Hey...I've woken up here 5 out of 7 days a week for 4 months...maybe I should knock this shit off and get serious."

And I did, for the most part. Haven't really done it much since, and had a nasty trip once afterward, though not as bad as my friend who had some pcp-laced shit at a party without knowing it and I had to nurse his ass for the next 6-7 hours...he still smokes though, lmao.

Now, as far as legal shit... I see it like this: but down the blunt, pick up a ballot. If you really give so much of a fuck, sober up long enough to make your voice heard, don't just sit there on the couch with the joint in your lips saying how "fucking sweet" it would be if they legalized it.

Non-medicinal recreational smoking in the privacy of my own home? Fuck, I'm a bad guy. Take me to jail.

PRECISELY. Privacy of YOUR own home, Massacre. Your property. If you are controlling yourself, your intake and the subsequent impact you would have on your surroundings by being responsible, WHO GIVES A FUCK?

However--- if you are getting high as fuck and doing it in public, that's a different story imho.

We cannot make the arguement that drinking, smoking (tobacco), conducting violent or vulgar actions and being sexually blatant in front of impressionable youth do not have side affects nor occasionally help shape the opinions those youths form on the social & moral acceptance of those actions. I'm not playing Jr Republican here and putting the stupid-as-fuck "it's a slippery slope"** card they used with gay-marriage out there, but, yeah, personally, I did learn about weed and drinking and smoking and fucking from my surrounding older peers, and none of them taught me to go out and make a positive difference in the world, I learned that shit for myself.

We gotta be careful, that's all. Regulate, and use discretion about what we do to our own bodies and where we do those things. If you want to smoke 4 bowls and get fucked by a tranny in your own living room while a pirated copy of The Lorax is playing on your illegal acquired hdtv, that's your business, not mine. If you're going to break laws put in place to help protect us, again, your decision, not mine. But be ready to deal with the repercussions.

Where I live almost all the weed I can get is controlled in the hood and is brought in by the cartels from Mexico.

BFD #2: Los Carteles. They do NOT want US approved & regulated dist of MexiCannabis. As far as they are concerned, right now, it's a free market, and they will (and have for decades) shed the blood of their own and of anyone who stands in the way of their profit. "The War on Drugs" hasn't done a goddamned fucking thing to stop these baddies. In fact, all that's happened in the subsequent years of "warring" has been the deaths of 100s if not 1000s claiming citizenship in Mexico, US citizens, and other countries. For the most part, they respect the border insofar as phsyical militia presence, not crossing into the US to start gunfights unless they need to. But they have that unwritten rule of "Keep the Fuck Out" toward any policing agencies (US & Mexican alike) that try to get in the way. Their reach is deep, their character ruthless, and their actions freakishly self-justified. But, then again, it's funny how a gov can claim world security as the reason to get involved in an oil-rich nation for possible WMDs (where were they, btw???), but not try to occupy a nation which has ruthlessly and violently taken a huge chunk of control of another product.. Hmm. #Priorities.

...there has to be regulations... if there aren't regulations, then there will be backlash... it still needs to be controled because it's still an addictive substance just like tobacco and alcohol...

Backlash indeed, both from pissed off people who have lost control of their cash crop, from people against the use of it, and from the actual legal presence of it. And yes, it is addictive. Great point bOnEs. Psychological & habitual addiction is also addiction; it's not just a chemical thing.


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Brilliant post, Selp. Ironically, I would never have sat there and read all that if I hadn't quit smoking recently...

lmao, i wouldnt have typed it if i was still doing it. my answer woulda been "meh".

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Ah fuck, I am still trying to kick the habit. I have quit smoking in my personal time, but I am still smoking before work and at lunch.

I'm the reverse at the moment. Stopped doing it before work, now I only do it in my down time when I don't have plans....

As for the rest of the conversation, I think decriminalization is the way to go. I personally wouldn't like to see it legalized. The last thing I want to see is the federal government controlling how much I can buy, how much I must pay, and how potent it is. Like someone said before, if the government regulates it, I'd just go to the guy growing up the street. I'm sure a lot of people would do the same, so I really can't see the government legalizing and regulating it any time soon. As for the decriminalization, I'm in Canada, and I must say it really is the best way to go. Jailing people for possession of a small amount is ridiculous. As long as you aren't using it or showing it in public then I don't believe they have any reason to arrest you. That's the case up here at least. It's no different than transporting alcohol. As long as you aren't in public drunk as hell, or with open bottles in public, then you're fine. However if you choose hide an ounce in your car and let it dank up the place, you probably should be arrested. In my opinion it should be kept in the privacy of your own home, and that's where it should stay.

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Adding to seply post, Mexico is completely controlled by the Drug Cartels. There is no order, it is completely corrupt, and is moving all throughout America. A few weeks ago I was eating tacos(best in the city) at a mexican bar down the street from my house, (I live in a good neighbor hood till you cross the traintracks, where this place was) and had a drug cartel lord "buy" me tacos and a corona. I say "buy" because he actually never payed, just left, and the mexicans working at the stand didn't question him for a second.

My point is that the Mexican Cartel are not only controlling things in Mexico but are starting to Control businesses in my small-medium town of Newnan, Georgia. It's getting out of control and just because its not in the media often, does not mean its not a very significant threat to our national security and our overall peace of mind and well being.

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Is it really that bad? Christ. Get out all of the legitimate people and just nuke the shithole.

No, just shut the damn borders up, fuck the immigrant farmers and their families. Let them apply for visas just like everybody else. Its not worth our nations security so the mexican farmer can provide for his family in America. Anyone and anything can cross the borders nowadays. Its nothing personal to the immigrants looking for work, its just for the sake of security as their country is a piece of shit full of terrorists and everyone lives in control and fear by the drug cartels.

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Favorite stoner movie half baked. I first watched it when I was 10 it was so hilarious. Its even better now that I understand it.

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here's some legislature i agree with, just proposed today in new york (sorry it comes from the most biased news source on the planet)... they are proposing that you shouldn't be in trouble for having less than an ounce on your person in public... hell, i never really have more than a quarter myself, but it's a way to control trafficking, but not hurting those that are the users eating up taxpayers money in jail for doing nothing more than smoking with their buddies... cartels and traffickers aren't traveling with less than an ounce...

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the whole stop frisk thing is stupid, its a fine if its not in public view but it becomes a misdemeanor when they take it out of their pockets to show the cops. The fuck? If your going to make it a fine, make it a fine, don't half ass it with that kind of bullshit.

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i smoke the odd one here and there but i dont see any problems with it. For me it might be different to you but i get active in my high mood like for running you feel like your lungs might be dying after a good run. i improved my endurance for jogging and running.

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Oh I definitly smoke some weed, come on people Im from Holland, we can buy it (semi)legal here!! I used to smoke all day long, but since Ive aged a bit, I only do it when Im free from work and have nothing significant to do that day.

Here in The Netherlands I can legally buy up to 5 grams of weed (you could ofcourse walk out of the store ,their called coffeshops over here, walk back in and buy another 5 grams), but you can legally carry 5grams too. Now the coffeeshops sell the weed legally to people over 18 years old. But here comes the tricky part, a coffeshop can only have so much weed in stock, so this means they have to re-stock during the day (weird) if they do have more then theyre supposed to, they get a fine, plus its Illegal for the coffeshop owners to buy the weed. This is what you call a gray area. If you would legalize the growing of the weed, you'd have less criminals who make money over the illegal selling of the weed. We're half way there.

I'm high as we speak even! And lovin it! :weed:

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Never did drugs. I never have and never will smoke either but I'm all for trying some pot brownies or cookies.

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Smoke really isn't very pleasant, pot brownies are a good choice. Also, I was never willing to spend money on a vaporizer, but I imagine smoking with that would be very smooth, since it's not actually smoke. Find an upper-middle-class stoner and give it a try.

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