
Post Your GTA V Clips/Videos/Movies/Etc

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Two bullshit videos. First is just me standing on top of a random's yacht because I can:




And playing with a continuous tracking shot while escaping the bank during a heist:


^It cuts off at the end because someone died and we failed. I ended up quitting because we kept failing halfway to the bikes.

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got 6 seconds to spare? Here's my failing hard at diving off a yatch



I got a few more quick vids ill be posting. I wish we could embed twitter videos on the forum. I doubt this will work \/ lul


<blockquote class="twitter-video" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If you're going to dive off a yacht, make sure you clear the railing next time <a href=""></a></p>—Ayreon01 (@Ayreon01) <a href="">January 17, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>








fuck it, ill probably just do forum status updates

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thank god we have a spot for all these spam videos, look at all the randoms posting in this topic hoping to get tons of views! :lol:...


Not so nice from a mod to call "randoms" people posting on your forum :/ And i guess posting a video in a section where only few threads are active in the years 2015-2016 is more for the pleasure of sharing than for "getting tons of views"... but whatever :)

Edited by bicenz

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Ok, maybe i misunderstood cause that comment was right under my video... actually i know i could be considered a random cause i don't post that much, but at least i am one of those that come back :D

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perhaps you should make more of an effort to maybe stick around and post more than videos tho ;)... we only bite hard at first, then less the more you get to know us... i see you're in TMGT as well, i am a huge supporter of that crew, and to be honest, so are iGTA... there's a number of us in that crew, hell, you might even recognize my name as i am a lieutenant... but this is our little home on the web (iGTA), don't hesitate to post more than videos... 


my point was that i was glad we had a topic for people to post their videos, because it seemed like everyone who shares their stuff here were posting their own topics for each video in the past... this place keeps all the "spam" together, because tbh, i bet all 8 of your posts are in this topic ;)... at least it's not in 8 different topics is all i'm saying... i was only speaking from a mod's perspective, and considering how close and tight we all are here, i was talking to my mates when i said that  B)... we're too used to seeing people posting videos for likes and views and subscriptions... that's the beast that is youtube, everyone wants in...


but please, keep sharing, but also maybe post snaps in our snapmatic topic (i'm sure you take those too), or join us for random shenanigans on iGTA crew nights :)... don't think this topic is your only place to hang out... i am actually glad you responded... most people just post and move on... get to know our weirdness, you might like it...


...or might be repulsed by it, who knows :P... won't hurt to see, or maybe it will...

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Basically unless you're getting mod actions don't take shit too seriously if someone doesnt dig your shit immediately.  I've been posting vids on iga forums before it was on this website lol and on different versions of the game.  (and yeah, i always check ppls stuff out but it doesnt mean i will go apeshit over it or dislike it even) I dont think anyones vids here have sucked yet either lol.   (wait, someone will post one now lollll)

Edited by River

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