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So, 4th characters mostly done. The brotherhood ending is fucking epic. Going back to my 3rd character ( who I did the institute ending and reloaded )

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The institute ending was more epic I think.

I never saw the point of rebuilding Prime just so he could stomp over to CIT to blast a big hole in the floor. The whole idea of assaulting the institute, an underground organisation, with a huge robot never made any sense to me. I feel he was just put in for the "hey look, memories of 3" moment. Whereas using him against the Brotherhood to take down the Prydwyn, that was pretty fun.

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I agree to a point. It got the job done and the brotherhood are all about overkill.


In other news, I finally have the outcome I am happy with on my 3rd dude.

So I did the minutemen ending on my 3rd character. The first time around when I did minutemen ( and I didn't know what I was doing ) I was already hostile with the brotherhood. But now he has both the railroad and brotherhood quests to do and they aren't hostile with each other.



Time for character #5 lmfao. Pure institute this time around methinks. Then I am done with making new fuckers.


Watch this lmfao. Over 900 names apparently programmed in.



typed out

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that list will be useful for my other plays B)... i want codsworth to say a name, i was surprised delilah or bones weren't an option <_<...

oh and i finally met cait... in the short amount of time i've hung out with her, her and delilah are gonna have some fun tearing up the wasteland... then i'll add that robot from the vault and i'll have my delilah's devils crew :D...

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I watched that vid soon after the game came out but never remembered the names, surprisingly all the names I chose were ones he said, except apparently Rachel my Institute gal. Odd that as Banner, Bailey and Anderson were on there.

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It was a bit underwhelming that Codsworth is the only one who calls your character by their name, I think maybe Preston or the brotherhood would have too since you're more likely to speak to them. I don't know about anyone else but I always left Codsworth at Sanctury and never spoke to him.

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i put a bowler hat on him and have him wandering around my drive in settlement on my first file... made it look like i had a mr handy as security... never once did i take him out on my travels knowing that dogmeat is literally a half a mile down the road...

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I only just dismissed Cait as my follower (she's now running a bar at Sanctuary :lol:) and decided to try Codsworth to see if he'd be useful in my efforts to help out the crew of the Constitution with some 'repairs'. Turns out having him there made no difference that I could see. I didn't put in a last name for my chick, so he just calls her 'mum'. :monocle:


I'd been thinking about moving on from Cait anyway, I've maxed her perk already and she was starting to dislike too many things I'm doing for factions. Codsworth seems okay, but I might get Valentine back since he can hack into terminals for me.

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All my characters have only been one name, so perhaps that's why he didn't recognise Rachel.

Companions are pretty terrible if you want to stealth properly, even Deacon who is the best at it still randomly wanders into gunfights inside buildings if I happen to creep up to a doorway, spot a few enemies and back up... he takes it as a sign that he should go barreling in. Micromanaging them by telling them to wait constantly is tiresome too.

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Lesser-known synth:


Easily one of the coolest characters in the game.

damn, synch... that's a lot of power armor...


The Power Armor is just protection for my settlements captains who are ready for war.

I may have found a way to align all of them against the Institute at the same time.


Each settlement captain will receive an X-01, guys like Wiseman, Finch, Sturges, and the well known synth Warwick.

My bet is an attack on The Castle, but I will be testing this out in the next few minutes.

I just want to exploit an ending with peace between the settlements and BOS mainly, will sacrifice the others if necessary.



EDIT: Done and DONE!    B)   Everyone is still friendly, and here's how:

After meeting Father you can loot EVERYTHING from the Institute freely, even the armory vendor.

Don't forget the 2 most valuable pieces from the old hidden area, Virgil's Serum and Virgil's Holotape.

You'll have to fight your way through automated defenses like turrets and an Assaultron.

Exit the area back into the Institute and they are not hostile. Keep the tape, give Virgil his serum.

I stopped BOS and RR missions after the build of the transporter. Moving forward it's important to take

only Elder Maxson's special rescue mission of the Doctor from the Institute. Using Virgil's Holotape makes

that already easy. Do that mission and stop main BOS missions. For the RR, when Desdemona comments on

your building of the transporter and visit, deny joining up with them and remain solo or Minute Men. Go no further.


At this point the Minute Men have no clue anything is coming. 

Go ahead and do Father's first mission to reclaim the Synth who thinks he is a Raider leader on the Libertarian.

After that Synth is reclaimed, return to Father for the mission called Battle of Bunker Hill.

The optional here is to warn the other factions. They will already be there defending for you. All of them!

At the end of the mission, I failed the last two critical steps by killing the Courser, rescuing the 4 Synths

and meeting father on the roof of the old CIT and pissing him off through the dialog options.

In reality this is actually true in that you are supporting anyone but the Institute, but it's considered a failure anyway.

Now that the Institute is pissed off, the mission of a retaliation is the turning point. I am guessing it will happen

with all factions but in my case it was Defend the Castle. Man was I over prepared. There was no battle.

It was a Synth Massacre, as all the heavy gunners shredded them.

That opened up the final mission the Nuclear Option. Sturges got us in, for a great battle, the optional evacuation notice issued, and the final deed was done. That was a hell of a fun ride that night. The after math was the Brotherhood, Minute Men, and Rail Road are all still very much alive and well. Finally got that damn key card from MassFusion I've been looking for since day 3 of the game. Nice view from the balcony on the top of the now accessible building.









Plus the bonus of taking care of Shawn, and he builds the Wazer Wifle for you.

















L0L Shawn with his 2 Moms, or, alternative lifestyle partners
















The comments from Curie and Nick were by far the best, even better than Piper's lengthy speech

and mission to help Danny, rescue the Mayor's secretary, and ultimately deal with the Diamond City Mayor.




I think it was a great first play through!

You can do some more missions for the Rail Road, but only go so far if you want to remain

friends with the BoS because the RR thinks they are destroyed and PAM has you looking for patrols.


There are other missions that work, but I won't go against the Brotherhood.

You can still do the 2 types of missions for Proctor Quinlan and the one for Scribe Neriah forever.







I just couldn't believe all the post-game comments that everyone made, more missions, and visual changes.

Nora, who saved the Commonwealth.









Because WAR......





WAR Never Changes.....





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It's Daddy's turn.  :yes:



Here is ex-military Nate, as named by Bethesda, and spoken by Codsworth.
A very dangerous man and angry father looking for his son, and some payback for his beloved Nora.

Already aligned with the Brotherhood by early game exploration.


Followed the map north to the east, to the previously familiar Tenpines Bluff.

She gave him a mission to find and rescue a settler in a camp down in Cambridge I never heard of by name, but recognized immediately.

That opened up the radio broadcast of Military Frequency AF95, and the mission to assist his future family in the Brotherhood.


He had already found 3 sets of T-45 Power Armor and modified one in Military Paint by the time he found Diamond City.








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When I got the the institute with my brotherhood character, 


When I told father "I could kill you right now"
he said "Yes and I would be defenseless"

I popped out Righteous Authority and blew him away lmfao. That was awesome.


My new character Artis Tadam is a sociopath with idiot savant. I more or less kill everyone I can when I see them. Should be fun. 

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When I got the the institute with my brotherhood character, 


When I told father "I could kill you right now"

he said "Yes and I would be defenseless"

I popped out Righteous Authority and blew him away lmfao. That was awesome.


My new character Artis Tadam is a sociopath with idiot savant. I more or less kill everyone I can when I see them. Should be fun.

I'm worried this is an insight into his namesake.

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apparently cait likes it when i walk about in my underwear :wub:... she's definitely getting some from delilah B)... i couldn't figure out why i was getting random "cait likes this" when going thru doors... then when i fast traveled, she made some remark about it... and it said she liked it lol...

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