
$1B Bounty?

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Finally got a response from R*

Preston H., Jan 07 08:26 PM:

Hello JustSmee,

Thank you for contacting R* Games Support.

We are sorry to hear that you were given money by someone who may have been cheating. This will be investigated and the gifted money may be removed from your account. If you were not engaged in any willful cheating or exploiting yourself, you do not need to worry about Rockstar Games taking action against you.



JustSmee, December 17, 2013 08:41 PM:

I was given 200 million in GTAO online last night. How do I proceed?

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I've still got mine, hoping it's gone with the next update though. R* did say on their newswire they would be removing it, but if we want it removed sooner then to send a ticket, but not many have had replies yet. I haven't.

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Yeah, They seem to just be throwing out the same response to everyone. Mind you, there must be thousands of people contacting them about this.

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They're probably still trying to work out how to do it. If they just reset everyone to zero people will bitch.

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They'd just reset the "shared" stat to zero and return the money earned legitimately through Jobs and betting. Easy-peasy, you'd imagine.

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If they do take ALL of the shared money away then my money will be in the minuses, because I tried to get rid of it my self by spending it. What I would prefer is if they reset everyones money back to the amount it was before they was given the shared money.

I had about $2million, and was given $2.4Billion, my current money is at $2.3billion. so if they take it all back I will be $100million in the red.

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Same mate. But I would be a great deal deeper in the red. I emailed R* on dec17 they got back to me yesterday. I had Christmas expenses.

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Same mate. But I would be a great deal deeper in the red. I emailed R* on dec17 they got back to me yesterday. I had Christmas expenses.

That was an automated response to select keywords. This is the email not sure if it's verbatim.

You are receiving this automatic ticket update because you have an open ticket in the Rockstar Support system related to GTA Online modding, cheating, or hacking. We have received a large number of complaints over the past few weeks about cheaters gifting large amounts of GTA$ to others, setting bounty rewards outside game limits, or otherwise attempting to tamper with the GTA Online economy. We have deployed several hotfixes to prevent this type of activity, and will be adding further cheat protection in future Title Updates as well. Players who willingly cheated to create this illegitimate influx of in-game currency have been separated out from the rest of the population and we are continuing to monitor for suspicious activity. If you were the unwilling recipient of an impossibly large amount of GTA$, you do not need to worry about us taking action against your account. However, please be aware that we will be making community-wide automatic adjustments to players’ account balances to remove the modded money. At this time, you do not need to do anything further and this ticket will resolve on its own. Thank you for contacting us to report this activity. We look forward to seeing you Online! If you believe you are receiving this message in error, or your ticket is not about GTA Online cheaters, please feel free to respond to this message and we will address your issue individually. Please note that we are not currently accepting appeals for players banned or in the Cheater Pool for transferring modded cash to others, and we are not able to remove these cash gifts on a case-by-case basis. Account balance adjustments will occur system-wide to undo these gifts. Rockstar Games

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I copy pasted the email without editing it. I also replied saying I had been given more money since. Got a similar response

Preston H., Jan 09 06:39 PM:

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting Technical Support.

We have received some reports on this issue. This issue has been logged and is up for research. We are trying to find a resolution for this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Best Regards,

Preston H.

JustSmee, Jan 08 05:49 AM:

Yeah. It happened a second time too. I'm more than happy for you to remove the cash. I don't want it.

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