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If any of the forum family are ever in Atlantic Canada, hit me up - I've got a guest room and love to feed people! Must be cat-friendly. I'm also a 4-hour drive from Otiz.


Disclaimer: Travel not recommended in winter. :( 

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15 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

you are assuming there, fitty... no evidence... i almost met stoic a couple years ago, but he was out of town when i was in his town... i don't recall anyone meeting up yet tho... even in the UK, as close as they are, i haven't heard of anyone meeting up... perhaps me and dio can set an example... i do want to visit the UK (for other reasons outside of iGTA) but when i do i wanna meet dupz and firm for sure :lol:...


Not as easy as you'd think. Most of the members I know of here are spread other the south, and I'm up in the north. Made more difficult by how god awful the train system is in this country. For me to get to London, I have to book way in advance or it's over £200. For Cuda and Duff (I think Cuda moved to the same city as Duff) they have to use Southern which is even worse than my train service. They didn't once have a 7.29 (rush hour) train on time for well over a year, a few years back.


That plus they'd think I'm a northern monkey, various rivalries with Firm based upon my hometowns footballing rep.

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13 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

according to my facebook, ian (tanner) and stoic apparently met a couple years ago B)...




23 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

you are assuming there, fitty... no evidence...


ORLY? :buttsecks:

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17 hours ago, gtagrl said:

If any of the forum family are ever in Atlantic Canada, hit me up - I've got a guest room and love to feed people! Must be cat-friendly. I'm also a 4-hour drive from Otiz.


Disclaimer: Travel not recommended in winter. :( 

I'd offer the same but I doubt any of you would be stupid enough to want to come to Perth.

I can't even think of something sarcastic to say about it because it's that boring my brains checked out. 

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On 2/19/2017 at 7:20 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

haha :D... i was DEFINITELY on top btw -_-... dio was visiting some friends who moved to lansing michigan, and he was coming to the states for the first time ever... lansing is only a couple hours away from me so i said fuck it, i'll go! only had a little over a week's notice, but i was able to get someone to cover for me yesterday at the brewery B)...


and it was fun, too... we got shit-faced drunk and was up until like 6 am... his buddy john stayed up with us the whole time, but his other friends went to bed at like 3 am... apparently we were loud as shit and they couldn't sleep anyways :lol:... but they were all cool as fuck, it was a fun evening... we went to dave & busters earlier in the day, which to be honest, wasn't as fun as it sounded... it was pretty much a cash-grab kind of place... games were expensive without much reward... basically being able to drink while playing games was the best part, and so was this star wars battle pod game i played... i would of stayed in that all night if i could!! but me, dio, and john ended up giving our tickets to some little girls and made their day... there wasn't shit for us for 374 tickets :lol:...  we're not 12, lol... anyways...


like dio said too, i think it's the first time anyone from this community got together... perhaps not the last?? :shifty::drunk:


EDIT: fuck it, lets throw a drunken 5am selfie into the mix too!! 




If you guys are ever in New York, let's get shit faced

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I am 29 this year and I still can't grow a fucking beard(or a reasonable amount of facial hair)....

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My beard is much better than it was, but it's still shit.


somebody who saw me right after I'd washed my hair and beard and combed it said I looked like jesus though... i lolled

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Trying for a beard again. Look I'm nearly a man just like you lot.




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On 15/08/2017 at 7:05 PM, JustAn808 said:

How's the beard progression, Firm?



I shaved it off for my Grandads funeral. I don't think it suited me tbh. I prefer a more wholesome clean-cut look...




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The beardless are really missing out.


I know my beard is the right length when people start giving me spare change, in the daylight, and avoiding me, after dark. The wild goose chase never makes it past the homeless shelter, before the police give up.

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