
iGTA5 xBox Live Players Post Your Gamertag here

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This is identical to MrMister81's topic for Playstation Network but for us Xboners. Post your XBL screen name so we can get a good list going.

Post Your iGTA5 display name and your gamertag, and ill try to keep the list updated.

iGTA5 Xbox Live Gamertags

Display Name - Gamer Tag

Qdeathstar - Qdeathstar

Brian - BTubly

Illmatic - mcgrath1120

Ginginho - ginginho7

Gunsmith - gunsmith117

Pimpylimpy - v PimpLippy v

OptimumPx - OptimumPx

AM Radio - theR2D2midget

Clutch - o iREDRUM o

ConQueSteD - ConQueSteDx

Provent - A Tribe Kid

Junis ~ Toij

Stoic Person Eater ~ StoicPersonEatr

Inforlonghaul ~ inforlonghaul

Handoms B Wonderful ~ Handsome B84

Zevio - xWardi

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Well, I get home from school around 2:30 EST and watch my nightly TV around 8-9 PM EST, but with Football I might not be on till 6-6:30 PM

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