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Guest Marney-1

Uncharted Series

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i guess all i needed was a day for the game to cool off... i, of course had to re-start the chapter but it work flawlessly from there, until the very very end where the final cutscene's audio cut-out on me once again :lol:... thankfully i was able to re-watch it on youtube thanks to IGN... outside of that shit, i thought it was the best game in the series... the gunplay was more refined, and felt fluid, especially in and out of cover.. the CQC was refreshing, and bailed me out of a heated gunfight more times than i anticipated... and the dynamics of the levels were off the charts!! i don't want to really spoil all of that, but the levels in the 2nd half of the game had some truly amazing environments...

definitely the best in the series, unfortunately i won't be checking out the multiplayer... i forgot that you have to buy the game in order to access the multiplayer... i am not paying $$$ for one night of online play... but the single player never disappoints, and is well worth the price of admission...

GOTY right here... seriously... i am sure my audio difficulties are more of my personal situation, so i can't really downgrade it for that... no one else mentions audio difficulties, so i am taking this as a strange occurrence... hopefully SR3 runs fine next week, or i might have a more serious situation going on with my system...

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i beat it yesterday on hard... definately the goty, and i think my favorite of the series (hard to choose since they are all great)

10/10 i think

by the way, it never froze here

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they all are great... and i mentioned this to psy on facebook, but the character development throughout the series really makes this series so engaging to play... you know and care for these characters, and want to continue on to see what else happens... time flies by when you play uncharted... the action/puzzle/story modes blend so well together that it's hard to put the controller down when it unfolds...

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damn, that sucks... if it weren't for rental stores, i would of wasted a lot more money playing video games... hell, $7 for 5 nights is a steal for uncharted when you consider the price of a movie ticket... instead of $10 for 2 hours of a mildly amusing movie that you will forget about, you can get 12 hours of blockbuster entertainment you can actually be a part of!!

rentals FTW!!

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I was pretty disappointed that you

don't unlock a cheat menu after completing this one like you did on the first 2. Finished it on Hard to unlock Crushing and I can't even change my character or whatever.

But it was an epic game and I'm playing through on Crushing now just for the trophies and trying to find all of the treasure.

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I gotta wait till my rental place has it, I have time off soon so hopefully can spend a couple days on it. It is always short tho which is a shame.

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at least it's got more length than a shitty FPS... 12 hours is a decent chunk, but 4 hours for a call of duty title is a downright ripoff...

@psy - that sucks... i didn't even notice that... i thought it was awesome to be able to spawn a weapon of your choice in any chapter... it made some of the levels super fun to play, especially if you have unlimited ammo and the hammer :D...

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Yeah they totally removed it this time, and considering you needed to have trophies unlocked to unlock cheats, it gave it replay value. This time besides actually wanting the trophies, there's no reason to bother doing any of them.

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wow, so glad i rented it then... sounds like the replayability is not there this time around... sure, the game is actually fun and worth playing again, but they removed half the fun when you beat the game..

remember fat drake?! :lol: even his voice made him sound fat... i played lots of chapters as fat drake...

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Currently playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss. The game looks so nice as a portable, and really shows off the power of the Vita.

Here's a couple of screenshots I took:




It looks even better in motion too.

The touch gameplay elements are implemented well too. The touch screen really makes climbing simple and effortless, all you have to do is brush your finger across the path you wish to climb and Drake goes and does it. The touch screen is also used for various puzzles and artefact examinations.

And most importantly, the story is fun, and Nate is still a funny guy, which is brilliantly complimented by the mo-cap animations that the Uncharted games have always done best! This game is on-par with the first Uncharted in terms of pushing technology in the first stage of console release. It can only get better from here, and Uncharted Golden Abyss has set the bar.

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^^so you just tap the screen to make him move, or is it motion calibration controlled? or...? i saw the demo at target but didnt take a look since little kids cough their fucking diseases all over video game demo systems.

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You can either play the original button way, or you can touch on the path you want to climb and he will climb in that direction, or you tap on a nearby enemy to initiate a touch screen close quarter fight, which uses the touch screen to dodge, evade and attack the enemy.

To be honest, after a little while of playing, you get really used to the touch features as they're really more useful than you'd expect. And I just find it easier to draw a line to climb instead of tapping x, twice a second, to make him climb faster.

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It looked fun from what I saw. After playing through all 3 I would love to catch up on that chapter as well, just dont have (nor expect to buy) a Vita :/

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It's not worth buying the vita just for this game, that would be crazy. But it is the best game on the vita so far, and it's as long as the main games on PS3 with a decent amount of chapters. I personally invested in one, because I wanted something decent to play while I travel (I commute on trains a lot). And i expect some good titles in the future.

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The Vita is the first handheld I've seen that looks intriguing enough to consider buying...I handled one briefly at the gaming store (don't worry, selpy, I washed my hands promptly afterwards)...tried the tennis demo and Uncharted was on there too. I doubt I'll get at Vita, but wouldn't be surprised if the touch functionality is integrated into next-gen controllers.

I'm being a trophy whore on this one, currently playing through on Crushing on my way to 100%. The only other game I've gotten platinum on was AC Brotherhood, fortunately this UC3 doesn't have so many multiplayer trophies.

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I'm being a trophy whore on this one, currently playing through on Crushing on my way to 100%. The only other game I've gotten platinum on was AC Brotherhood, fortunately this UC3 doesn't have so many multiplayer trophies.

Ah, Crushing was so good. I didn't finish my crushing playthrough though because I had to return it to gamefly since it was just a trial. Did beat it on the second hardest.

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Picked this up yesterday. Got to Gamestop and they had a buy 2, get 1 free deal on used games, so I also picked up Max Payne 3 and LA Noire, because why not? Started with this one.

I'm going to guess I'm about halfway through the part in Syria, just past being attacked by the fuckers with rpgs. No idea how far into the actual game that is. Enjoying the melee combat and stealth stuff (I'm melee'ing my way through a lot of fights), though the stealth is fucking up fairly often, which frustrates me. It's taking me a while to get used to the climbing, Assassin's Creed spoiled me and this feels sluggish at the moment.

The France part was brilliant, escaping the burning castle was nothing short of epic.

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