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this topic feels like an AA meeting or some shit...

hi I'm Joe. I live in Florida otherwise known as gods waiting room. Our state bird is a mosquito.

I joined here awhile back to check out this new thing called GTA V... hahaha how time flies. Anywho, I'm an avid reader(currently reading The Strain by Guillermo del Toro). Which works perfectly with my occupation(security guard). I also drink and drive on GTA that is, well I drink at home and drive on... You know what nevermind. I'm 29 which probably makes me a dinosaur compared to some of you also I still like to smoke weed every once in awhile.


play GTA online whenever I have spare time.

I'm extremely opinionated so if you say something stupid I'll call you out on that shit and feel free to return the favor with me anytime.

In all honesty I'm incredibly laid back in the real world but internet forums like gtaforums bring out the absolute worst in me. I'm here hoping that this forum isn't a fucking popularity contest.


touché hahaha just saw what "proud american" means here you cheeky wankers.





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Hey Joe... where you going with that gun in your hand?


Sorry, couldn't resist.


Welcome to iGTA - I hope your stay is a pleasant one...


I am the amoeba to your dinosaur... for popularity contests, check the FML threads...  good times...


Not many Xboners on here so you may not pick up any online fwiends but Brian has an Xbone and likes Florida so he will probably ask for a wank of your arse at some stage... he just learnt to give blow jobs too, apparently...


Catch ya later, cuz

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this topic feels like an AA meeting or some shit...

hi I'm Joe. I live in Florida otherwise known as gods waiting room. Our state bird is a mosquito.

I joined here awhile back to check out this new thing called GTA V... hahaha how time flies. Anywho, I'm an avid reader(currently reading The Strain by Guillermo del Toro). Which works perfectly with my occupation(security guard). I also drink and drive on GTA that is, well I drink at home and drive on... You know what nevermind. I'm 29 which probably makes me a dinosaur compared to some of you also I still like to smoke weed every once in awhile.


play GTA online whenever I have spare time.

I'm extremely opinionated so if you say something stupid I'll call you out on that shit and feel free to return the favor with me anytime.

In all honesty I'm incredibly laid back in the real world but internet forums like gtaforums bring out the absolute worst in me. I'm here hoping that this forum isn't a fucking popularity contest.


touché hahaha just saw what "proud american" means here you cheeky wankers.

hi, I'm a honky and a proud american that is happy to meet you.

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hi i'm vincenzo from rome (italy) i'm 32 years old and just found this forum today... i wish i did when my english was better, in my school days  :lol: I'm gta and snapmatic addicted and upgraded to editor addiction in the last few weeks, also play some music from time to time and i'm into videomaking in general but definitely not a professional... well i think that's all, see you soon :)

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Welcome to the forums, bicenz. Have a look around, we have topics dedicated for posting Snapmatics and GTA videos, please do share what you've been up to!

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I'm Loly Pop. Crazy to think, but I was on these boards back in 2003. Back when it was just

QD and co need to get together so we can play monopoly.

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Hey all!! Newly signed up since becoming obsessed with GTA. Found some useful shit in here so thought I'd get involved and hope to meet some cool people to cause havoc with online :) feel free to say hello

I'm Joanne anyway, or Jo or call me whatever haha X peace :)

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Welcome to the forums, thanks for joining. Your timing is in fact terrible, Fallout 4 came out today, so many of the forum regulars will be immersed in that for the next 10 years or so. :P


Have a look around, be sure to review the forum rules (link at bottom right of the page). Do make an effort to look for a relevant topic before starting new ones, chances are we already have one going if it's a hot topic; and keep spam/silly posts for the Asylum. We've also got threads where you can share your Snapmatics and R* Editor videos. Our crew plays every Tuesday night, there's a whole section on our crew shenanigans, have a look if you're interested in joining us.

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More are always welcome. We can be a bit abrasive at times, but we've become more welcoming, as social media has drawn people away from forums and endangered our future.

Anything to keep your home intact, right? Welcome to our little corner of the wasteland. I do hope you're social.

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Aww social I am indeedy! I hear what your saying about Social media tho! I find forums full of better and more interesting people to be honest...and info at that!

I'd chose this corner of the wasteland any day! Woop Woop! :)

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Hi guys and gals, you might know me as diamond biscutz from Twitter but my real name is ivory. I would be honored to be apart of iGTAcrew you lot seem like a fun bunch and I'm really look forward to joining in the shenanigans and tom foolery you partake in. Once My PS4 is set up and I figure out how to work it, Lolz. I'll be add a lot of peeps. I already have my PSN ID reserved diamond_biscutz will be my PSN ID I work two jobs and everyday at the moment and I have kiddos and am married but I manage to carve out a lil time to game. So here's to joining y'all and let the good times roll!

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oh nice, already getting acclimated to the forums! B)... welcome, dude, looking forward to having you be a part of the fun... poke around the forums, you might find some places of interest, and let us know when you're all up and running and we'll welcome you to the crew ;)...

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