
Classic Titles

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Video games have definitively changed through the past few decades. Growing up I remember titles like Earthworm Jim, all the Mario titles, multiple sports and racing games, etc. Consoles too. What were some of your favorite classics growing up?

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Had it for PC as a kid. IIRC we got it from Netto for a couple of quid on a expansion disc (best of windows 95 or s/t like that)

Anybody wants it, try this but try not to die upon first sight of his desktop.

Honestly though, what an odd game. Running around as a worm in a space suit and jumping into toilets and shit. Blew my mind as a kid.

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I seem to recall owning this game but there's surprisingly little I remember about it.

ditto... i don't think i ever got far with it... back in the day, games were hard to beat... kids these days got it too easy...

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I seem to recall owning this game but there's surprisingly little I remember about it.

ditto... i don't think i ever got far with it... back in the day, games were hard to beat... kids these days got it too easy...

They weren't hard to beat, they just didnt have save points.

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which is how i never beat a lot of games back in the day... after failing so many times and having to start over again and again, you just give up and play something else... mega man quite possibly could be the hardest game i ever played...

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which is how i never beat a lot of games back in the day... after failing so many times and having to start over again and again, you just give up and play something else... mega man quite possibly could be the hardest game i ever played...

MegaMan was pretty tough. I always found Ghouls n Ghosts tough and Aliens. It never stopped me playing them though, i managed to complete them each in one sitting.

That's how games rolled back then. They felt long because of the repeated attempts, but in reality almost every game that wasn't an RPG back in the 90's could be aced in just a couple of hours.

Oh and remember Kid Chemeloen? I loved that game, and that had like 100's of levels, which was brilliant for a platform game. I never played all the levels, because i found a way to shortcut through a secret level to the end like a quarter of the way through.

As far as platform games go, i think my favourite has to be Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Exoddus.

They should totally remake Oddworld, like the first ones, beautiful graphics, but keep it a side-scrolling platform puzzle game. Ubisoft seemed to pull it off brilliantly recently with Rayman.

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which is how i never beat a lot of games back in the day... after failing so many times and having to start over again and again, you just give up and play something else... mega man quite possibly could be the hardest game i ever played...

The games were too fucking long to play in one sitting. Mega Man wasn't that difficult if you knew what to use on which boss. There were far more difficult games than Mega Man though. Ghosts and Goblins, Silver Surfer and Ninja Gaiden all spring to mind. Silver Surfer wasn't too difficult though. Just had to be alert and know the patterns.

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i had a habit of not beating games back in the day when i was a little one... that's not the case nowadays because i have a habit of grudgingly playing all the way through games i don't even like just because i started it... the last game i played and didn't beat was bodycount in like may of last year because it sucked absolute balls... before that was far cry 2 because my rental time ran out and i really wanted to try out bulletstorm... i could look at my PS2 collection right now and probably find that i didn't beat 33% of whats on the shelf...

manhunt stands out like a sore thumb... i got stuck in a rock quarry or something with conveyor belts... failed a hundred times and stopped playing... looking back at it, i almost bet i could easily beat it now with all my experience being a sneaky character since then...

the list of old school games i didn't beat is quite long... it's better to relfect on the ones i did beat that i loved, like TMNT: turtles in time and streets of rage 2... and the original zelda, which it feels like i spent a year playing... me and my brother, best friend, and cousin all worked on that thing, but mostly me and my brother...

EDIT: i thought the abe's world series was getting a reboot??

lol, nevermind, it's just an HD remake of the original...

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Rename thread Classic Titles? :thumbup:

Used to play MLBPA Baseball every day on Genesis when I was a kid.


It was one of the first console games to feature Major League Baseball player names and statistics.

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manhunt stands out like a sore thumb... i got stuck in a rock quarry or something with conveyor belts... failed a hundred times and stopped playing... looking back at it, i almost bet i could easily beat it now with all my experience being a sneaky character since then...

You didn't give it a much of a chance then because IIRC that's White Trash and it's the fourth stage. Give it a blast. Don't bother with the nail gun because it sucks dick and you have a unlimited use bat anyway. Hide in the shadows and lure them out. Chances are everytime they come to you i'll be difficult to get them come one by one so when they turn there back, execute them and run away and into the shadows. Rinse and repeat.

like TMNT: turtles in time and streets of rage 2.

Two awesome games I'm glad you did beat. Streets of Rage was a religion to me back when I was a kid.

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Had a Sega Megadrive growing up.


Everyone I knew had this game.

Golden Axe, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Altered Beast, Verctorman, so many memories.

Comix Zone was my fav.

Comix Zone.gif

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one of my all-time favorite video game characters ever...



I hated Magnavox Odyssey's. total junk imo, even for the time period. Everything in its library was so generic or better ports were out on other consoles.

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