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I remember my grandpa brought a huge box of games home along with an N64, I beleive he got it from a friend.

I remember playing this game and my grandpa would comment on how he would never drive in the same car as me :P

This was also in there

There were so many I can't think of off the top of my head

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Guest Marney-1

Tetris on the GameBoy.

When the GameBoy came out this was the game that came with it, linking up for 2 player with a friend was tense. Most lines I ever got was 209, they were just dropping like rocks, impossible to react on the buttons quick enough.

Prince Of Persia was a good game too.

I remember the reviews raving about it being 24 fps or something. We were in awe! :P

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Guest Marney-1

Didn't like Sonic (Megadrive) myself but the missus insisted it needs to be in this thread.

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Dunno about you guys, but i was a megadrive/genisis kid. i had a snes, but was always on my megadrive games, as they always seemed more gritty and gory...

I played Mortal Kombat more than street fighter and other mediocre mash-em-ups.

Alein 3 was badass for it's time. Such a tough game, but epic:

Alien Storm was pretty awesome too as I recall. It was half way between Streets of Rage and Strider.

This was a bit of a weird one, but a game i loved none-the-less:

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Guest Marney-1

The nostalgia in this thread is amazing, flashbacks of sitting in mine or a mate's bedroom on a rainy day playing videogames. If it wasn't raining we'd always be playing football or having Stand By Me style adventure's but yeah, it rained a lot.

Must have spent weeks playng Sim City on my SNES.

Build roads, rail tracks, cheap coal fired power stations, put taxes up, create more expensive and cleaner power stations, watch your popularity as mayor drop because taxes were too high, areas becoming derelict and population declining due to forgetting to provide sufficient commuter routes for people to get to work. Sounds boring as shit but so was the rain outside.

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Guest Marney-1

i can't count the hours i wasted playing sim city...

Apparently there's a new one on the way next year or 2014, heard rumblings of CryEngine being used too. Just hope it's on console.

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sim city 2000 might be my favorite version, but i clearly remember playing the original on the super nintendo... it was a major accomplishment when you could get neighbor lots to combine into one mega lot...

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I own all these : PS1, PS2, PS3, 2 Gameboy Advances, Original DS, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Xbox360.

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At the height of my collection I had:

Master System (1 and 2) Mega Drive (1 and 2) Sega Saturn (1 and 2) Sega Dreamcast.

NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube

Xbox, Xbox 360.

PS1 (Original and Slim) PS2.

Random: Vectrex, C64. Vic 20, Amstrad CPC, PC Engine, amongst some other stuff. I guess that's most notable. The variation isn't that big, but I had lots of the same.

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Guest Marney-1

Including the ones I had regular access to with my mates; Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, ZX Spectrum 48, Spectrum 48, Commodore 64, Atari ST, Amstrad 464, Amiga 500, NES, GameBoy, Atari Lynx, SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3. Never touched the Sega's - we were kind of like Nintendo fanboy's. :blush:

LOL Remember my mate got a half meg upgrade for his Amiga 500 and it was a kind of disc drive thing the size of a house brick. :P

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world was good, remember those alternate paths that opened up shortcuts or item levels?? i distinctly remember a ghost castle level where you had to fly all the way to the top to enter a secret door... i think that secret unlocked a yoshi item level if i am not mistaken...

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world was good, remember those alternate paths that opened up shortcuts or item levels?? i distinctly remember a ghost castle level where you had to fly all the way to the top to enter a secret door... i think that secret unlocked a yoshi item level if i am not mistaken...

That would be the top secret area. Held a green yoshi, two fire flower pickups and two feathers.

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world was good, remember those alternate paths that opened up shortcuts or item levels?? i distinctly remember a ghost castle level where you had to fly all the way to the top to enter a secret door... i think that secret unlocked a yoshi item level if i am not mistaken...

That would be the top secret area. Held a green yoshi, two fire flower pickups and two feathers.

That's right.

My wife bought a Wii about 3 years ago, and the only game I ever got for it was the Super Mario All Stars 25th Anniversary Edition. It's a shame it didn't include World, as it was easily the best...


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that would be the level i was thinking of...

i remember spending at least 10 hours of my time doing this on the lava level in mario 64...

i treated it as my own personal skate park :lol:... there was a lot of obstacles and ramps and stuff... it was fun...

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Pretty much any of those old platformers from N64. Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Conker's BFD, I must have clocked hundered's of hours on all of them.

(not nearly as much as I did on DK 64 tho ;) )

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