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Everything posted by UlanBator

  1. I dont see many comments about this picture, in my opinion the 747 or Antonov lookalike will not just be usefull to connect Los Santos to the possible desert Military air base, R* is hiding something. And that is very cool.
  2. these photos just gave us new information... I agree, but theres a lot more to know, a "gigantic a lot".
  3. Whats that on the top of the submarine? Mini torpedo launcher?
  4. Rockstar santas presents: Shark picture - A guy with diving gear, never seen before but very realistic. A very fat shark that must eat lots of wendys and burger king stuff. Passenger Dog picture - Look at the shades and reflection effects on the car, perfect! Thats a spot on first trailer, right? U boat picture - The airport looks huge. The submarine will be a very usefull tool, smugling under water is a growing business. The 747 lookalike picture - This is a very mysterious picture, a gigantic airplane just to connect Los Santos airport to Los Santos airport? Hum... We just know the tip of the iceberg about GTA 5. The new hydra doesnt seem to take off vertically. The three wise men picture - The moon but no symbolic gifts. By the way, its time for more information, R*.
  5. Off Topic? Come on... It was/is very ON topic! Thats exactly the kind of situation we want to see in GTA series. If theres a real problem with that video please explain.
  6. Why you deleted my real world GTA post? Come on, its fun. Disturbing!
  7. I want Trevor playing with this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_combat_air_vehicle
  8. IGN guys said they saw mount chiliad on map, but did they saw it in game? The big mount near the salt lake is mount chiliad?
  9. Near Los Santos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Diego_Zoo How much for a Panda? One million? Thats business.
  10. In my opinion its a mistake not being able to buy assets in GTA5, in Vice City and San Andreas it was a big objective to add property and revenue to make the story goes on, hope R* reconsider. This is economy: http://www.g-unleash...hp?cat=15&pid=6 http://www.g-unleash...?cat=16&pid=313
  11. I have a doubt, a huge doubt. Where this highway goes? It starts in Los Santos, but where it goes?
  12. I think the 80s radio station will be a blast http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/46271/rockstar-alumni-concert-calendar-special-vice-city-edition.html Dont forget Trevor and Michael are 80s guys, probably Trevor is more late 80s and 90s. (By the way, R* is updating the newswire with tons of Vice City stuff, R* is denying any "resurrection", but in my opinion we will have a surprise)
  13. Trevor's law and (dis)order machine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1A2_Abrams
  14. Serious props to whomever is responsible for this. Well done, congrats, hope R* people see this.
  15. British Bulldog in Los Santos http://www.zapiks.com/share/player.swf?autoStart=true〈=en&file=52372
  16. I'm a guy of simple taste (sometimes) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skateboard
  17. Trevor farming way: http://www.autoblog.com/2012/11/13/volvo-powered-tractor-is-just-the-thing-for-roostertails/