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Posts posted by Massacre

  1. I'm a little buggered about Nuka World being based around raiders. There isn't a single chaotic or evil (not that I consider raiders evil) faction in the the main game, so it's a complete 180 for your character, unless you've been ignoring the main story and just acting like a dick the whole game.


    My Institute character became disillusioned with humanity and joined the Children of the Atom, in Far Harbor, so even he doesn't work as a raider. I like the premise, and I think it's a fun DLC, but there's nothing about the base game that makes it actually work as a story.

    • Like 2

  2. I can say with absolute certainty that there hasn't been a single update worth coming back for, in the past year or so. If you were around for heists, you've seen the only content GTAO has ever had that was worthwhile. The rest is just overpriced cars and clothing and shitty game modes that are just repackaged deathmatches, all for the purpose of pushing out shark cards that by now have made more money than the game itself has.


    I'm willing to bet a sizeable sum of money that this post will continue to be accurate until the GTA VI installment of GTAO, and even that's being generous.


    I could write a college-worthy thesis on the decline of quality and care in the video game industry, in the past ten years. It is suicidally depressing how shitty this major part of my life has become.

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, CFO Charles said:

    Any strategies for not flipping shit over the stupidest things?

    Way more gay sex. Chills you right the fuck out. As long as they only cum when and where you give them permission to. A stray shot in the eye will undo any progress you're making. Avoid glory holes.

  4. I can't post these as neatly as usual, because I'm temporarily without a computer, and trying to post everything on mobile would be hell. Hopefully you kids like these.


    Tug Job


    Tug Job 2: Alamo Boogaloo


    Tug Job 3: Gettin' Booty


    I'm aware that I've missed every possible theme night these could have been used for, but I hope you guys give them a chance, at some point. Let me know if these suck, because I have a lot of handjob jokes left, but I don't want to make a half dozen jobs you guys won't like.

    • Like 3

  5. It's a trend they started with Skyrim. Two meaningful DLCs, and some fluff. I won't ever expect anything as good as Obsidian's continuous four-DLC story again. That masterpiece was one time only.


    I really enjoyed the workshop mode, but I never would have been into it, had I known it would lead to lazy DLC with no real content. Cosmetic fluff that drains my painstakingly-acquired resources, with no story content? Sounds an awful lot like GTAO, to me. Expect TES VI to have its own workshop mode. 


    At this point, TESO has more meaningful DLC. Might be time for me to give that a shot, honestly, despite the lore rape.

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  6. I haven't touched this game since well before Contraptions came out. Whoops.


    Honestly, I might not bother. With the last real DLC not coming until August, and mods indefinitely delayed, I'd just be decorating houses. Like a post-apocalyptic Sims.

    • Like 1

  7. 28 minutes ago, bOnEs said:

    i had a hard time caring about the children of atom and their blind faith...

    The same can be said about every religion. At least the Children have some basis for their beliefs, as the vast majority of them are immune to radiation. Evolution doesn't run its course over 200 years, so no one has a scientific explanation for their immunity. 


    People making up bullshit to explain what they don't understand (and to enforce their will and opinions on others) is what religion is all about.

  8. I think Telltale nailed that one. Not sure if GoT would work as an RPG. GoT relies too much on a specific narrative for the freedom and customization that an RPG absolutely has to have. The protagonist for something set in the GoT universe can't be as vague as "vault dweller looking for dad," "courier looking for the guy who shot him," or "guy who speaks dragon," but it's not much of an RPG, if it's this very specific character with a strict background.


    I don't care about anything Bethesda does that isn't an RPG (see: Dishonored), so...

  9. I still don't think it's worth it. Remastering Skyrim is a blatant, lazy cash grab. It's nothing but a graphical improvement. If they wanted to actually REMASTER something, they would have done Morrowind or Oblivion, which had vastly superior stories and quests.


    Fallout 4 is already approaching its second and final full DLC after the two previous games had four, and a new Elder Scrolls is at least two years away. This is just a distraction.

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