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Posts posted by Massacre

  1. There's no indication that the police are actually looking for the guy; he just hasn't updated his address. Also, in America, you're free to just rent out individual rooms of your house and aren't required to background check the person moving in. From a legal standpoint, it's more like having a roommate than a tenant. This may not apply to every state.


    The phone cannot and will not come back on you. If you disposed of it properly, they have no way of knowing what happened, and they likely won't ever bother you again. So long as your tenant is done with the shit that got him registered. But again, in that instance, just say you didn't know.

  2. You're not required to say anything, nor should you. Snitches get stitches. Just feign ignorance if anything comes of it. As of the moment you read this, you have officially forgotten everything you know about your tenant's criminal background. Enjoy your lifted burden.


    You disposed of evidence and likely interfered with an investigation or two, by destroying your old man's phone. You've done well. For what it's worth, your Uncle Massacre is proud of you.

  3. Every game is apparently a glitchy, bug-ridden piece of shit, nowadays. Everything I read for every game (cookie-cutter moneymakers like CoD excluded - surprise surprise) batters it for being buggy, but I never see anything of the sort, if I play the game myself. Review sites are just there to shit on something vaguely interesting, and praise what they're paid to praise.


    Witcher 3 was pretty decent. Not at all worthy of the circlejerk people had when it first came out, but decent. Their rabid fanbase is the reason Fallout 4 had such a shitty user score on Metacritic. That and those nostalgic mongoloids at NMA.

  4. I made it through Watch Dogs just fine, and enjoyed it enough that I'm buying the second one, so I don't think some sub-par gunplay will bother me much, in this game. It looks gorgeous, and most of the bugs I've read about are the kind of shit you only notice if you're a nitpicking prick who's actively searching for things to bitch about on the internet.


    I did notice the streets are practically empty, in those last two screens. Is that often the case, or are there loading issues that mean pedestrians sometimes don't spawn?


    Also, I wonder how many of the people bitching about the driving actually know that you have two options.

  5. While the founders initially immigrated to New York, the American mafia actually started in New Orleans in the late 1800's. The New Orleans mob reached its height and subsequent decline in exactly the time period the game takes place in.


    Unrelated: The New York mob was at its best in the 70's.

  6. Not a chance. There's already jack shit to do in Los Santos; Rockstar isn't going to add new cities to GTAO with an equal amount of nothing to do.


    GTA may have become complete shit, but even that's a bit much for the new, more-fluff-less-real-content Rockstar.

  7. There are rumors of a good DLC coming? Is this based on anything, or are the same assholes as always taking shots in the dark again?


    I can't remember a single time they were right about something when the content for it wasn't already in the game's code.