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Posts posted by Massacre

  1. This has nothing to do with anything, but I just realized that the word filter for "faggot" also applied to your member title, since the server move. Shortly after, I realized that the world filter does not apply if I make the edit, even if I'm making it to someone else's profile. Not sure if FItty did that intentionally, or if it was just a fortunate coincidence, but I appreciate it.

    • Like 1

  2. Of course you'd finally get around to this one, once I'm on second shift. What a bunch of dicks.


    I have plenty of jobs for this, and haven't made anything new in months, so they should be easy to dig up, if you find your playlists in need of some more stuff.


    Have fun, you cuntbaskets.

  3. It's pretty massively popular, yeah. Yaoi and shota (yaoi is gay hentai, shota is like loli, but with boys) are more popular among women than men, actually. Especially in Japan.


    Also, no, I don't bother with hentai or other cartoon porn. I just have a wealth of knowledge of Japanese culture.

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  4. There's always a mod that adds a door to the item test room. If I remember correctly, the container for building materials has 1000 of every material. Should help out, some.


    Also, it usually has 1000 rounds of every ammo type, so power armor forever.

  5. Watch Dogs 2 was announced earlier this week, officially premiered today. Didn't bother with a link before, because it was a live broadcast. Now here's this.



    I just realized that I haven't posted a YouTube video in a year and forgot how to do it. Fuck it.


    It looks like they actually learned from people's gripes with the first game, and the new game is basically the best parts of Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed. The graphics are gorgeous, and everything is very stylized. I like it.



  6. Every game with both a singleplayer and online component sells tons more copies than it has online players. It's due to a combination of people who appreciate a story, people who don't have high speed internet access (a shocking number of them), people who simply don't want to be shot at by teenagers when they're trying to have actual fun, and several other things. Primarily, though, it comes down to jaded gamers with ADHD. They buy a game, play it once, and never touch it again. It's safe to say that most gamers are like this. That's why there are so many shitty annual titles.

    Rockstar was never in a hurry about getting the next GTA out, even before they sold their souls for shark card money. GTA VI will be coming eventually, but GTAO or no GTAO, it won't be anytime soon.