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Posts posted by Massacre

  1. To this day, Chris Jericho remains a treasured gift to the world of professional wrestling. I haven't watched it in years, but I'm always pleased to see that he's still turning up, from time to time.


    He also seems to be holding up a lot better than other wrestlers his age. Especially considering he was originally from ECW. Guys like Sandman and Balls Mahoney are literally just painkillers and liquor, at this point.

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  2. Well, the whole point of not releasing a new AC last year was to take a step back and rethink everything they've done with the series. They've pretty much redesigned AC as an action rpg. Hopefully this won't fuck up the stealth gameplay that made them famous (and let's be honest, if you're not playing this game as stealth, you're doing it wrong)  but I have my doubts.

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  3. From the point of view of someone who plays good MMOs... no. But Bioware has only done me wrong once, and that was Dragon Age II. Even then, I can't really fault them much, because they handled the qunari so well and set up a better story for Dragon Age Inquisition.


    I believe in Bioware. In a world of microtransaction-fueled online modes and four versions of Skyrim (coming soon for the Super NES!), there aren't many companies I can say that about.


    Also, don't act like you're not hype for mechs and power armor, Fanboy.

  4. Sounds like I owe Rockstar an apology.


    I'm sorry, Rockstar. When I said that GTAO couldn't possibly be any more of a shitty, uninteresting, desperate cash grab, I genuinely thought that it couldn't. I was wrong. Making people pay to unlock more shit they have to pay for is a pretty clever move.

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  5. If I have one gripe, so far, it's that there were QTEs fucking everywhere, but I'm sure you'd hardly notice it, actually playing the game instead of just watching it.


    To make another reference to Ultimate Spider-Man, I'm hoping they include unlockable costumes. A fuckton of them. Bonus points for Iron Spider.

  6. Gwent was the bane of my existence. I wasn't interested in it, and assumed it would be a an inconsequential minigame that would never come up in the story after the tutorial, so I never bought any cards, never tried to learn the game, and never gave it a second thought.


    Lo and behold, it continued to pop up over and over again, fucking up my playthrough in small but infuriating ways. 

  7. Other than being restricted to only one save file, Watch Dogs 2 was an excellent game. The first one was kind of boring, but Ubisoft has never gotten a new series right on their first try. See: Assassin's Creed.

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