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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    +2 Strength from Buffout. That's 20 lbs., unless the Buffout strength doesn't contribute to carry weight. Fuck, I forgot it only works if you have less than 10 Strength. Well, I guess I need to make a ninja and try sneaking out with the gold again. With the next DLC who knows how far off, 1-upping everyone's gold bar takeaway is all I've got right now.
  2. Massacre


    I'm looking forward to trying it with my unarmed courier. Hopefully I can drop Elijah bare-handed, because I don't plan on taking anything in with me other than whatever weightless items I have. As long as I still have one dose of Buffout left, I can get out with 9 bars. It would be a sure thing If I could take Love and Hate into the Madre...
  3. I'd rather have the crazy money, myself.
  4. I could see the news working heavily into the game if they ran with that idea. Like, you see a story about a drug bust taking place, then if you go to where the bust happened you can find a closet or a crate with guns and money inside that you couldn't have accessed if you hadn't seen the story. Or, you could see a story covering the fallout of a mission you just completed and based on what you find out, certain aspects of the next mission will be different than if you had just gone straight into the next mission. Like, if you killed someone in the last mission whose son you were supposed to kill as part of the next mission, the news will say something about the son going to the funeral, and you'll have to complete it without killing him, then there will be a different mission later where you kill him. Or you could skip both missions and just kill him at the funeral, which would give you the opportunity to kill certain people you were going to go have to go after in the future. Maybe that's too complex for them to do, but it would be a really creative approach to the game and there would be incentive to watch the TV.
  5. Look up "Horse anal creampie," and you'll see why horses fucking young ladies never gets old.
  6. The only thing horses are good for is beast porn, horse racing is pointless.
  7. Hidden Packages? That almost tips it back towards me purchasing this game on day 1 instead of waiting on a price drop.
  8. I believe in you, man. I believe you have what it takes to give QD's penis the beating of a lifetime. You can do it, man!
  9. I could see Yusef appearing in the next GTA (the Phil Cassidy of the PS3/360 trilogy?), perhaps giving us a mission where we fly to Dubai to kill his father, like the Liberty City mission from San Andreas. That's the only way I could see Dubai in GTA, not as the entire game's setting.
  10. 100 on positive rep should be "Suckle the Awesome from My Teats." Also, I like that my nigga bOnEs has the second highest rep on the forums. He'll kick some ass this year if we ever have an FML, he might even beat QD's penis.
  11. Who's the stupid bitch that downvoted bOnEs' comment? We're not letting the fucking guests downvote shit, are we?
  12. Just stay away from Escalera of you see a donkey walking into the bar...
  13. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Blatant attempt at a GTA rip off. Definitely came from all the GTA 5 Wish List threads. I'm not even gonna mention Bigfoot........ Why did you start the topic (twice) if you're just going to knock the game? It's a fun game, it's not a threat to GTA, it makes me happy, that all that matters. Everyone else can fuck off. the lucha barrios?? Indeed. You see (and it appears you're actually the only one that fucking sees...), this game is not meant to be serious or be taken seriously, thus, guerrillas in luchadore masks.
  14. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Fella in the mask is from a Hispanic gang, that's the barrio.
  15. Massacre


    If by 'mole' you mean an unsightly lump you'd like to get rid of, then yes. I feel like using the Pac-Man-esque emoticon twice would be overusing it, so I'll just let you assume I'm serious.
  16. Massacre


    I wouldn't worry about it, everyone knows that R*Spy's info is all unreliable bullshit.
  17. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Trailer is kind of funny, but not really worth watching. Around 18 seconds of logos, then a guy getting punched in the balls, then "Saints Row: The Third," and "Holiday 2011." End of trailer.
  18. Well, I know what I'm doing today. Seeing as how it's R*, I'm assuming those lovely screens don't come in a 16:9?