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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    You can send Preston to any settlement. I think you can even send him elsewhere after you take back the Castle. I'm not sure if he still gives you quests when you have him as a companion, because I've never used him. Even as a Minuteman, Dogmeat just makes more sense.
  2. Massacre


    In a display of great impatience, I'm roleplaying a Survival mode game for my Minutemen playthrough. Pretty sure I'm putting harsher restrictions on myself than the actual Survival mode will, if New Vegas' hardcore mode is any indication.
  3. There's a major death. I will be pissed, if they deviate from the comics on this one. Especially given how the last episode ended.
  4. I tried to do a mission in a mall yesterday morning, and there was no floor. I fell through and kept respawning until I finally gave up and left the game. I have nothing further to say, right now.
  5. The only way they're getting more money from me for a lowrider is if they release the Lost version of the Slamvan, with the covered bed. Considered buying a Donk, just so I could use off-road tires and Mad Max the thing, but it couldn't possibly be faster or handle better than my Brawler.
  6. You're fucking killing me, Rockstar. Thank fuck there isn't real content, or I'd need to start doing heists again.
  7. I'd put some Sprunk in that trunk. The car's nice, too.
  8. Massacre


    Kill settlers, replace with robots.
  9. Massacre


    Well this looks fun.
  10. Massacre


    I never expected to actually need ceramic.
  11. Batman vs. Superman (Batman v Superman is a dumb name. No one uses "v" instead of "vs." or "versus") Pretty good. Decent enough story, great action scenes, well-handled character introductions. Still shitty casting for Wonder Woman, nothing is going to change that. But hey, she tried, and she did pretty okay. She's still a fucking bean pole, though. Big shit goes down. Great shit. 7/10 movie, 10/10 ending. Curious about what comes next, but mostly just more hyped for Suicide Squad, thanks to some well-placed Joker references.
  12. Massacre


    Jezebel reluctantly patrols Red Rocket as a protectron... with no arms. Fuck that bitch.
  13. I'm excited that everyone will finally be posting pictures of their donks for us to see. I love a nice donk. I'm playing with my donk as I type this.
  14. Massacre


    I work second shift. I won't see the DLC until Wednesday morning, unless I fuck up my sleep schedule. Sony is breaking my heart.
  15. Those issues aside, I'm having a fuckton of fun. Also, my character looks like the Jon Bernthal Punisher, from Daredevil.
  16. Is there a way to actually display my mask? What's the point of wearing a gas mask if it's invisible? Also, what's the point of an online game if I can't connect to the servers? Seriously, Ubisoft should be able to deal with shit like this.
  17. I have acquired this. Pretty fun, so far.
  18. Good to have the real Virgo from IV back. The IGG version looks like shit, by comparison.
  19. Depending on how much story-related content there is, and whether or not it can be done alone (not on a Brit schedule anymore, and I barely know the fellow Americans who have this), this might end up being good enough to keep me busy until Fallout DLC.
  20. Massacre


    And now I have to do a playthrough as Randy.
  21. The Aztecas wear blue, as do the members of Marabunta Grande. I don't care, I'm just dropping knowledge, yo.
  22. Massacre


    Can only be determined by killing him and finding the synth component on him. There are a few like that. Also a synth:
  23. Massacre


    Lesser-known synth:
  24. I don't think there will be enough iGTA members to warrant me bothering, even though it still looks really good. If that changes, I'll probably get suckered into buying this.