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Everything posted by PimpLippy

  1. i'm going on now for afew hours if anyone wants to join me
  2. "Pimped My Ride" thread sounds ok. depands how much you can do, if there aren't many mod options then most cars will look the same and it would be pointless
  3. doing that probably possible, didn't someone mention a rally type game for online that required a co-driver (2 play co-op style)
  4. in that case i won't be able to join the main game (seeing as its 2am my time) i'll be on 4pm est ish though if anyone wants to add me
  5. i want either the rebel or the bobcat for offroading i want the dominator (mustang like) for the highway racing and i want the regina just for a laugh will likely include and sabre, ruiner, sentinel, blista, sultan, tornado, the db5 style one, dubsta, patriot and maybe the dodge ram like truck. too many cars i like in this game lol
  6. i recall cross winds while landing a helicopter got mentioned somewhere
  7. franklin looks kinda good with that do on him. micheal, what the fuck were they thinking? trevor, looks almost normal....well not realy but its abit closer
  8. only if signed upto the social club and have your account linked. looks like the nissan gtr, looks awesome, gonna be getting me one of them
  9. there is also some info added to the social club part of the site. social club itself is yet to show anything on gta v though
  10. thought i'd do alittle test to see how size compares to iv. in iv i took a helicopter from the west to the east in 1min 5 secs i also took a boat right around the outside of the map which took 10 mins 30secs when i get the game i'm going to do the same thing and compair it to the above and see what the difference is
  11. At least 600 copies in that one cage. There were more too. Whats it like to be so close but you still can't have it? I can't imagine the install (the 8 GB one from the disk) on the PS3 will take any longer then 10 to 15 minutes. Skyrim was a little less the 5 GB and it seemed to only take about 5 to 8 minutes. Maybe I am wrong, I never timed it. the ps3 only has 1 disk, so instead of 8gb you need to install the full 16gb
  12. it really fucking boring on the xbox lol
  13. i'd get it but wouldn't play it until either the evening of the 16th or morning of the 17th. atleast i know i have the game and don't have to wait ages for the post or freeze my butt off at midnight to pick it up i'd get it but wouldn't play it until either the evening of the 16th or morning of the 17th. atleast i know i have the game and don't have to wait ages for the post or freeze my butt off at midnight to pick it up
  14. no. nor can you have fun playing it.
  15. not really, it wired to the lounge tv which means the only time i get to play it would be when everyone is in bed or out the house. i also have no games on it nor do i have anyone to play with. 99% of my gaming is done on the xbox, with .5% on ps3 and the rest on the laptop
  16. its not mine, it is the "family" console, the xbox is mine, hence i rarely play the ps3.
  17. R* have said no one for any of the previous gta games (iv, SA, VC, or any of them) will be in gta v, we will be seeing all new character throughout the game
  18. if like me you plan in installing both disks to the hardrive then expect a hour wait
  19. the camera on SA was just like the camera in IV. if the car had hydros then the camera function was replaced with use of the hydros instead. it wasn't such an issue in SA as the camera maintained its position alot better the IV did. so i certainly hope they have made the camera alittle more fixed in V as haveing to turn the camera while turning a corner just so you could see was a pain.
  20. assuming you have your social club accounted linked with your gamertag/psn name it would be automatic, in the same way things you do are added to the desktop/browser social club is.
  21. i've seen 3 of these videos, the one they refer to i don't think he was going that fast, plus he may have taken advantage of the armor mod in the custom shops on the car. tbh i think the driving will be different and take abit of getting used to but i don't think its going to be aweful. they have said it changed depending on the car, i.e. outrunning the cops in a cheetah over a dirt road isn't going to go well, but with handling upgrades open for every car in the game handling can be adapted to you driving preference atleast alittle bit.
  22. handling also chages greatly with each car. i.e. the bobcat is going to be very different to driving a cheetah.