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Everything posted by HB_Sauce

  1. I'd like to have a protagonist with less of a conscience than Niko. could not get into killing hundreds with him.
  2. hahahaha, gotta love the iron curtain approach of Rockstar. But atleast they don't murder their fans...
  3. I'm thinking V will include either a island like this or have a fictional take on Mexico that we go to every once and awhile. We'll have some seedy underworld to go to, other than the ghetto.
  4. ^ Yo, very slim chance that Grove Street will exist. Look at the continuity between GTA III and IV, pretty much all new in IV. Probably will be the same in Los Santos too.
  5. Not really one for preordering games. More of a cash in hand, go buy game type of guy.
  6. ^Speaking of that, in IV pedestrians always fell down when you'd walk past them briskly. I hope they have more of a back bone like they did in the III era....but still be able to push them down stairs or throw them out of windows. That'd be cool.
  7. We don't even know which consoles its for, let alone release date from Rockstar. (probably multi-platform, but we still don't know for sure)
  8. lol the tards commenting on the youtube video want credit given to gtav.net, when if you look our webpage you see "the folks over at gtav.net" Mirin' our slick layout scheme, U mad bro?
  9. lol my first ever forum was one where we were trying to find bigfoot and other strange stuff in San Andreas. hahaha good times.
  10. Considering how different Liberty city was from III to IV, I expect a completely different city.
  11. He looked black to me, possibly latino. I think he may be a possible protagonist, or a main one if there is only one in the game.
  12. 1337 skills, should've put more than 152 hours into that game....
  13. Did anyone do the unique jumps? I never did those...
  14. If we are apart of the gang aspect (if there is a gang aspect) in V then it's definitely a possibility, but the protagonists have always been fairly clean cut for bad guys (CJ doesn't do crack, Niko's is fairly clean cut with drugs and alcohol)
  15. "Don't know what you mean by lockdown. I completely agree some of my points are speculation, which do you specifically refer to in which I did not mention that I was only speculating?" You've seen TreeFitty's overkill analysis of the trailer right? He pretty much dissected that thing to the atom, hence he had the trailer on "lockdown" and not a lot of new things could be talked about from the trailer. Key word, not a lot. Arts-Skribble did a bang up job on the wild speculation portion. Like just because we see a jet doesn't mean we can pilot it and fly it over the Staples Center for a mission or that people with backpacks pictured near a mountain = people inhabiting the woods. Oh btw if you've been on here before you surely have noticed we do things differently around here than normal forums, right?
  16. You can only analyze something so much with facts (TreeFitty has it pretty much on lockdown) until it becomes wild speculation, which some of your points are.
  17. I'd like the pedestrians to say more. That was one of the best parts of GTA III, how all peds would say something if you stood around them and just observe. How many times did you trail that old guy waiting for him to say "My Mother's my Sister!"? Don't lie.
  18. I'm hoping they go back to a hidden package as a hidden package. GTA 3 had those cool packages all over the place, Vice City had the tiki's, and San Andreas had a lot of items from graffiti tags to horseshoes. Hidden packages > flying rats
  19. Hmmm, I've recently revisited it and realized just how little I actually spent exploring the 3 islands. I'm pretty sure I drove down some roads in the Vinewood area that I never did on my 2 times through it.
  20. True, atleast GTA's are good games and not just controversial hype imo.
  21. Everyone jumps on GTA's back since they are essentially the kings of controversy. Whatever shit they stir up they do it the best, intentional or not. They'll find some way to push the envelope of what is in a game and someone will be there to hate on them. Rockstar needs a bacon fortress to keep the haters out.