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Everything posted by calimann83

  1. I could see this. shooting underwater is very possible IRL, but like you said it will be inaccurate and I don't think the rounds would do to much damage at any sort of distance. There shouldn't be a wait between shots, rapid firing underwater is not impossible.
  2. Interesting, and a rectangular shape would be more GPS like.
  3. I preordered from them too, USD $60. Looks like we'll get it a few days late. I have per-ordered on Amazon before (with 2 day shipping) and they are usually good at getting it there fast. usually the day of or after. I have actually gotten per-ordered games a day early from Amazon (when I paid for same day delivery) but I don't know if a game like GTA would do that.
  4. I like this, it feels more right. That's a great idea, that actually sounds like something R* would do.
  5. The only waterfall I'm aware of flows out of the Alamo Sea. The Alamo sea is based on the Salton sea, which is a man made anomaly that never dried up. That's telling me the water seeps into it rather than out from it. I'm sure inward facing waterfalls could be possible in this case... Interesting side fact. The basin surrounding the current lake was actually natural lake for millions of years. The Colorado River would periodically shift and fill the entire basin making a giant lake. Eventually people screwed with the Colorado stopping it from shifting and leaving the basin only partly filled. this means that the Salton Sea is only partly man made. Now it only has water coming in from runoff from farm land (which includes all kinds of toxins) and it has no real outflow to speak of. the result is a very salty and somewhat toxic lake. What does this have to do with the game? Based on everything I have seen the Alamo Sea has almost nothing in common with its real life counterpart. I do not think we can use the Salton Sea as measure to judge how the Alamo Sea will be.
  6. At this point they might as well, i mean people seem to have the map pretty much figured out.
  7. I think this is getting pretty close to what it will look like. Nice job, to everyone who has worked on making these maps.
  8. That what I am thinking. If all you had to do was switch to lose your wanted level then there would be no point to having a wanted level. I think that it is clear that all three characters will always be in existence (although in all previous GTAs important NPCs would disappear as soon as a mission ended and you could not find them anywhere). The real question is, how scripted will there actions be while we aren't controlling them? so will Micheal so completely random things on his own, or will he just follow a scripted path? I must have missed that, where was it confirmed?
  9. Hmm I don't think I like that. I mean the square thing is fine, but the 3D/angle thing is kind of hard to see.
  10. A square map seems so "non-GTA". I expect that the HUD will fade out like it would IV. so money and weapon info will only pop up when you use them. I would like the health and armor to stay up at the very least. @Dup I like your set up, but why did you angle the map like that instead of leaving it with a top down view? is there something in specific that made you think that it would be like that or are you just using your imagination?
  11. I like that, sounds like something R* would do. I like the idea of there actually being different departments; city police, sheriffs and highway patrol. You are missing the point. police in IRL don't hang on the side of cars during chases or while getting shot at. it is just a way to get from point a to point b before. like sya they are raiding a house, they might have 4 guys in the truck and 4 outside. so that one truck has 8 guys when they pull up to the house. as soon as they get there the guys are off and getting ready to move. that's all it is. Now in the game I think we can expect them to chase us while hanging on the outside just because it is a game I have no clue what you are going on about with the aiming system in IV. it is 360 and it works fine.
  12. If they don;t have any limits while you are off a mission and have no wanted level then I imagine that it would be possible. I would think that if you switched right before dieing you would still receive a death/hospital visit on your record. that character would still lose cash, weapons (or however the hospitals work in GTA5). so switching wouldn't really matter.
  13. Well thats disappointing... now I know how my wife feels after sex.
  14. I agree this was an issue but I didn't have that big of a problem with it. The spin out and the easy roll overs were two aspects of driving that needed to be fixed, but overall the mechanics were good. That is what is an opinion. yes
  15. That is a matter of opinion. I Thought driving in GTA IV was fine for the most part.
  16. I wonder if the monster truck from SA will be returning. now that was great for driving over everything.
  17. How can anyone complain about these graphics? They look amazing considering the scope of this game. Graphics don't make a game, but these graphics are damn good. How can anyone complain about these graphics? They look amazing considering the scope of this game. Graphics don't make a game, but these graphics are damn good. The trees, they never lie. But honestly, i even see a drastic improvement in the worse part of GTA IV (graphically), which was the trees. Absofuitly to all points
  18. Is it just me or does the front of that bike look modded? It looks like the front has been replaced with lightweight carbon. Like a carbon hood on a car.
  19. Yeah, there is defiantly wilderness between LA and SF LOL. I am not surprised that you mainly remember the deserts. San Bernardino County s almost all desert. I prefer Arizona desert to California desert any day. So you went fro Arizona to Alabama? talk about night and day, whats that like?
  20. Thanks, some sites say, "NY is slightly bigger with a bigger population" and "LA is bigger than NY" and so on. I knew that LA was bigger because I come from a place in Australia which is very sprawl-like and hence compared to LA but I was surprised by what I found when I went looking for info to back it up. Apparently, for cities with a population greater than one million people, the largest cities by land area are (in order) Houston, Phoenix, LA (468 sq. miles), San Antonio, Dallas, San Diego, NYC (302 sq. miles). There's my education for the day. The thing about the LA area is that there are a lot of cities around it that are clumped in with LA but are technically their own city. So LA may be 500 sq miles but then it just melds into other big cities surrounding it. New York is very dense and doesn't sprawl out as much as LA does. I can believe Huston has a larger area because unlike LA it is the only real city in the intimidate area. All of the suburban areas around it belong to Huston while in LA most of the suburban areas are actually their own towns. My point is that So-Cal is like one big city and LA is only a part of it Yeah.... The urban area in So Cal extends from LA to San Fransisco with maybe an hour of hills in between. ....what....I hope you mean San Diego. That isnt to say that so-cal doesnt have it's wilderness. there are a lot of pathches of nothing as well. That one photo of the yello car and the helocoptor really reminds me of cali.