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Everything posted by JustAn808

  1. I delivered the killing blow in a dramatic fashion (with cutscene of me on top of dragon's head, etc..etc.) But I had help with defeating it. I looked through the thread to see if I could find the post I was talking about, but maybe it was just my imagination.
  2. Level 12 Nord. Smithing and enchanting have played an extreme role in leveling. I believe it was Stoic that mentioned in the earlier posts that he recieved an acheivement with alot of gamerscore points behind it for taking down a dragon on the 360. In order for that to happen, would it just have to be YOU fighting it with no assitance?
  3. So I just traveled to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks after completing the smithing tutorial in Riverwood, fucking bandits up the ass with my iron war axe and collecting pelts from every animal i came across (I imagine they will come in handy?) How powerful is this Ice Wraith they speak of?
  4. Bought this yesterday after 1 week of severe withdrawals from the initial rental. Starting a new file tonight I've decided after reading through this thread and discovering things I should have taken advantage of early on. Any huge differences in choosing sides in the initial location when the dragon shows up?
  5. This is my little sister's puppy, Piper. We got her in November 2010 but sadly, she went missing a month la.....hey wait a minute.
  6. It's worth it if got a few guys chipping in to get it. Thinking about doing it, as I'd like to see Sonnen get heeled in his fuckin mouth.
  7. I'm fearing that if I keep this up, I will lose my grip on life as I know it. Taking this back to the rental store this evening. Probably for the best.
  8. Rashad Evans, Matt Hughes, Rich Franklin, and Anderson Silva are a few of my favorite fighters to watch. Haven't followed it much as I used to. We ordered the Rich Franklin/Wanderlei Silva fight last weekend though, good fight.
  9. Rented this finally. I'm a level 5 nord as well. Can't put it down. Any tips on leveling/priority leveling would be greatly appreciated!
  10. It could mean that they showed a 1.5 second scene of the new GTA trailer in a gamescom ad. I don't know what other meaning that could hold.
  11. Thinking about picking this up. That site was helpful, thanks for sharing!
  12. Happy to see Battier get a ring. Well deserved. Lebron has humbled himself recently but not to the point where I'm happy for him. You didn't see Dirk saying "bout damn time" when he got his ring.
  13. Do you guys sign autographs? I'll go for sure if I'm guaranteed one!
  14. Not my car but the closest image I could pull up. Silver 2007 Monte Carlo LS. But mine has dark window tints and the paint job isn't that glossy
  15. Did this discussion ever have civility? Don't hold your breath...it probably won't last long,
  16. Not necessarily, if he is trying to get out of that line of work then i would imagine his old superiors would possibly hunt him down(possible antagonist) and of course i believe it may have something to do with his character trying to reform his life with his ill-gotten gains and possibly invest in real estate. However, with this suggested theme of a failing economy i imagine your character loses everything at one point and you have to go through extreme measures to get back on your feet(Jewelry store heist?) So i believe he could certainly pass as the character. and on a side note Ned Luke's voice could pass for the voice in IV, and this gives the protagonist good reason to get back in contact with Niko as he is a former associate (and i certainly know at least for me, that i absolutely want to see Niko in the storyline) I just can't get past my thoughts that I doubt we'll see any characters or references from the previous GTA's in the storyline. Interesting theory though.
  17. That was probably an attempt to jet through the cieling after taking just enough abuse from the other characters.
  18. I haven't read the books yet. I've seen the making of and featurettes on the "On Demand" feature through my cable provider, but they're more episode analysis features. Also this:
  19. If that was the case, then a majority of the missions would include the protag phoning other people to do missions for him.
  20. Just noticed they have a whole page dedicated to WWE. Not included in "Sports" ....just...WWE.
  21. I've only seen the first season when the series premiered a long time ago. After that, I couldn't get into the second. They showed it in the US on a network exclusive to DirecTV...can't remember what it is though.