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Everything posted by -Hussain-

  1. I had some doubts about this game, they've just been cleared up. Love the customisation of cars and it looks like there's more choice for clothes. Missions look very good, with more autonomy. Investing in stocks is cool, and the tennis and golf games look good. Can't wait. Online Multiplayer is going to be crazy.
  2. I don't remember them mentioning her last season or any other previous seasons. I think this season could be as good as season 2 if all goes well.
  3. Was a good episode, seems weird watching Dexter in the summer though. In a way I kind of wished they never announced this was the final season (and instead just said it was going to get renewed) since we will be expecting a lot of what's going to happen.
  4. Looking at Spain, I reckon it was just pure exhaustion in the final since most of the players looked tired, maybe it was the extra time that did them in. Also, they've been playing consistently well since around 2007/8. Another thing, I don't think any European team will do that well in the WC next year, I can't see them handling the heat.
  5. I'm not really bothered that much about the map. It will be big enough to fly planes so it is big enough. Maps like RDR and San Andreas seemed big but there was just lots of open spaces. I'd rather have a smaller map with much more buildings that can be entered.
  6. -Hussain-

    Mad Max

    Open world post apocalypse, sounds good, I bet the map will be huge too especially if its mostly desert. Want to see some sort of game play trailer, but this is one to watch for.
  7. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/06/14/ubisoft-has-three-assassins-creed-games-in-development I really think they're overdoing it.
  8. I just seen the demo now, to be honest the animations are too AC3 like and it doesn't look like much has changed. I like AC a lot, but I'm not paying full price for this game, I will wait till it becomes much cheaper or buy it 2nd hand. Quite a disappointment really.
  9. -Hussain-


    Is PS4 definitely going to charge for online play then? Price seems decent for the PS4 but I'd rather wait to buy it until the price comes down a bit.
  10. I'm reading Book 4 now and I can safely say it's the worst one so far purely because so many characters are missing. And the plots of some of the characters aren't that good but it still keeps me interested. I haven't read Book 5 yet but I have a feeling that will be the best one.
  11. Doubt that, they will have to get rid of not just the King but all the Lords, so can't see that happening. The Lord of Light is the only God who has some sort of 'real power' so I'm inclined towards Stannis. But who knows.
  12. I've just realised the show could have spoiled the book or future books somewhat (I'm only on Book 4 - Feast for Crows) Since Also anyone else agree with me that Book 4 is the worst book in the series.
  13. One of my favourite epsidoes. I already knew what happened since I have finished the third book. Next weeks episode should be good.
  14. Maybe I need to buy a second hand copy. I'll check it out.
  15. Yeah I don't really like FPSs. I was thinking of a more RDR, GTA, AC kind of open world.
  16. I'd like an open world game set in a post-apocalyptic future, where people have survived and are rebuilding. I've always wanted a game set in Feudal Japan, maybe AC can provide that in the future.
  17. It probably differs from a hate crime, since the attackers had a political aim, which was to try and get the UK to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.
  18. That's a nice thought, but not really practical. Do you know the economic impact of not being able to have safe access to the Suez Canal, for example? There's no reason to believe the Suez Canal would be closed off to Europeans due to the repatriation of foreigners. See why would you say they were foreigners, when they were British Born, because they're black? What if a white British person committed a terrorist attack, where would you deport him to?
  19. -Hussain-

    XBOX One

    Thanks for the answers. Hussain, you mentioned a time limit...Did they mention one for the new Xbox? For the PS3 it was around 15 minutes I think but I'm not sure for the X-Box 1
  20. It's bad what happened, but not really a surprise anymore. Both guys seemed to be a lone wolves by the looks of it, both British born and of Nigerian descent who converted from Christianity to Islam a few years ago. It's pretty obvious of why this happened even if the politicians deny it, it's because of the foreign policy, but no high ranking politician will admit it. Put simply, the good ol' "why don't they fuck off back to where they came from." It's because our country is weak... a pushover. Sometimes (not often mind you), I wish this country were more like America, at least they have the death penalty. Still, nowhere is immune to the effects of crazy religious fucktards who think they are working for a just cause. Where would you deport them to? One's British born and the other is likely to be too.
  21. Anyone have any idea why episode 9 wont be airing this sunday/monday?
  22. -Hussain-

    XBOX One

    Yeah for a limited amount of time, record the gameplay and share it, http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1795298/nextgen_ps4_is_constantly_recording_video_for_sharing.html
  23. -Hussain-

    XBOX One

    E3 is around the corner, I'm sure the XBOX (and PS4) will reveal more of the 'gaming' part of the system. But if the xbox won't allow used games to be played unless you pay a fee is ridiculous. Its still a rumour though. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2013/05/21/xbox-one-will-support-second-hand-games-for/1 http://uk.ign.com/wikis/xbox-one/Xbox_One_Features
  24. -Hussain-


    Does anyone know if used PS4 games will still be usable? EDIT For other PS4 systems