should weed be legal?  

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vaping is NOT smoother IMO :lol:... when i smoked, vaping made me cough uncontrollably no matter the size of the hit... edibles is the way to go if you're still wanting to get high, otherwise i'd just tell you quit lol... you don't smoke cigarettes do you?

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What the fuxk you been vaping!?... :huh: Maybe if you're a past smoker I could see how that'd be a problem but at least in my experience I agree with grl that it is a lot smoother then smoking flower.I just use a little half gram to a gram and it's no bigger then a simple pen...Hate those big ones that blow massive smoke...hipster douches,that's all I gotta say about them.

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Spent yesterday in the hospital clinic. Lungs have snot in them or something. They gave me a prescription for antibiotics, but I can't smoke everyday that's part of the issue... going to learn to cook them.

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Whatever you do, take the full run of antibiotics, don't stop it early if you start feeling better, otherwise it might not kill off the infection completely and you'll be in hell for weeks. 

There's a method to cook off the dried herb (it removes a sugar molecule around the THC that makes it indigestible), then you can take it in pill form, if you don't want to bake it into something or make cannabutter out of it (THC is fat soluable). 

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On 30/01/2017 at 6:58 PM, gtagrl said:

Whatever you do, take the full run of antibiotics, don't stop it early if you start feeling better, otherwise it might not kill off the infection completely and you'll be in hell for weeks.


and aid in the creation of super gonorrhea.


this is not a joke. people stopped taking antibiotics half way through treatment for gonorrhea. The result is a strain resistent to antibiotics. terrifying

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you need a lot of weed to cook with weed so prepare to spend $$


personally, i'd drop the weed and grow your own shrooms. If you only eat a few, you won't trip balls. Just a nice body high, Plus, you can get the spores shipped to you legally.... The spores are legal, but not the shroom ???

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No, I don't. But I still think is should be legal. I mean alcohol is legal and it kills so many people every year. Makes no sense if you ask me. 

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On 1/30/2017 at 1:06 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

vaping burns my lungs... it hurts to breath after a hit... at least with joints/bowls, the smoke always masked the burn... with vaping it's straight to the feels :(...

My issue with vaping is, especially after I gave up cigarettes, that it gets me high, but it feels wrong. I like the feeling of smoke slowly killing me, and vaping doesn't satisfy that urge. 


A friend recently made up some weed honey and holy fuck. Two spoons of it and you can barely remember your name. I am sleeping better, at least. 

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Trump has decided that legalization of marijuana, just like pretty much all the other progress we've made over the last 8 years, is a no-go. Gotta make sure those privatized prisons are meeting their minimum occupancy quotas, after all. Can't let that totally unjustifiable source of income die, even though legal marijuana would make significantly more money.


Fun fact: Legal marijuana sales totaled $6.7 billion, last year.

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2 hours ago, Massacre said:

Trump has decided that legalization of marijuana, just like pretty much all the other progress we've made over the last 8 years, is a no-go. Gotta make sure those privatized prisons are meeting their minimum occupancy quotas, after all. Can't let that totally unjustifiable source of income die, even though legal marijuana would make significantly more money.


Fun fact: Legal marijuana sales totaled $6.7 billion, last year.

In his defence, I smoked a joint once and I got leprosy!


In seriousness, the guy is a fucking moron who seems to have no respect for personal freedom.*


*As a stoner I'm likely biased but still. Fuck him. 

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Come to Melbourne. Our dude is in China for 6 weeks so we uhh, have a lot stashed. May have gone too far this time. Especially as he left us with it and doesn't want payment until he gets back to see how much we use. Too much, I'm going to guess. 

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On 8/6/2017 at 11:41 AM, Massacre said:

My dealer is moving to a medical state. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers in the difficult times ahead.

my dealer lived behind my shed until easter. it now lives in various mason jars in and around my shed. much cheaper option.

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