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Mobile Phones (or Cell Phones if you're a mong)

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Fuck all this techno-proud americanry. I have a Nokia of some description. It doesn't even get used for calls or texts let alone all your proud americany social networking bullshit.

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I'm waiting for the iPhone 5. Hopefully it'll be worth getting, although given the amount I've spent on accessories, apps and even my car CD player which is specially built to connect to iPhones, I'll probably get it anyway.

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Fuck all this techno-proud americanry. I have a Nokia of some description. It doesn't even get used for calls or texts let alone all your proud americany social networking bullshit.

Don't blame us if you have no social life.

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no, he's like me and probably doesn't want to pay $80/month to use the internet on his phone... and i hear rumors of hidden fees to jack up your monthly payment if you don't have a data plan... fucking phones are getting out of control...

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no, he's like me and probably doesn't want to pay $80/month to use the internet on his phone... and i hear rumors of hidden fees to jack up your monthly payment if you don't have a data plan... fucking phones are getting out of control...

Not that bad in the UK. You have no idea how screwed up the American phone system is. Such as paying to receive texts, that pissed me off when I was there.

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no, he's like me and probably doesn't want to pay $80/month to use the internet on his phone... and i hear rumors of hidden fees to jack up your monthly payment if you don't have a data plan... fucking phones are getting out of control...

I don't want to use the internet on my phone full stop. I have a computer if I want to use the internet. That's the problem with today's society, it has to have everything at it's fingertips there and then. "Oh hey i'm in the supermarket shopping for food and I suddenly decided I have to check my facebook to see what updates people have sent me." People are so impatient these days.

And fuck Ast PiefAst. :D

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same here... i don't need to tweet or post status updates when i am stuck in traffic or walking around wal-mart... i can wait until i get home to check it out on my PC or ipod... i find it hilarious that people actually post where they're at... i had a friend get robbed when he did that...

i wouldn't say i am anti-social... i got friends, and hang out with lots of people... but i don't need to tell the world that i am hanging out with them... the only people that would care are the ones i am already hanging out with... i don't think i will fully understand this social networking world we live in nowadays...

...and you wanna know something else i notice with these socialites?? they rarely ever comment on someone elses status, even though they are fully expecting people to comment on theirs... it's ridiculous that people seem to think friends actually care where they eat dinner every night...

if i didn't have the internet at home i might consider it, but having the internet from two different sources sounds like overkill to me and a great way to waste your hard earned money...

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Oh here's a pic of my phone (probably the same pic I posted of it in the last phone topic in the old forum, whenever that was.)


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This phone is much more useful to me than my iPhone 4. It has buttons you can press, it is easy to call people, answer calls and message people. All I really need.

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I had Nokia 6263 for years (with T-Mobile) and then I switched to this:


I've been pretty satisfied with the phone and service. I'm paying a whole lot less with a bunch more features.

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Blackberry Curve on Rogers, They suck. I bought an unlocked phone though so I can bounce between service carriers time to time

What I take away from this topic is that all of you are proud americans except Vicey and bOnEs.



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