
Assassin's Creed

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They are worth playing, but years ago... If you play AC3, there will be no going back without feeling like it incredibly antiquated. You're not missing much, but some of the shit with the First Civilization might not make sense to you. If you don't know what I am talking about, there you go. AC3 is it's own story, but you won't know WHY it's set in America and will be missing out on a good portion of the Desmond plot. Where's Lucy? You'll also miss some of the advances in Brotherhood and Revelations that make AC3 what it is today.

If you have them, play them, wait on AC3. Or not. Whatever. They're just games.

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btw, I haven't played through Brotherhood and Revelations, as I wasn't that into Ezio's story after AC2 . Are they worth playing, or should I trade them in and put the money towards GTA V?

Brotherhood is essentially an extended add-on of content from II; there are minor differences/improvements to gameplay, but not hugely significant compared to II.

Revelations does a great job of wrapping up Ezio's storyline and linking everything back to Altair's story from game one (and to Desmond, of course.) Gameplay and fighting are improved and upgraded even further compared to ACII. If you're only going to play one of them, I'd say Revelations is absolutely worth it.

ACIII should keep you occupied for a while, but you'd likely have time to play Revelations before trading it in towards GTAV...after all, a "Spring 2013" release will be at least 6 months from now, delays notwithstanding. There's my two cents, from someone who has played the entire series.

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What should me Native American name be? Punches-bunnies-to-death-and-takes-their-skin or Air-assassinates-beavers-from-treetops?

Noticed a few glitches quite early on in the game, facial animations from one character not showing in a cutscene, he was talking but his mouth wasn't moving - it was freaky.

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btw, I haven't played through Brotherhood and Revelations, as I wasn't that into Ezio's story after AC2 . Are they worth playing, or should I trade them in and put the money towards GTA V?

Read the wiki to see what happens in Brotherhood, but absolutely play Revelations.

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@stoic, nice read... but i don't know about the 100% thing because it involves grinding out multiplayer stuff...

@viceman, i had the same problem a couple of times with mouths not moving... i've also had audio completely cut off a couple times, usually it was the background music and sounds during a cutscene...

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Just finished the first mission in Boston harbor. Really liking the way the story is going so far. I'm glad i picked this game up today, i was in two minds whether to wait for Hitman or get this, that'll have to wait now though.

also, i had the captain not move his mouth in a cutscene, it looked terrible.

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im gonna play mulitplayer, and let my brother play for a while, there is only 12 sequences according to the playstation trophies, and i have 6 done, i need to savor the amazing singleplayer experience.

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@ b0nes - I was mostly talking about 100%ing the story, all the collectibles, etc. I haven't played the MP yet, but I did really get into the MP in Revelations and the achievements don't appear to be TOO much of a grind, especially compared to Brotherhood or Revelations. I can see myself 100%ing the achievements as well and I have decided to go ahead with the season pass.

I completed Sequence 5 and the 1st Desmond sequence last night. I guess my 360 was offline; I didn't see my achievements pop yet on, WTF. I got to the first mission in the 6th sequence and then the damn trick or treaters starting showing up.

As far as glitches, I swam to the Boston Lighthouse and exited the water right by the shore. There was a dude on the big rock sitting there. As I walked by, he jumped off the rock into the water, splash and everything and then he was gone. Also, I tried to ride my horse off a cliff that had a large lake below. He wouldn't budge over the edge while I was mounted. I dismounted so I could jump off the ledge and get to my destination and the horse followed me right off the cliff. He splashed down right after me, again straight to the bottom never to be seen again. Last glitch had a horse climbing the wall in the second sequence while infiltrating the fort - he appeared to be tied off next to the wall and just started sliding towards the wall and went vertical climbing up the wall until he was on the wall.

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I'm sequence 5 atm, haven't played single player today.

According to PSN I beat your score jizz

I got the join or die edition. Any one else get a special edition?

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so, i heard and saw a couple of really sweet things, but it's only for those who passed sequence 5...


how fucking cool was that sequence?! and also, after talking to shaun afterwards before re-entering the animus, he talks about wanting to go further into the past, merely as a learning tool, but also to tell us that ubisoft could go anywhere in history if they wanted :lol:...

i am now officially playing as the connor from the trailers, and look forward to a mission or two before i call it quits... the ropedart looks like a fun new addition to the arsenal... still, i gotta work on my marksmen skill too, that is still lacking...

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showoff <_< ... i just finished the;

lead in to the boston tea party... might see where this goes before i call it quits :D...

and i had finally pulled off the smoothest battle combo i've seen yet... first, i counter a man and then throw him into another man, then kill the closest guy on the ground, then quickly stab the guy trying to get up, then doing a baraka-like stab with the blades to take out the last guy...

oh, and right before this sequence, i dropped in from a rooftop to take out the 1st guy ;)... i had to put the controller down for minute, i was wowed by what i just witnessed... even describing it does no justice at all... should of been there i guess...

EDIT: haha!! i just heard an old lady in a graveyard that sounds like a dude :lol:... she/he keeps talking, and it's definitely a dude...

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I returned the game and put the money into GTA V. I got to sequence 6 but it wasn't feeling the vibe. Im more of a Hitman type of guy. The freerunning and combat were fun, but i just couldn't get into the story.

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Wow. You can easily find fault with glitches or not like the combat style, but the last thing I'd expect to hear negative feedback on in AC is story, of all things.

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There's nothing wrong with it, just not my style. It's a really good game, just not my type. Like Halo, great game not my type.

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@craze - if you didn't like AC2 then i doubt you'd get into AC3... it's roughly the same princepal, but in a vastly different landscape that the 4 previous games... it has more of a native american feel, with colonial america as the backdrop... still chasing templars and ancient artifacts...

I liked the storyline in AC2 but the game play just got repetitive after a while, sneak around, kill someone, run away, sneak again, kill someone else, etc. Is the new one better in that sense?

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I'm so struck by the beauty and freedom of the rural maps. I've just been exploring and hunting a lot, instead of playing through the sequences... okay it's not quite RDR, but it's still rich in foliage and game. Also, i wasn't quite sure how they'd pull off the tree climbing in this game, but it's really well done imo.

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i love running through the trees... i kinda seek them out if i can now...

fuck, hopefully when i get off work today i'll play some AC3... i switched shifts with someone so i won't be working tonight... this is getting ridiculous though, i've barely had a chance to play in the past few days, so tonight i am gonna fill up a growler and spend all night playing...

fuck the world, connor and desmond need me..

EDIT: fucking world!! why wont you let me play this?!?!?! :angry:

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