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Yep, i'm with you pretty much, pointless back and forth gun battles with random people isn't my idea of fun. Still i'm interested to see how i'd fare against PVP pros since i've spent so many years playing Fallout 4 and know the weapon characteristics well.


Funny that we have two games now that feature single player weapon mechanics that I can't see transitioning into an online world smoothly. (Deadeye in RDRII and VATS in this.)

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i'll continue to stay optimistic until i see the making of video tomorrow... i feel like that will have all the juicy details we need that a short 20 minute E3 segment can't provide...  i'm not turned off by the concept just yet, because i love fallout, and i hope that bethesda knows what they're getting into...

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I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing, I will probably pick it up and enjoy it for a few hours but I don't think i'll be as invested in the world as I would be if it was SP. At least the map looks more exciting than 4's.

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I'm staying neutral and optimistic at this point, need more details to know if it'll be worth getting, but so far it looks appealing. Agreed about trying to play a game solo if it's been designed to be multiplayer - unless there are certain features that are adjusted if you launch a solo lobby.  


Questions are still up in the air: 

If there are no NPCs at all, does that mean someone playing solo will literally be alone on the map, other than in-game enemies?

If you do hook up with a buddy to do some 2-person co-op, and they've triggered a nuclear bomb in their world but you haven't in yours, how's that gonna work?

...among many others. 

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37 minutes ago, gtagrl said:

 If there are no NPCs at all, does that mean someone playing solo will literally be alone on the map, other than in-game enemies?

Was thinking that myself.


If you build a settlement somewhere and you join a lobby where someone else has built at the same spot? If you build in a spot and join a lobby where that area is nuked to fuckery? Ze questions are endless...?





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i'm sure there's people... there has to be stores, otherwise, why are you collecting bottle caps?? it doesn't look like west virginia was directly hit, or at least parts of it... there's gotta be pockets of people still around...


i think todd was talking about everyone from the vault are the real people... no NPCs in the vault... the overseer sounded like a robot to me...


i'm also wondering that if every time you join a new online map, are all the quests and items regenerated? like, could you grind the same damn level over and over for RP and random loot? i would hate to have to see my progression on the world reset every time i log in... the C.A.M.P. makes it seem like i can take my house to any server, but i feel like there's gotta be more to it than just that...

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He said you can do quests solo so that must mean there are questgivers there to give quests. Quite.

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This sounds like a complete clusterfuck.... 


They had a good thing going. There was no reason at all for this shit. Just fucking money hungry assholes. Get ready for those micro transactions.

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I understand the move, honestly. Video game makers need to make money. Microtransactions do that. But, i think if they sold the game for 120 instead of 60, they could cover whatever they'd get from the microtransactions without turning themselves into whores. 



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18 minutes ago, Qdeathstar said:

I understand the move, honestly. Video game makers need to make money. Microtransactions do that. But, i think if they sold the game for 120 instead of 60, they could cover whatever they'd get from the microtransactions without turning themselves into whores. 




Yeah but at the same time they were making PLENTY of money without micro transactions... they are just getting greedy.

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Yeah fuck you Todd Howard. 


Well when this game completely fails I'll be back. I'ver never wished on a game to fail except this one because if it works say goodbye to single player RPG's from Bethesda.

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No NPC's...


I think thats going to limit the story.  Real time VATS sounds interesting; it depends. If it is just auto-aim i dunno about that. The thing about vats is that it requires timing, you run out and your screwed.. auto aim doesn't have the same feeling.

finished my fallout inspired light






The led lights in the head can change color and move about, with the lense on it it looks like a radar is being projected onto the ceiling when it’s moving....




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14 hours ago, Qdeathstar said:


“Having thought about it some more” is codename for “having listened to thier marketing wank”


No, not really and quite the opposite after watching that Todd Howard interview...  I was just trying to stay positive... 


Nice lamp!

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i was pissed off at the time ;)



Thanks, i rather like it. I was going to put a nuclear symbol where the fallout lighting strike is nut changed my mind, i like the lightning strike,



I want to make a fallout radio style nixie tube clock..... one day...

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No offline. Even playing solo, you'll see other people 

No NPCs, robots only, also terminals

PvP being worked on to balance interactions and griefing

Real time aiming  (so no V.A.T.S. slowdown?)

Mods and private worlds in their plans but not available at launch


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I still find it odd that as little as 6 months ago they were preaching about saving single player gaming and their next big announcement is "hey, here's some multiplayer." Why bother with the #SavePlayer1 thing at all?


(I think that's the first time i've ever used a hashtag.)

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30 minutes ago, ViceMan said:

I still find it odd that as little as 6 months ago they were preaching about saving single player gaming and their next big announcement is "hey, here's some multiplayer." Why bother with the #SavePlayer1 thing at all?


(I think that's the first time i've ever used a hashtag.)


that doesn't mean every game they make has to be single player, they do make a lot of those... they can make an online game alongside their dozens of single player ones... so i see this as an experiment... if it fails, what will they really lose if the next fallout goes back to it's roots? i think they're gonna see if a potential fallout: online down the road would work or not... this is essentially a fallout: online-lite IMO, and if it works, they might consider branching fallout off into another realm...


but i don't think this is the end of single player, and especially not the end of single player fallouts... just a bit of a distraction... come on, none of us expected a fallout for another few years, so i can't get too upset about whatever this turns out to be as it's an experiment...

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Well...I guess it doesn't look as bad as a Fallout style Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO...That said I'm still living in fantasy land where a New Vegas style game by Obsidian (does that even exist anymore?)/Chris Avellone will happen. 

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3 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:


that doesn't mean every game they make has to be single player, they do make a lot of those... they can make an online game alongside their dozens of single player ones... so i see this as an experiment... if it fails, what will they really lose if the next fallout goes back to it's roots? i think they're gonna see if a potential fallout: online down the road would work or not... this is essentially a fallout: online-lite IMO, and if it works, they might consider branching fallout off into another realm...


but i don't think this is the end of single player, and especially not the end of single player fallouts... just a bit of a distraction... come on, none of us expected a fallout for another few years, so i can't get too upset about whatever this turns out to be as it's an experiment...


But what if the experiment works in spades and this is their format for now on....


Lets just hope this game fails.

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1 minute ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

well i hope it succeeds, it'll mean more fallout B)...


just because elder scrolls online is doing good for them, doesn't mean we wont get elder scrolls 6...


Yeah but that was a completely different game altogether....


This is pretty much fallout minus everything we love about it. 

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