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here's an interesting blurb from a recent, and brief, pete hines interview...



Pete Hines revealed that Fallout 76 will come with some sort of Revenge System, which provides incentives for getting back at a player that has killed you. More has also been revealed on nukes, like they won’t be easy to get and that they cannot be used to nuke another player. Once an area has been selected, the game will warn players who will then have enough time to leave the area.


that last sentence is a bit of a relief, as i figured nukes weren't going to be a griefing tool...

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It's nice that they're building in warnings and giving you time to vacate, but I still don't want to be in a lobby with people I don't know in the first place. People suck and I hate them.  

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I really don't know what to compare this to mentally yet, I tend not to play many multiplayer games because:

1 hour ago, gtagrl said:

People suck and I hate them.  

I still think it's going to be more like Rust than GTAO, you can set up trading posts in Rust and with the lack of NPCs in 76 I imagine we'll need to set up our own shops, gonna be weird not having vendors with replenishing supplies of ammo on a daily basis.


Did they mention any sort of survival mechanics yet? I can't remember, I know they mentioned it in regard to being a time sink like brushing teeth etc. But whether we'll need to eat, drink and sleep regularly, I hope so, I only ever play Bethesda games on survival nowadays.

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there will be hunger and hydration, but they said it won't be as harsh as survival mode was in fallout 4... i assume sleep would be important too, but i didn't see it mentioned just yet... seems like it'd be hard to implement sleep on a live map...


i read somewhere too that if you wanted to be a vendor, you could... trade goods and such, you can even trade perk cards with each other, so i would imagine those could be purchasable from merchants...


i think playing as a merchant would be a lot of fun, because they can't rob you of your stuff, so you're relatively safe... perhaps there's a way to indicate your intentions so players can see a merchant icon on the map or something and come stop by your settlement to trade... that would be so cool, i would love that...

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If we can freely change between roles by swapping out our perk decks then yeah, i'd like to be a trader one day, but not stuck as it indefinitely. I'd probably alternate between builder, trader and adventurer. If you can't steal shit from people it's going to make the raider archetype a bit boring, but luckily I don't enjoy that.

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i would definitely have to make the merchant a separate character, but you'll also have to do a lot of exploring to collect that amount of goods to sell, so maybe not... and perhaps setting up a trader settlement will be tough, but if bethesda sticks to their plan of supporting this game for many years, perhaps stuff like that will be added as the world evolves and progresses... it would be cool if you could create a no combat zone around the settlement, to encourage people to check it out...


the more i read tho, the more i worry that CAMPS are only allowing you to build YOUR settlement, not letting you build wherever... like i can't just construct some ramps to get on top of a building, and i can't add stuff all over the map... i think you just get to build your base, and take it anywhere you want... that's a bit of a letdown if i can't just construct random things... and i am also concerned about how moving your settlement will work with the blueprint... what if perimeters don't match up with the terrain, will it clip thru it or not allow you to place your blueprint?? sigh... we need that beta soon, i'm sure it will answer a lot of questions that bethesda isn't lol...

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Fallout 4 item placement was notoriously finicky, so I don't see how you'd be able to pack up your settlement and move it elsewhere unless the map is completely flat and free from small objects. Hopefully items will drop to ground level, but even then I tend to build to suit the terrain, so if you have to pack it up and move it'd feel out of place.

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well you'll always have your spot, unless you join an online lobby where someone else is already there... so i don't see it as a huge problem for a lot of us who will more than likely be finding spots off the beaten path... settlements in towns or next to existing structures in main areas could kick us or others out, but my cabin in the woods will more than likely be safe from other players settlements... it's the roaming monsters i'll probably have to worry about lol...


pretty sure our early CAMP sites will be very small and versatile, until we find a spot we want to call home... mine will probably just be a tent with a couple containers and a campfire, for a bit anyways until i can start making a footprint in the hills of WV...


i'm also wondering about inventory... do we have SAFE containers in our settlements or has carry weight been removed? :unsure:...

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Yeah I mentioned that a while ago, what's to stop someone wandering into your home and looting your shit. I have no idea, personally i'd be more for a system where the stuff in your containers is safe but the stuff you carry on you can be stolen if you're killed. There has to be some element of risk involved, the point of an RPG is you can do anything, be anyone. Fallout 4 hampered that somewhat with a voiced protag and restrictive dialogue that generally corralled you down the path it wanted you to take.


If there's no penalty for dying then it kills your immersion and your bond to your character, imagine looting some really good weaponry from a place then scurrying back to your home to stash it, hoping you're gonna make it back in one piece. I dunno, it seems like a lose-lose to me, sure I don't want to be griefed constantly, but there also has to be that sense of trepidation, risk vs reward, gaining the upper hand and not wanting to lose it. If you can't be looted upon death you might as well moonwalk across the map with a boombox on your shoulder.

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18 hours ago, ViceMan said:

Yeah I mentioned that a while ago, what's to stop someone wandering into your home and looting your shit. I have no idea, personally i'd be more for a system where the stuff in your containers is safe but the stuff you carry on you can be stolen if you're killed.


Perhaps you can lock up your goods with either a key or password protected lock, which can be picked or hacked via terminal.  If someone tries to hack or pick the lock, you get warned and have a chance to get back to your settlement to stop the thief in progress.  That could be interesting.


If you can pack up your settlement and carry it around with you, I think I'll just make a few containers, dump my loot in them when my carry limit is reached and pack the settlement up again.  But that sounds too easy...  


Too many questions I need answers to....

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for reals tho... with a game this size, and with the added game dynamic, there's far too many questions you'd expect for a new fallout... had this just been fallout 4: new new hampshire or something, we'd all know what to expect, because it's fallout... this online thing has all of us dedicated fanatics completely off guard and confused because of knowing how the bethesda gaming formula operates...


and as they've said, it's new to them too, so i expect some major issues early on, just like GTAO, but hopefully not with servers that won't even launch, i think most gaming companies learned a lesson from that poorly executed launch... but then again, bethesda just might be underestimating it's fanbase too...

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i might of been drunk when it's happened before, but i don't remember ever seeing my companions do this?? usually they just play with terminals or crafting stations... i know nick breaks out a screwdriver sometimes and thinkers with his exposed hand, but i've never seen him lean up against a building! :o



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I think they all do in Goodneighbour, there's a drug den near Bunker Hill where they'll do the taking jet animation too.

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On 20/06/2018 at 0:58 PM, gtagrl said:

It's nice that they're building in warnings and giving you time to vacate, but I still don't want to be in a lobby with people I don't know in the first place. People suck and I hate them.  

Yup. I was ready to pre-order but once I heard about no private lobbies I am waiting for reviews. What were they thinking? Honestly. 

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it's the whole no NPCs thing is the reason for the open lobbies... they want every person you see be a real person, with unknown intentions... i don't think everyone will be out to kill each other, especially if there's no rewards, like getting some of your stuff... i think i saw in the video when he got a revenge kill, he only got 10 caps...


my only real concern is not if i get killed, but if i have the option to go somewhere else instead, why do i have the leave the area? i could be there for a quest and want to be there... it sounded like there might be a sort of passive mode where after the first kill, you can opt out of further combat? that way perhaps you can still stay in the area to keep questing? i dunno, bethesda is being very vague right now and it's frustrating lol...

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2 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

it's the whole no NPCs thing is the reason for the open lobbies...

I get that much. Then have open lobbies. And private ones too. It doesn't have to be justified by the lore for people to know want to worry about scumfuck randoms. 



2 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

i dunno, bethesda is being very vague right now and it's frustrating lol...

Lmfao exactly. It's so annoying. Hence me not pre-ordering. 


I actually think they're being vague because they will fine tune a lot of the details after the beta based on the user feedback. Hopefully there will be enough people bitching about griefers they will stop trying to balance that out in public lobbies. 

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On 6/23/2018 at 1:24 PM, DiO said:

Hopefully there will be enough people bitching about griefers they will stop trying to balance that out in public lobbies. 



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todd howard apparently said fallout 5 will return to single player, and i am sure that project is at least 5 years away... fallout 76 was an idea that he and the studio thought fans of the series would have fun with... so apparently this won't be the new direction for the series, just something different for the fans to enjoy and explore while they focus on other games in their studio...


it sounds like the new studio they picked up in austin texas has been handling the bulk of the work... similar to how they let obisdian work on new vegas so they could put their efforts into skyrim... i'm imagining that they're doing the same here so they can stay focused on starfield and TES6...


only just recently announcing the acquisition was probably a smart move on their part to throw off the scent of them working on fallout and ruin the giant surprise that shocked us all...

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I hear you bones, but money talks. As soon as Bethesda starts raking in money from the latest power armor skin, how could they go back to sp? They got shareholders to answer to.

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