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oh haha, desdemona did that too me once during a key moment in the game... i got pissed and reloaded my game so i could hear what she said... and she did it again!! :lol:... so i said fuck it and just went where she wanted me to go... when i activated her after she walked away, she'd talk about being busy lol... thanks, bitch...

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What is it with killing raiders who are leaning on railings, they go flying off into the air with so much force like a rubber band that's just been snapped. I know it's because they're stuck in an animation but I don't understand the exact reasons for it. Whatever it is it's fookin' funny. The ones on the gantries above Corvega are the best place to see it.

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Gun nut isn't so vital if you're prepared to wait to find a gun with the mod on it you want, which will probably take a while.



Ya you're right. It's nice to have tho. I can make most legendary stuff so much better. Still waiting to find a better unarmed weapon. I seem to find way more melee weapons



tiz bullshit


can anyone tell me the advantage of using unarmed over melee? Or is it just cause power fists are cool? I guess it certainly made the Sierra Madre DLC easier for New Vegas.


If you sneak behind someone with a sneak kill with unarmed, it sometimes does an animation of your character snapping their neck. Another one is I've actually gave someone a german suplex. Ill have to post a video of these. Its pretty kickass

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Kind of disappointing, both of the unarmed stealth kills are from Skyrim.

Also, re: unarmed and power armor, I think the Tesla Bracer mod for power armor arms does more damage than any unarmed weapon, anyway. Just kind of tedious unlocking the right perks for it.

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apparently that on one arm, and hydraulic bracers on the other might work well. One does more punching damage with no sneak attack, the other is better for sneaking.

Shit I may have to go brotherhood after all.  From a steam forum



Confirmed: With Iron Fist 5, Teslas are still better in a straight fight

Sneak Attack Testing
Target: Valentine in full Prism T51e (1305/1305)

Perkes used: Iron Fist 5, Ninja 1
Mod Used: 1x Hydraulic Bracers
Regular Sneak attack damaged Nick Valentine down to the middle of the first "N" in "VALENTINE" as displayed in VATS.
Power Sneak attack (after waiting for Valentine to recover) knocked out valentine in one hit
Without Ninja, Power Sneak attack damaged him down to between the I and the C in "NICK" from full health.

Tesla Bracers
Regular Sneak Attack: Damaged valentine down to the middle of the "T" in "VALENTINE"
Power Sneak Attack: From Full health to betweent the"V" and "A" in "VALENTINE"

No Bracers
Power Sneak Attack: Damaged Valentine down to between the "L" and the "E" in "VALENTINE"
Regular Sneak Attack: damaged down to the second "N" in "VALENTINE"

Tesla Damage bonus does not appear to be multiplied by any of Power Attack, Sneak Attack / Ninja, Iron Fist


Hydraulic Bracers better for sneak attacks, particularly if using power attacks, Ninja or Iron Fist.
Tesla Bracers are just plain better than Hydraulic bracers in any kind of fair fight.
Tesla Bracers are EXTRMELY effective against heavily armored enemies, because the damage bonus ignores armor.
On rare occasions, Tesla Bracers seem to fail to apply their damage effect. I am currently unsure what causes this to occur. I suspect this is a bug, but cannot be sure.
REMINDER: Equipping bracers, either kind, on both arms, DO stack.
Does not matter which arm Bracers are equipped on / which arm is used in attack animation; bracers on either arm affect all hits with both hands.



Oddly enough, this is not true. The Heating Power Fist adds energy damage to the base damage of the weapon (which is then subject to any applicable multipliers like power attack, sneak attack / Ninja or Iron Fist), while the Tesla Bracer does its damage as a special effect (which does not benefit from multipliers but also ignores resistance).

Some testing on Nick Valentine in Prism T-51e (1305/1305):
2 Ranks Iron Fist, No ranks Ninja, Strength 5 (All previous PA tests had standard unmodded PA strength of 11)

Puncturing PF, Power attack: Damaged to end of final "E" in "VALENTINE" in VATS
Puncturing PF, Normal attack: Very little damage
Puncturing PF, Sneak attack: Damaged to between the "T" and the "I" in "VALENTINE"
Puncturing PF, Power Sneak atk: Down to middle of "L" in "VALENTINE"
Turret (12/10)
Normal attack: around 70% or 80% damage (down to the "H" in "MACHINEGUN"
Sneak Attack: one hit kill
Brahmin (10/0), Sneak Attack: around 80% damage

Heated Power Fist:
Valentine in Prism T-51e (1305/1305)
Normal Attack: Very little damage
Power Attack: 2/3 of the way to the final "E" in "VALENTINE", not good
Normal Sneak: Between the "N and the "E in "VALENTINE"
Power Sneak: Middle-left of the "T" in "VALENTINE"
Turrret (12/10)
Normal Attack: 60-70% damage, (around the "N" in "MACHINEGUN TURRET")
Sneak Attack: one hit kill
Brahmin (10/0), Sneak Attack: around 90% damage

Puncturing PF slightly better than Heated PF agins targets with large physical resistance (due to armor piercing - heated PF still does 2/3 of damage as kinetic) or any energy resistance.
Power Fist (normal, puncturing or heated) can be directly compared with itself or Power Armor with or without Hydraulic Bracers on the basis of total base damage (visible in Pip-Boy) when equipped, with the Puncturing Power Fist getting a bonus for its armor piercing. Remember that you can double up on bracers.

Puncturing or Heated PF at strength 5 slightly outperforms 1x Hydraulic bracer (includign PA strengh bonus), but not double Hydraulic bracers.

Direct statistical comparison to Tesla Bracers not possible, but testing clearly shows that in a straight fistfight (NOT sneak attack), the Tesla Bracer, or better yet two of them, is more than a match for anything in the punching department.

For Fighting:
2x Tesla > Tesla/Hydraulic > Tesla >> 2x Hydraulic > PPF > HPF > Hydraulic

For Sneak Attack
2x Hydraulic > PPF > HPF > Tesla/Hydraulic > Hydraulic > 2x Tesla > Tesla

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For a moment there I thought you'd done all that research Dio. Bear in mind for melee the perk is bugged on the final rank.

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Fuck doing it myself lol.


I think unarmed is fine.


IKILLYOU told me that the melee bug is only fucked on the amount of damage displayed from the pip boy and he was doing fine damage when he was actually playing. 


That and there was an update this morning. It's fixed



Fallout 4 1.3 Update (All platforms unless otherwise noted)


Update 1.3 is live on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.


New Features
  • New ambient occlusion setting, HBAO+ (PC)
  • New weapon debris effects (PC NVIDIA cards)
  • Added status menu for settlers in your settlements
  • Added ability to rotate an object you are holding with left/right triggers and pressing down on left thumbstick lets you switch the rotating axis
  • Improved "ESDF" keys remapping support while in Workshop mode (PC)
  • Dramatically increases object fading distance (console)

Gameplay Fixes

  • General memory and stability improvements
  • Improved performance when looking through a scope
  • Fixed issue where player could warp to a different location when aiming
  • Companions can no longer get stuck with radiation poisoning
  • Fixed an issue where Vault 81 residents would not dismember correctly
  • Big Leagues perk now displays calculated damage correctly
  • Fixed issue with third person camera not displaying properly after exiting certain crafting stations
  • Fixed an issue where subtitles would occasionally not update properly
  • Effects will properly be removed on companions when items are unequipped
  • MacReady’s Killshot perk now calculates headshot percentages properly
  • Fixed an issue with NPCs getting stuck in Power Armor
  • Fixed a rare issue with companions getting stuck in down state
  • Second rank of Aquaboy now calculates properly
  • Fixed an issue with resistance not always lowering the damage correctly when added by mods
  • Enabled number of characters available when renaming an item (XB1)
  • Fixed issue with player becoming dismembered while still alive
  • Robotics expert is now usable in combat
  • Stimpaks can now be used on Curie after the transformation
  • Playing a holotape found in wilderness while switching point of view no longer causes the screen to blur or controls to be locked
Quest Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with "Taking Independence" where the minutemen remaining from the battle against the Mirelurk Queen would not gather in the Castle
  • Fixed an issue where invulnerable characters would get stuck in combat
  • Fixed an issue where Preston would send player to a settlement instead of a dungeon as part of a Minutemen quest
  • Fixed an issue where Synths could attack the Castle while the player was friends with the Institute
  • Fixed an issue where killing a caravan would leave a quest open
  • Fixed an issue where Dogmeat would stay at Fort Hagen after "Reunions" was completed
  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn't talk to Desdemona to complete "Underground Undercover"
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck exiting the cryopod
  • Fixed an issue where the player could no longer get Preston as a companion
  • In "The End of the Line," fixed an issue that would prevent the player from killing the leaders of the Railroad
  • Fixed an issue with Minutemen quests repeating improperly
  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn't get back into the Railroad headquarters after being kicked out of the Brotherhood of Steel
  • After finishing "The Big Dig," fixed an issue where Hancock would no longer offer to be a companion or help with the "Silver Shroud" quest
  • Fixed an issue with obtaining the Dampening Coils from Saugus Ironworks before going to Yangtze
  • During "Unlikely Valentine," fixed an issue where the player could be blocked from entering Vault 114
  • In "Confidence Man," Bull and Gouger can now be killed
  • During "Taking Independence," fixed an issue that would prevent the radio transmitter from powering up
  • In "Human Error," fixed an issue where killing Dan would cause the quest to not complete properly
  • Fixed an issue with "Tactical Thinking" where leaving dialogue early with Captain Kells to reprogram P.A.M. could cause quest to not completely properly
Workshop Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that would cause settler counts to appear incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from setting up a supply line in settlements with a high population
  • Improvements to snapping pieces together while in Workshop mode
  • Fixed an issue that caused powered items to stop functioning permanently if its power source was ever removed
  • Player can now build workbenches in their Diamond City house
  • Building wires no longer uses up copper
  • Fixed issue with certain settlement attacks not generating properly
  • Fixed an issue with settlement happiness calculations
  • Settlers assigned to weapons stand will now stand next to it
  • Diamond City house now shows provided power
  • Repairing items will now correctly consume resources
  • Fixed an issue where companion would ignore commands at workshop locations
  • Fixed an issue with crops appearing destroyed after saving and reloading

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How the hell do you use the fusion core ability for the nuclear physicist perk? Not that it matters now as it was for my last character, but it never was explained to me.

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Now completed the game - have to say that I too was disappointed with the endings but overall this is one of the best games I've ever played and easily makes it into my list of favourites.


I had intended to start playing something else but I had another idea for a structure so I built this!  Couldn't think of anything witty to call it so just resorted to swearing!  It's another 'cult' but a slightly more disturbing one.








Seating areas where people can have 'intelligent' discussions:










Area for the more disturbing individuals:




They'll watch as you sleep...




The torture pool:




The torture bin, where many are locked in whilst those watching laugh at their screams!




Founders of the cult:



Edited by shabbagaz
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I must be the only one yet to complete the story... better go and get the Courser chip analysed...

I haven't finished it yet either, but am feeling the pressure. I can't decide whether to go Minutemen or Railroad with this first character...After you finish the main quest, can you still keep building/expanding settlements indefinitely? Cause she's only focused on Sanctuary so far...

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Ah the Temple of Clints, the guy in Quincy? That is what it says, right? You missed a gap between the L and the I though, apart from that jolly good effort.

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I must be the only one yet to complete the story... better go and get the Courser chip analysed...

I haven't finished it yet either, but am feeling the pressure. I can't decide whether to go Minutemen or Railroad with this first character...After you finish the main quest, can you still keep building/expanding settlements indefinitely? Cause she's only focused on Sanctuary so far...



I'm not sure how all that works yet but I want to stay as independent as possible...  From what I gather, this is essentially going with the Minutemen...

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After you've finished the main story you can carry on doing everything as normal, building included. Preston will still give you radiant quests to secure settlements if you haven't done so already, assuming you're not avoiding the clint.

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I haven't finished the story either. Pretty close though.

@bones. It's still better than nothing. I was getting around 77% at good range last night.

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This could be interesting. Still in Alpha, but the option to wander around with a friend or two sounds like it could be fun. No idea how it'll work in practice, though. Quests in particular could be an issue. It's promising it isn't going to be an MMO mod, so that's something. Nothing kills immersion in a game like 50 other idiots doing the same quest at the same time. I think there's one for Fallout 3 as well, but I can't see the appeal. Well, I guess having a friend with me would give me someone to complain to. 


Edit: Just remembered most of you aren't PC gamers so I'm not sure what the point of this post is. 

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This could be interesting. Still in Alpha, but the option to wander around with a friend or two sounds like it could be fun. No idea how it'll work in practice, though. Quests in particular could be an issue. It's promising it isn't going to be an MMO mod, so that's something. Nothing kills immersion in a game like 50 other idiots doing the same quest at the same time. I think there's one for Fallout 3 as well, but I can't see the appeal. Well, I guess having a friend with me would give me someone to complain to. 


Edit: Just remembered most of you aren't PC gamers so I'm not sure what the point of this post is. 



I gots the new vegas for PC. I cant go back after playing fallout 4 tho. If they did something like that for 4. oooooo

on this playthrough I just discovered that these are pretty easy to make



+5 charisma. Add you wearing the suit you get from rex, you do NOT need high charisma at all to pass any checks. Unless you want the perks in that tree

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I just realized my latest character build makes no fucking sense.


The god dam ninja perk doesn't cover unarmed weapons. I figured it did. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that. So I probably am just going with the brotherhood for sure now. I could sink points into melee but that makes my goals for the character VERY delayed. Fuck sakes


Either I go melee, and waste perks that way. or upgrade my intelligence so I can add good unarmed mods to power amour. If i do that then all my ninja and sneaking perks were a waste of time. Unarmed is kinda shit as I am realizing in the long run. There are barely any options for weapons. You rarely find legendary weapons for them. I'd say dont bother

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Starting a NV Hardcore mode game. I was going to only use a machete, but I realised the Sierra Madre is going to be all kinds of hell as it is. Taking out the radios with a machete is near impossible. Figure I'll play female and use cowboy weapons, so Cass will likely be with me a lot. Main issue I'll face is a lack of .357/.44 magnum rounds, and as bullets have weight I can't just keep a bunch of backup ammo with me. Looking forward to punching Caesar in the face again. Never gets old. 


Edit: Well, forget that. Nexus Mod Manager updated, which has completely fucked my mods, so I will instead spend the evening enabling mods one at a time to see what is causing it to crash. Lucky I have this bottle of rum for company. 


Edit 2: Seems to be an issue with my weapon modification mods. Fuck this, time to hack off some limbs in Postal 2. 

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lmfao god dam dude, I've bin there



One thing I look forward to seeing is how mods are implemented for fallout 4 on console. How many come out and how stable the game will be. Hopefully they will be enough to keep me going so I dont have to get the PC version, and not have to fuck around with a mod manager.

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