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Hmmm. I tagged gambling for a laugh, and it's worked out well so far. Rolling in cash so I have nice weapons and armour, but it won't help me much late game. In fact, if The Master happens to lock his front door I am utterly defeated. 

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I want to call this my house, but it's not really. Bottom floor is filled with single beds for all of the settlers, second floor has a bar/pool table/TV/couch etc. Top floor has the generator and gives me a great 360 degree view of Sanctuary and it's immediate surroundings. The second floor is also connected to the wall and its defences, which overlooks the bridge. The outdoor lights look great at night.

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I met a ghoulish Doctor last night... Good timing too, cause my rads filled 4/5th of my hp bar.. Tough fight with so Gouls and mole rats earlier in the day while savaging supplies from a train depot...

Where can I get copper from?

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Hot plates, cooking pots, whole or broken light bulbs, and table lamps are the most commonly found sources of copper, although I'm sure there are other items as well. I got the Scrapper perk early so I'm getting some whenever I scrap armour or weapons (how many pipe pistols can a person have?). Apparently you can purchase shipments of copper in Diamond City as well.

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Purchasing shipments is very expensive, so unless you're sitting on a load of money, I wouldn't bother. Just tag the items you need, and then a magnifying glass will appear everytime you see an item with that component. For example, I have copper, adhesive, oil and screws tagged. Makes picking up junk less of a random process.

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I met a ghoulish Doctor last night... Good timing too, cause my rads filled 4/5th of my hp bar.. Tough fight with so Gouls and mole rats earlier in the day while savaging supplies from a train depot...

Where can I get copper from?


It's everywhere. Tag it in the junk inventory by sorting by component, then use the key for tagging.

A magnifying glass will appear next to the desired tagged component. In my case, some crafting perk

I took will highlight in green an item. Alternatively, many of the vendors will carry shipments of components.

This can be quite costly so I loot everything.

------------------------voice notes----------------------------------

Anyone remember Bob Anderstein from Fallout 3?

Above the Grisly Diner was that radio tower that when you turn the switch on, you hear his broadcast.

His boy was very sick, needs medical attention, etc.

I swear I've been hearing his voice all over the place in this game, thought the horrible DC DJ was him but it's not.

One place for sure is the Boston Shelter - Guard Update holotape. Definitely same voice talent.


----------------------Blue Hell Glitch from GTA----------------------------------


Vault 81 elevator has no floor, at least at completion of first mission.

Walking in sends you on a bottomless fall, then you land near the entrance.

---------------------------Loot Notes--------------------------------------


All buildings/locations seem to re-stock same loot over and over, once visited.

Some locations also re-populate almost instantly as well. (Minus the Legendaries)

As a test use the cave under the first Red Rocket or the Minute Men Diner by the Castle.

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50 hours in - completed 10 quests, 5 for the Minutemen...  I have 20 quests on the go...  


I carry around my twin rifles, Fire and Ice.  Fire is a revolver rifle that does incendiary damage while Ice is a pipe rifle that does cryo damage and freezes your target on critical shots.  Both have been upgraded to my specs (level 2 Gun Nut).  I usually initiate combat with the Instigator, a 10mm pistol that does double damage if your target has full health.  Coupled with the sneak bonus damage, I'm getting a lot of one shot kills...


My companion at the moment is Cait... I want to fuck her so bad... red hair, freckled nose, Irish accent...  we're going to re-populate the Wasteland with ginger kids...  Piper seemed like a bitch so I didn't visit her after our initial contact... 

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he's playing fallout 1 or 2, lol :lol:...

I felt it was obvious given my references to The Hub and The Master, but just so everyone knows I'm playing Fallout, not Fallout 4. I know no one cares but I have no where else to do commentary so you're stuck with it. 

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Stop being a hater.... I played fallout 2 and got no enjoyment from it and if fallout 4 was that type of game not many people would buy it.

But, you're so cool

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Stop being a hater.... I played fallout 2 and got no enjoyment from it and if fallout 4 was that type of game not many people would buy it.

But, you're so cool

I disagree with your opinion of 2, but I do agree that no one would buy 4 if it was the same as 2 (Wasteland 2 didn't do so well). For the record I love New Vegas, so the new perspective doesn't worry me. 4 just doesn't seem like a game I'd like, so I'm playing a game I do like. Seems logical, to me at least. Not sure why I'm a "hater" (I hate that word...yeah irony) as I've purposely not commented on 4 as I know you all like it and I see no reason to try to turn this topic into an NMA style shit slinging match.   


I am very cool, though. I'm glad you noticed. 

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he's playing fallout 1 or 2, lol :lol:...

I felt it was obvious given my references to The Hub and The Master, but just so everyone knows I'm playing Fallout, not Fallout 4. I know no one cares but I have no where else to do commentary so you're stuck with it. 


I noticed, get on Fallout 2 next and bring back the Frank Horrigan nightmares.

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he's playing fallout 1 or 2, lol :lol:...

I felt it was obvious given my references to The Hub and The Master, but just so everyone knows I'm playing Fallout, not Fallout 4. I know no one cares but I have no where else to do commentary so you're stuck with it. 


I noticed, get on Fallout 2 next and bring back the Frank Horrigan nightmares.


That's what I plan to play next. Haven't got a heap of time so it's gonna be a while. I remember that battle being a real pain. Although I do have a happy little gif of him being shot in half. 

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Started my second character, made a woman just to see if the start was any different - it wasn't, just the opposite naturally. She's going to be a laser rifle wielding tech expert, possibly using a few more explosives too so I may pick the relevant perks for crafting them and making their explosions bigger. It's realy hard starting out using fusion cells, they're so rare and vendors have only started selling 5-10 of them at level 10. I plan on upgrading the laser musket fully since it packs a punch, already got the long bracketed barrel with focus and long scope, just need to upgrade the crank.


Still, i'm going back to my first character today, lots I haven't done since finishing the main questline a few days back, lots i've discovered since starting my new character.

Ending spoilers commence:

However, the Commonwealth has a new crater where CIT used to be. Complete with glowing sea-esque weather.


And if i'm honest i'm missing the Behemoth in Lexington, I lure him back to Starlight drive-in since my defense is so high there I never get attackers, it's fun seeing him get obliterated by several heavy laser and missile turrets.


Oh, and another thing, another thing...


In my new game there's a woman named Kelly who sells brahmin, she's constantly near the Drumlin Diner, i've bought three off her now. In my first game I never even met her and can't get more than one brahmin at each settlement. In my first game I only got the guy selling Junkyard Dog to me, but that was at quite a late level, no brahmin sellers whatsoever.

Edited by ViceMan

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In my new game there's a woman named Kelly who sells brahmin, she's constantly near the Drumlin Diner, i've bought three off her now. In my first game I never even met her and can't get more than one brahmin at each settlement. In my first game I only got the guy selling Junkyard Dog to me, but that was at quite a late level, no brahmin sellers whatsoever. can buy brahmin??!! :o...


also, i am nowhere near the end lol...

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fuckin IKILLYOU platinumed the game already. 

Guess he went on a meth run for 10 days eh?


I love how this game is pretty much an open story, way more than NV or 3.


P.S, i was tired and sick so i thought hey why not kill elder Maxon for his coat.....yeah don't do that. Luckily i saved beforehand. 

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Fuck assaultrons...  fuck them to hell...

Do you mean the higher level ones with stealth? I kept getting nearly oneshotted by one of those in Quincy one time. Took me three reloads before I knew what was doing it. Worse than Coursers TBH. can buy brahmin??!! :o...


also, i am nowhere near the end lol...

Yeah I knew you could buy brahmin in my first playthrough but never saw anyone selling any despite keeping my eyes peeled. In my new game the woman selling them won't fuck off.

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I was in workshop mode in Sanctuary, and kept hearing the strangest sounds while shoring up some defenses...finally popped out of building mode, only to find that a brahmin had just wandered into town from nowhere. I placed a feed trough in an existing yard enclosed by a picket fence, it seems happy enough. After that the brahmin-selling lady showed up and I keep bumping into her everywhere.

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Seems like once you encounter a vendor, they don't stray far from where you found them. Cricket, the gun vendor, drifts between the outskirts of Diamond City and the Vault 81 entrance, the armor vendor rarely leaves Tenpines Bluff, and Trashcan Carla is a nigh-permanent resident of Sanctuary Hills, now.

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