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now i'm pissed that mine are back a page too, according to the rest of you...

*pulls a DiO, which actually creates a new page for me :angry:*

yea, i've moved on, plus you post way too many pics...



crotch shot!!





^^love that one, but the next one is the funniest shit ever...


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I now see them twice on this page haha, not the last one. that king and rex photo made me lul. Might have something to do with I edited my other post taking the pic out.(realized that doesnt help mods cause they see the original posts right? haha. Just delete them if u can) I dont know why but links were dead on my other comic i made. haha so heres another repost. but to be fair the links died so it wont take up space



Bones, get this game for PC. I got a bunch of large quest mods that got a lot of downloads. Supposed to be good. It would be like more DLC. And an alternate start mod. Not sure how it works but I think im gonna do all those on my next character.

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I want to go to new vegas, but can't find a way there that is fit for a level 5. If i go just north from goodsprings i get my ass kicked by killer bee things, and if i take primm pass, or whatever its called (total noob i know) i get attacked by this big hairless bigfoot looking thing that kills me in 2 hits

Also, is it a good or bad thing when that ghost chick told me to go scout out nipton i killed all the leigon people in it, and now leigon assassins watch me sleep and run away when i wake up?

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The 'killer bee thing' are Cazadores. They're closer to wasps than anything. The 'big hairless bigfoot looking thing' is a deathclaw. At level 5, you're not supposed to get through them. Early on in the game, things are pretty linear. Head through Nipton, across the train tracks, and follow the road out and toward Novac. Wrap up the quests there, and keep heading north along that road. You'll get to Vegas soon enough.

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I have a feeling it is a short game. and last tame i tried to get to nipton through novac, i checkpointed on a mine and had to go back to level 3

also, what do i do about these assassins, if i engage them, they drop me in seconds, and its kind of creepy watching them just run away.

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Once you get to New Vegas and wrap up a few quests there, you'll get an item that'll keep the Legion off your back - until you start killing them again.

Also, the game is very long if you make the effort to find and complete everything. The main quest's length depends on which path you take.

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it's possible to make it through primm pass, but you gotta get a sneak hit in first, which is nearly impossible... i managed to make it through at level 5 one time, but then you get to deathclaw sanctuary and well, there's not much else to do there... i somehow got the raiders down low to join the fight to sneak away... the game really wants you to go through nipton on to novac and 188...

i told myself to go through scorpion gulch the next time i played and i forgot about it... it's east of hidden valley, through a downed fence... it's infested with, yup you guess it, radscorpions... but it might be easier to pass through there if you got enough ammo and stimpacks.. bark scorpions aren't that hard to deal with, it's the giants that occasionally spawn for a low level player than can cause trouble...

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The main quest is long enough to last 8 hours if you know exactly what you're doing and you're good at the game. So I turned it on very hard once too see what it was liEk and forgot, so for awhile its been like that. and yah, its bin hard a heck. but I can dig it. I had a mod shotgun that's kinda like the riot shotgun. not sure how the stats compare but it raped. Did the quests for the thorn. Never even saw that place in my first game.

got the dinner bell shotgun from those thorn quests. It much like that mod shotgun that I mentioned earlier. Similar damage. Only difference is it holds 5 rounds, the other one holds 12 which makes it rape way more. Said fuck it, and im rolling with dinner bell. It's good enough to kick butt on very hard and its part of the original game.

Fucking loving the hardess. Role playing a legion character, Im finding it hard to do side missions. I dont even know if I'll bother with the dlc quests with this character. It just doesn't seem to fit a legionairy. I'll do honest hearts cause it seems it would be a lot different. last time i fought the white legs, but now im a legionary, so I'll be on their side?

and lonesome road. Ulysses being a legionary, I think that would be different too. The others...I wanna save for a truely evil character. So I can do evil shit with them.

So, what you guys I making sense here? I have to assume you all did the dlcs multiple times with different characters.

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@DiO - there's no siding with the white legs... it's either help the tribes leave, or have them stay behind and fight... the obvious route for a legionnaire would be to take out joshua graham for treason and fight your way out of there like i did with delilah ;)


you miss out on a lot of experience points... but you can always come back and explore the caves later for the rest of the stuff outside the story... and for lonesome road, it's either fight him, or help him... i still don't see a legion tie in to ulysses's story as a legionnaire... i fought him in the end as a legion soldier... he stood for an independent vegas, and i wanted to add his head to my living room wall in nipton :lol:...

there's not really any tie-ins for factions in the add-ons... they did a good job of keeping them separate from the main vegas story... it's more of a character decision, not a fate of vegas decision...

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I see. Well, as my nonindependent NCR dude, I stopped the bomb but was still freindly with Ulysses with the speech check. It rang true to the character. I find with a legion dude, bothering with those dlc quests wouldnt even happen. he would have the legion win, and move on with the legion, not giving a shit about his past. I will probably not bother with then in that case. Just keep the alternative path for an evil fuck. Im thinking let the bombs git, and kill Ulysses just for shits and gigs...if that's possible, idk. But I'll find out.


Also, Im thinking of making my evil character a chick...but using one of those scar face mods. there's a good one that has the face an entire burn victim. It will be a good counter-character to all those fuckheads who ruin their game with the sexy chick mods.

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my absolute evil character was a chick... she was legion at heart, but she didn't give a fuck about anyone who was in the way... she killed the burned man, she killed ulysses, she took out the scientist bots, and she killed all the companions in dead money, except christine because she too was bi... she didn't give a shit about the rest of vegas, she took pleasure in seeing blood...

i was working on a evil independent character a couple months ago, but even he's not as crazy as delilah...


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ahah spiked knuckles are so perfect for crazy characters

and yah, so ill do honest hearts and lonesome road. not gonna bother with the others for the legion guy. I am gonna go around and clear every ncr camp. that's gonna be fuckin hard.

this mod too

Gonna dun taEk over the airport

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it might help, but they'll still hear you... it's worth a shot, but if you've already reached nipton then there's no point... just head northernish and follow the road to novac... plus, you'll never make it past that shack up there anyways... the other deathclaws will spot you....

you can try it, but save before so you can reload if it don't work out...

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There are a lot of places in the death claw camp you can jump up on where they can reach you. I did that, camped and sniped them all out. Took a long ass time but it worked hahah

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the deathclaw camp i was talking about was dead wind cavern (looked it up)... in the promontory across the colorado river (what you're talking about), i too found that i could perch myself up on a rock and pick them all off over time... same in the quarry, i found a spot up on a conveyor belt and did the same thing...

but at dead wind cavern?? there's no such safe spot, the deathclaws can still jump up and get you around harper's shack... they have quite a leap... i once thought i could make that shack a home, but after a couple of fast travels, the deathclaws moved closer to the shack and started to spot me as soon as i arrived... love the shack, too bad about the deathclaws nearby :(...

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Oh, yah I meant the quarry

documenting me taking out all the ncr posts. nice little self proclaimed side quest. gets lots of experience


edit - new one. put them in tags so your wheel doesnt break


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