
Heists - GTA Online

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I got a 16mbit connection (usually about 1.3mb/s download) and it crashed twice now. first time it froze at 54% and now it just quit at 66% after 2 hours... download supposed to be 1314mb

fuck this

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we coudn't finish job 4 in heist 3... mother fucker would fail to load when we failed the mission... it's a hard one too god dammit... so we all took a break from it, plus R*'s servers are now kicking me offline so obviously they're having some issues right now...

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So, any first impressions to share? How does it work? Who was in your foursome? Are all the new vehicles available to purchase right away, or are some only unlocked after completion of specific heists?


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things to share:


most rides are unlocked after doing the heist setup job in which you acquire it...


yes, they're fun! but the buggy servers right now have broken up the party...


it was me, dozy, bmx, and killyou... we were playing for like at least 6 hours together...


the armored kumura is fucking awesome!


i didn't get to fly the hydra, but killyou loved it...


i need a lot more money to buy all these cool toys...


finger pointing will never get old, nor will launching flares :lol:...




here's some stuff i captured thus far...


me as tommy vercetti...




my enduro...




coolest mask ever...




bmx showing us where he keeps his chemicals for meth...




i wish i would of snapped a pic of my new badass armored kumura...


massacre's new GF...




me and bmx as cops :lol:... after this shot him and dozy swapped spots...




i have a funny vine to share too, but even my mail app isn't working... what the fuck, lol :lol:...



via BMX...


me pointing at a basketball...




killyou pointing back atcha...




bmx doing IDK :lol:...




the non-armored version of the kuruma...



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Love the alien paperbag one.

Massacre, do you approve...?An10yTC.jpg

That's the mask I was hoping for, in standalone form. Shame it can only be worn with the chem suit, but I'll take what I can get.

massacre's new GF...

Startin' to think you motherfuckers know me too well...

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finger pointing will never get old, nor will launching flares :lol:...


Apparently changing the tint on your flare gun changes the flare colour as well...OMG why is this work day going so slowly???!!?

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Had a great time with heists today. So glad I came up with a sudden case of bullshititis and left work early.

Bones did a good job covering the positives, so I'll start with the negatives.

They introduced some tricky new mini games for some of the stuff you'll need to do for heists. The new hacking system is like playing snake if the levels were mazes. Drilling was easy once you figure it out. I didn't, and spent a good couple of minutes wasting time as Bones handled the cops in the 1st heist.

There's also another hacking mini game that was incredibly frustrating while doing the last job. It seemed easy enough but the first leg of that set-up mission was timed and time was running short.

The worst thing I found about heists was that unlocking vehicles online doesn't unlock them in story mode. I'm guessing because I wasn't heist leader. So maybe I'll have to replay those heists as leader to unlock vehicles in story mode. Or maybe they're not available for story mode at all, which would be bullshit.

These new vehicles are expensive! How am I supposed to test which vehicles I should buy online?

Despite these complaints, I'm quite pleased with most of the stuff we got. The heists themselves are incredibly fun to play and I feel like it will be a while before I get bored.

The new clothing options are awesome. I especially love the fact that I could set up 9 different outfits and change accordingly on the fly using the interaction menu.

Overall it might not have been worth such a long wait for some, but I'm relieved Rockstar delivered on what they promised and then some.

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The worst thing I found about heists was that unlocking vehicles online doesn't unlock them in story mode. I'm guessing because I wasn't heist leader. So maybe I'll have to replay those heists as leader to unlock vehicles in story mode. Or maybe they're not available for story mode at all, which would be bullshit.


At first I was like "what do you mean? It popped up saying they were in my garage/hangar..." but I went there and they aren't. I hope it's just a bug. I loaded up a save file with all story missions complete and still nothing.

I'm also surprised the weapons are not in singleplayer at all. I guess they don't want to waste the last DLC spot on the wall...

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The worst thing I found about heists was that unlocking vehicles online doesn't unlock them in story mode. I'm guessing because I wasn't heist leader. So maybe I'll have to replay those heists as leader to unlock vehicles in story mode. Or maybe they're not available for story mode at all, which would be bullshit.


At first I was like "what do you mean? It popped up saying they were in my garage/hangar..." but I went there and they aren't. I hope it's just a bug. I loaded up a save file with all story missions complete and still nothing.


this double pissed me off.


not only can i not get online, but i can't even test the new shit in storymode while it tells me theres new stuff added to my properties.

fucking redicilous

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I hope it's just a bug too. The new sports classic (casco) was available in story mode though. I thought that was weird since it wouldn't unlock online until completing one of the setup missions for heist number two. Maybe they'll sort it out, and hopefully before next year.

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oh man, i am gonna have to drop some serious cash tonight or tomorrow, we unlocked a ton of cool shit yesterday... ikillyou just about bought all of them and we got to test them out yesterday... the insurgent was a BEAST and so was the valkyrie, but that wasn't nearly as fun... i might have to buy the insurgent and possibly the hydra... i'll test them out in the creator first and see what i think ;)...

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In the absence of 4 competent people in the same lobby to run any heists, I spent a good part of last night driving the Dinka Enduro and Vapid Guardian around. Tricked out both of them and still have $3.5M to spare, which is good since it allows me to bankroll heists (when I can get a good lobby together). They'll keep me occupied until I can unlock the good shit (I'm looking at you, Insurgent + mounted gun).

Both are fucking awesome to drive. The Guardian paid for itself in lulz when I drove it, literally, into the Land Act Reservoir, and pretty much just drove it right back out again at a 90 degree angle.

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it's reminiscent of the sultan, if that helps any... it's fun! B)... and get this, it unlocks after the first heist, both versions... and you only need 2 people to complete the first heist, so it won't take too long to get it... you'll like it, kuz...

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