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Even something as simple as allegiances. ie. If you work for Madrazo then work for someone else, Madrazo might question your loyalty and send people after you but if you keep working for Madrazo, the other mob sends people after you.

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I just had a little idea after playing story for a bit: How about being able to change your stance and posture in the interaction menu? Like you could choose how you walk, so you could walk with an elderly swagger like Michael or the laid back stroll of Franklin, you could also change how you hold your weapon while moving, whether its with two hands or with one. I'm starting to see more variety in character appearances now that some people finally understand the creator and so its kind of weird to see what looks like a 21 year old thug and a middle-aged man move the same.. It makes you look as if you have basic weapon training and no personality. Its a small idea but I think it would make your character feel a bit more unique.

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They could have done everything better. My character wears cowboy boots, and he should walk like he does. I like the idea of how your character handles weapons. I think more options should be given when your shooting goes up, and your options should depend on age, like if your in the 20s 30s or 40s. I realy wish they would have done some basic voice acting though.

On a different note, what kind of vehicles or weapons would you want to be added in future DLCs?

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I realy want more places and homes. And if they would have given us the heists before all this hacking happened, maybe people wouldn't have resorted to all of that. But Im really disappointed with the vehicles. Half of them look the same when you drive by them, and there aren't many choices in the categories. Id be happy with homes and vehicles for now though... Where did you guys find them talking about GTA world?

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"We've set this up so there are no limitations. The only limitation is the size of the disc and how much memory we've got," he said. "We could, if we wanted, simulate the entire world, different countries, whatever. Whether we do that or not... But we've got a bunch of old stuff that we're toying with using."

Lezlie Benzies - President of Rockstar North


Their dream is to make GTAO a true MMO, eventually, with an entire world to play around in. I read more about it in the game informer interview i believe. Actually, re-watching CVG's Lezlie's interview now, the stuff they say actually makes sense now that we've played it, and there's stuff that he mentioned which we still haven't seen, but can look forward to in GTAO in the near future.

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The reminder about friendly AI such as Merryweather and even bikers (presumably the Lost?) sounded interesting as I'm pretty sure they haven't been added yet. That's unless its something I have somehow missed...

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That's some pretty interesting stuff there DuPz. Realy curious on what that "Old Stuff" may be... Realy though, I don't see them creating other countries, but probably re creating old maps, and adding new ones when the time comes. How long did It take for GTA 4 and its Stories to be developed? Because I could see something like this being our " Big Things for 2014", as long as it took to develop everything. Makes me think they were working on extra stuff behind the scenes.

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Some gent over at GTAForums found some Mission Creator nuggets buried on the disc. Intredasting.

Damn 'smith, i'm surprised this hasn't had that much attention around here. This stuff keeps getting stealthed in with each update i assume, those sneaky awesomes. Cannot wait for this to drop though!

A small glimpse of the Mission Creation tools in the creator:

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Dear God. I am fully hyped. There'll be a lot more room for creativity and variation with the Missions, it seems. Looking forward to this much more than Heists.

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I agree. The missions in V started to get a little repetitive and weren't as fun towards the end of story mode as in the beginning... and THEN they were the same thing in O. I think users will have a little more imagination as well as ramp up the difficulty and provide everyone with fun, challenging missions.

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For online I'd like to be able to buy property in the northern areas. I'd like to have a smaller apartment or even a trailer like Trevors and be able to buy additional garages. If 10 cars is some sort of limit, then let me break that up on 2 or 3 properties.

Why can't I buy ties? I got this mob looking guy with a black suit & fedora, driving a black Caddy with tinted windows, but I need a white tie!! :)

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Ties are available, Alky, but you need to browse the accessories in clothes shops. Walk up to all the racks 'til you find them.

Ponsonboys has a rack of ties, but the option to browse isn't there when I walk up to it. :(

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Ponsonboys has a rack of ties, but the option to browse isn't there when I walk up to it. :(

Haha, it makes no sense that they don't let you shop the accessories from there. Instead, on the right side of any Ponsonby's store, close to the center, is a glass case where you can buy watches and ties. It's small and easy to miss. Let me know if you have trouble finding it, I'll take a picture. Good luck!

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Haha, it makes no sense that they don't let you shop the accessories from there. Instead, on the right side of any Ponsonby's store, close to the center, is a glass case where you can buy watches and ties. It's small and easy to miss. Let me know if you have trouble finding it, I'll take a picture. Good luck!

Really? That's weird LOL

Online seems to be under maintenance from 9pm eastern for about 24 hours. I'll have a look when their back up. Gotta get my old school gangsta look happening. (Y):)

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Sounds like a lot of work.

<_<... bro, do you even GTA? i've wanted to do this ever since they announced the online creator... i'll spend a week perfecting a mission if i have to, i did it in little big planet a couple of times... i want this so bad... like gunny said, fuck heists, those will just become higher paying repetitive missions... i'd rather create my own stories...

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Grand Theft Auto Online Spring Updates


Running out of space to store all your vehicles or just looking for another place to chill? You’ll soon be able to own multiple properties in GTA Online as part of the forthcoming High Life Update.

Get readyarrow-10x10.png for lots of exciting Grand Theft Auto Online updates to be added throughout the spring and beyond. Here's a brief rundown of some of the new content, features, and enhancements that you can expect to see barreling down the La Puerta Freeway in the months to come.


Capture Creator: Coming next week, the Creator community will be able to make their own original customized Capture Jobs and add to the over 3.5 million (and counting) player-created Deathmatches and Races currently available on Social Club. Strategically place pick-ups, define weaponry, set location, and tweak tons of other variables to make your ownarrow-10x10.png unique Capture Job for others to take on. We will also be reviewing your homemade Capture creations to stamp standout experiences as Rockstar Verified.

The High Life Update: The High Life Update will allow you to expand your foothold in Los Santos with new high-end apartment options, the powerful Bullpup Rifle, new wardrobe items, the Dinka Thrust motorcycle and three new lavish cars to choose from, including the Super class Pegassi Zentorno. The High Life Update will also feature the debut of multi-property ownership in GTA Online, which means you'll be able to own two distinct properties (with garages) simultaneously. All this plus the new Mental State player statistic, which is designed to let you see just how passive or psychotically unhinged fellow players in your session really are, and a slew of new Jobsarrow-10x10.png.

Heists: Coming this spring to Grand Theft Auto Online, team up with your most trusted Crew members or with random other mercenaries in Grand Theft Auto Online to pull off cooperative Heist Missions for glory and profitarrow-10x10.png. We know many in the GTA Online community have been looking forward to this update — stay tuned for much more information to come.

And later this year, look for even more additions to both Grand Theft Auto Online and Grand Theft Auto V, including more holiday-themed updates, some very exciting Story Mode DLC and much more.


The new Dewbauchee Massacro and Pegassi Zentorno racing down West Eclipse Blvd.


Ever since the launch of GTA Online, we've been continuously monitoring how the community is playingthe gamearrow-10x10.png as well as all player feedback sent to us at our [email protected] address to see what you’re liking, disliking, and what should be addressed in upcoming GTA Online Title Updates.

A recent update addressed an issue that we saw with the way motorcycles and bikes handled while in the air. As it turned out, many members of the GTA stunting community were disappointed to discover that this fix made pulling off certain popular bike tricks and stunts virtually impossible, so we're going to be restoring the original in-air motorcycle/bike physics in an upcoming Title Update. In general, we are open to keeping unintended ‘glitches’ in the game if players enjoy them and they aren’t causing any negative impact to gameplay or fairness in any way.

There are many other ongoing improvements to expect as we continue to dedicate attention towards refining and ensuring the most fair and fun experience possible for everyone. In upcoming Title Updates and via dynamic tuning, you can expect:

  • The addition of a 'Non-Contact' optionarrow-10x10.png for Races. This will allow you to play standard Races with collisions disabled between player vehicles. Other players will appear as semi-transparent and you'll still be able to collide with non-player traffic, structures and other scenery, but this mode - for those who want to play it - will eliminate the "
    " mentality that some wish to avoid.
  • Players will be able to call Lester and have him tell his cop buddies to turn a blind eye to any crime you may or may not be committing for a short period of time.
  • As a reward for players who leave feedback on Jobs, there will be some bonusarrow-10x10.png RP granted every time a player likes or dislikes content after playing it.
  • GTA$ payouts will be increased when completing Parachute, Races, Deathmatches and LTS Jobs with less than 4 players.
  • As part of our ongoing commitment to target cheaters and keep the game as fair as possible, we are closing RP exploits and will be adjusting the RP totals of players who we know for certain to have gained illegitimate RP by cheating. Your RP will only be adjusted if you participated in mods, hacks, DNS redirects, manipulation of cloud files, or other similarly nefarious behavior. If you grinded short legitimate missions or otherwise gained a small amount of RP without modding, your RP should not be affected by this correction.
  • We’ll be fixing the issue where players who had upgraded personal vehicles prior to Title Update 1.10 were only able to sell them for $10,000.

These are just a few of the ongoing tweaks and enhancements in the works — and as mentioned above, we are interested in hearing what YOU want to see, so please hit us up and let us know what you'd like to see added to the world of Grand Theft Auto Online.


The Bullpup Rifle, coming soon to Ammu-Nation.


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...wasn't the bullpup rifle part of the collector's edition??

either way, new apartments w/ multiple garages, new cars/clothes/guns, new capture creator tools and heists coming very soon...

that's a pretty big news update right there... so is it just the capture creator coming next week? i wonder how much long we'll have to wait for the high end DLC... i'd love to start getting to work on new garage space :lol:...

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The Bullpup shotgun was Special/Collector's Edition. This is something new.

Also, new apartments are nice, depending on prices and interiors. Shame they specified "high-end." Still no housing in the desert.

They are focusing way too much on success and wealth. We need some grittier content.

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