
Poetry, lyrics and quotes.

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It Arrives

I hear the crackle and feel the boom,

light flashes and I can see

your stormy eyes staring seductively.

The aroma of virga fills the air;

A gust pushes chimes, they surrender.

The storm is coming.

The first drop wets a blade of grass,

erect, ready to accept the warmth

of summer's shower.

Everything feels intense now:

the vibrating thunder, throbbing lighting, and dripping rain.

The storm has came.

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When I was young, my heart was young, then too

And anything that it would tell me, that's the thing that I would do

But now I feel such emptiness within

For the thing that I want most in life's the thing that I can't win

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To Brighten The Flame

Damp sand drags on motionless feet as

the sun bows to greet an embracing horizon -

I'm lost in dim light searching for a second part,

Soon I hope to brighten the flame before it's dark.

Twilights without warmth or shelter -

void of glowing embers gilded in rapture,

remain a nightmare of all men still walking.

Vainly I hope to brighten the flame before it's dark.

The sun is such a perverted provocateur

warming us to the notion of waning lust.

It's suggestive rays slipping through dusk.

Still I hope to brighten the flame before it's dark.

My walk slows as the sun sets behind flowing waves,

the fading light steals my vision of night's intent.

I'm left to fumble with my steel trying to strike a flint,

Yet I hope to find a flame flickering in the dark.

Its not that flames surrender, Its that they never start.

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and horny

and ready.


for just once chance to enter

Your friends lovely and voluptuous

bosom. Tell her if she's lonely

I can

occupy her



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and horny

and ready.


for just once chance to enter

Your friends lovely and voluptuous

bosom. Tell her if she's lonely

I can

occupy her



How touching

...if you know what I mean...

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and horny

and ready.


for just once chance to enter

Your friends lovely and voluptuous

bosom. Tell her if she's lonely

I can

occupy her



Very clever... love the visual effect ;)

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Why write love letters,

why write love letters in November?

As fading ghosts to blow an ember.

Why face the rain,

Why face the rain in sudden shiver?

As if looking for one lost forever?

I just don't know.

It's all cold now, blowing strong.

The murmurs of rattling windows forewarn

a suffocating grey wetness reaching out through the treeline

to bang on shutters and howl at doors.

Again too sick for December's creep.

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Of The Untitled


tried to forget everything

I ever heard.

Each word.


I heard a strange murmur

rattling around within,

without constraint.

The growl

terrified me momentarily-

The sudden lack of

something familiar.


carefully constructed

blueprints of life became

imperfect recitals of hope - untitled.

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I've broken

out with one

self serving shot

but I'm mostly


I've found pain

is left behind

when life's leftovers

are allowed to lay

torn on the floor.

Their stillness

lets viewers know

we are all mending,


I'm sticking

better in minds

because my

name is


They call me



I also edited "The Creep"

Why write love letters,

why write love letters in November?

As fading ghosts to blow an ember.

Why face the rain,

Why face the rain in sudden shiver?

As if looking for one lost forever.

Absolve me.

It's all cold now - under unrelenting gale.

The crackle of rattling windows forewarn

a suffocating grey wetness reaching out through the treeline

to bang on shutters and howl at doors.

Again too sick for December's creep.

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True friendship is like a rose: we don’t realize its beauty until it fades.

- Evelyn Loeb

What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say, ‘This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you, all in the same sequence. The eternal hourglass will again and again be turned and you with it, dust of the dust!’ Would you throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse that demon? Or would you answer, ‘Never have I heard anything more divine’?

- Friedrich Nietzsche

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"Michael O'Neill: Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just...

Julianne Potter: Passes you by.

Michael O'Neill: Passes you by. Yeah." - My Best Friends Wedding

Julianne Potter: God. I have done nothing but underhanded, despicable, not even terribly imaginative things since I got here.


Julianne Potter: But I was ju - Michael, I was just trying to - to win you, to win you back.


Julianne Potter: But that doesn't excuse any of it. I'm pond scum. Well, lower actually. I'm like the - the fungus that feeds on pond scum.

Michael O'Neill: Lower. The pus that infects the mucous... that cruds up the fungus... that feeds on the pond scum. On the other hand, thank you... for loving me that much. That way, it's - it's pretty flattering.

Julianne Potter: Except it makes me fungus. - My Best Friends Wedding

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Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level an beat you with experience.

I hear this for the first time the other day. Apparently it's been around for even though.

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