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Tom Clancy's The Division

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This is quickly shaping up to be an impressive potential guild, gentlemen. Or whatever this game would call guilds.

club, company, corporation, federation,union,brotherhood, affiliation, alliance, clan, clique, community, comradeship, confederacy, coterie, fellowship, fraternity,kinship,league, society, union, association, bunch, circle, company, crew, faction, gang, lodge, mob, order, outfit, ring, set, squad, band. battalion, force, regiment, troop, brigade, posse, team, unit, detachment, party,

one of those probably

But the game is called The Division.

so maybe their called divisions

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factions is how i see it... each online group is a faction, owning a block or so of the streets, fighting for other blocks and exploring for supplies... which probably leads into running into other groups doing the same thing...

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The trailer was really awesome. After watching it, I'm going to preorder next gen console. I'll probably go for PS4...

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Every PC gamer makes a petition when a cool game is not announced for a PC release. Did any of you hear that Ubisoft is considering a sequel, The Multiplication

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Well, this game has already been fucked by micro/dlc transactions. Apparently Brooklyn among other boroughs has been cut at release and will be peppered out at premium DLC. The launch game will only feature midtown Manhatten...

And i noticed a major drop in graphics quality in the latest video footage too.

A shame really, i had high hope for this one. The early videos we saw even featured Brooklyn which makes it all that much worse.

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Well damn it. I've had such mixed emotions about this game.

I loved it to start with. Then the game was delayed and the visuals started to drop into "realistic" for current gen. And then they dropped the DLC bombshell.

That all put me off. Then i played the open beta...


...Now i think i want the game again.

The world feels believable, like New York would be after a virus outbreak. Manhatten's vertical scale is just as impressive as the map depth.

The cover system from one place to another is smooth and really dynamic with gunplay. You can literally choose a spot to run to, whilst in cover and he will run and dive to it even if it's 30 meters down the street. You can also pull out of the auto cover at any point to dive away to avoid gunfire or an explosion, or simply to just walk away.

The loot system is great, random drops from: gun holsters to leather jackets, to high calibre guns. Every enemy in the game have the potential to drop. And also looting from draws and cupboards inside house apartments comes in handy.

It's a fun game without a doubt. And i see the potential for this game to be a massive hit. But at what cost?

I'm steering towards buying it. But DLC walls for new land, that can potentially split your party is a kick in the nuts.

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I really hope they don't pull a Destiny with this game. Just release a full expansive game, then yes add expansions later on. Don't stop players from playing the game if they simply don't have the expansion.


I played the closed-beta and now the open-beta. I really am enjoying it. Although, I think you need to play with at least one friend at all times to experience the full effect of the game. The dark zones are interesting, I went rogue almost every time I went it. It was truly desperate in the dark zone, I ran into multiple agents and eventually my entire squad was wiped out. I was the only one left, sprinting away with only a single clip of ammo. I was eventually cornered. A squad attacking me from the front, and a single enemy at my rear, so I ran towards the single enemy and managed to kill him. Then with just my pistol I tried to extract from the dark zone, got killed at the last hurdle. Managed to extract my gear though. It seems you lose team comms when you enter the dark zone. Will be useful to have a party chat simultaneously running.


Overall, the game hasn't blown my mind, but that's simply because I've played mostly alone and there is obviously reduced content since it is a beta. But the gameplay mechanics are good, shooting is solid, graphics are nice. They've got the recipe for a great game, let's just hope they can follow through. I imagine there will be severe server issues in the first week of release. 

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As much as i love the game and will probably end up getting it. I can't help but feel we're going to get ripped off.

If you look at the map the beta area is quite a big chunk of the actual map area.

Midtown Manhatten has white borders which i assume is the entire game on release. Leaving the northen part with central park and dowtown in the grey along with the areas each side of the rivers...


So unless the season pass is relatively affordable and reasonable, i wont mind shelling out for that much extra map.

But again, that makes you think, there's all that extra land, will the DLC continue the main story, which means you have to have them all in order to find out what happens in the story... coz that would suck balls.

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I don't think there will be enough iGTA members to warrant me bothering, even though it still looks really good.

If that changes, I'll probably get suckered into buying this.

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i was excited about this a while ago... now i'm just meh... i am gaming less and less to the point where i just play the same games all the time... i'm pretty sure i'll still be playing GTAO and fallout 4 thru spring... i just don't think i can commit to playing this all the time with the squad...


plus that DLC bombshell is fucking retarded... i am pretty much done with ubisoft now...

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Well already i've played the beta with 8 different iGTA members. They said they're getting it. Otiz, Casey, Goosey, Jamie, Dozy all seem to like it too.

I think i'd find time to play this with sacrifice of other games. But that pay-to-progress wall is still the only thing bothering me. The game it's self is really fun.



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I really enjoyed downloading the beta. All 28gb of it only to find out the betas closed. Well thaaank you pal!

Also if it's only online. I'm out. Most of the time I want to play games to get away from people (present company excluded) not keen on wasting time in lobbies waiting for the 7 people worldwide who happen to be online when I am.

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Yep. I did exactly the same thing. Mrs went to bed early and I was excited to give it a crack. Nope. Stupid hicks on murder charges on netflix for Rob tonight. Ho hum.

Also copious amounts of beer.

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