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I put an ax thru my thumb a few weeks ago, my nail is still falling off.

Please, I need to know more about how the fuck this happened...what on earth were you doing with an axe, chopping wood?


I can't seem to post a pic, imageshack can't find em in my computer

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Never told my KO story.

For the record, (just in case anybody didn't know) fainting and being knocked out are VERY different. Fainting for me happened from heat during exam season when I was a kid. I went right out after an exam and started playing an intense game of "british football" (American football without the egg shaped ball). Was walking along just fine and next thing I knew I was waking up with people around people. I'd fainted, all that happens is you remember everything up til when you faint then you're on the floor waking up. Weird but not THAT bad.

Knocked out is worse. I was hit by a car (at a slow speed) and went over the bumped and landed on my head. Was out for appx 3 minutes and when I woke up its a lot different. I didn't remember how I got where I was or anything for the past 2 days or so. and had no idea what had happened or what was happening. There was actual video of when I woke up and its weird, People were talking but I completely wasn't aware they were asking me questions. I look around open mouthed and blink really hard for a few seconds. Really unsteady. Scary at the time and I had to go to the ER with a concussion but I was fine

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I recently bit part of my tongue off. I was playing hockey (I'm a goalie) and I was ran over. I was taken to a surgeon, where they burnt the cut with a taser-like instrument. My tongue is slowly growing now, although I can't taste anything where the cut was.

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This one time back a couple years ago I met up with some old friends. These guys are major potheads so they were already blazed by the time I met up with them. If that wasn't enough, the smoked with me later that day. Anyway; It was pretty late at night and we were all very much gone. We decided to walk up to the local elementary school and just screw around. My one friend Joe had one of those big furry hats on with horns on it. For whatever reason, he decided to act like an actual Bull and start charging at me. I ran, but eventually just started playing along. I remember feeling like the Crocodile Hunter at one point, chasing a majestic Water Buffalo. He started running and I chased after him. He ran toward the swing set and jumped over one of the swings. I was right behind him and for a split second I thought what I was about to do might be a bad idea. But that notion passed in a second and I decided to go for it. I jumped but my aim was off and so was my balance. I ended up placing my foot on the swing. Instead of just getting off, I went to put my other foot on the swing. The swig started going up so I held onto the chains for dear life. As soon as I got parallel to the ground, I let go and fell. I don't remember the fall too well, I just remember getting up. I felt fine, I was even laughing.

Then I looked at my hands and saw blood everywhere. We went back to my place and I passed out. When I woke up, I looked at my hand... And realized my fucking finger was bent completely upwards. It still is to this day. It sucks.

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I've had 11 broken bones at various times. but some of those breaks are the same bone twice. I have also had a knee reconstruction and a shoulder reconstruction. I have since stopped going outside. It's too fucking dangerous.

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I've had 11 broken bones at various times. but some of those breaks are the same bone twice. I have also had a knee reconstruction and a shoulder reconstruction. I have since stopped going outside. It's too fucking dangerous.

Australia will do that to ya.

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I had a fancy device that pushed a small amount of air into a wine bottle as you pulled for an easy uncorking. Worked like a charm countless times. Well, I bought a cheap bottle of two-buck Chuck and foolishly used it on that. The bottle exploded and cut straight through to the bone joint of my thumb and took the tip off my ring finger.

I hadn't even had a glass.

This is why I drink beer.

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well, the dirt bike skimmed the tree and my knee took the full force, shattered the miniscus (apparently that is possible), sprained my ankle and had a tibial plateau fracture, now I have a plate and six screws holding my knee together and it hurts everyday and randomly will give out.

But I get medical weed now :D:weed:

Well today I played captain idiot and tried to drop in on a skate board, my bum leg forgot to leave the ramp apparently and I came down hard on that leg, bending it way farther back than its been in a long time. Couldn't walk for about 10 minutes after and I'm still limping.

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Not really an injury, but I guess it goes here:

Yesterday I biked like 5km to someones house, went swimming, smoked etc.. nothing much. Stayed for a few hours, and on my way back I was waiting to cross a roundabout and I passed out, luckily I fell backwards so I didn't get run over. Luckily there was a cricket match nearby, so 2 dudes helped me to my feet and helped me cross, by which time I was fine again... Until I started to bike, so I decided to go slow as fuck. I think it happened due to dehydration, since I drank 1 glass of water the whole day.

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Nah, we smoked hookah and dokha, since it costs about $30/gram (of shit weed) and it's highly illegal here, as in prison for a minimum of 4 years followed by deportation for any amount. The strange thing was I didn't even feel dehydrated throughout the day, until that moment when I was biking back.

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Another beauty to add to the collection. I’ll soon have more scars than Al Capone....


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