Guest Marney-1

Sleeping Dogs

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i am still renting this for sure...

@samurai - you touched on the world feeling empty, you're the first person to mention that so far... i thought, from what i've read so far, that the game actually has lots to do... perhaps you're still early in the game??

as far as the unpolished part, i kinda figured that was gonna happen... this game was picked up from activision with the world mostly constructed... they've basically patched it together to pick up the franchise for future games... and from the reviews thus far, it seems like we'll be seeing more sleeping dogs in the future... the unpolished stuff kinda reminds me of "the saboteur"... they weren't able to put the finishing touches on it because the company was shut down by EA... but it was still a fun game if you got past the bugs and rough edges... it was actually, one of my most memorable gaming moments of this generation...

on the weapons... you do realize this is hong kong, where weapons have been banned, right?? it's rare to find guns in real life, so why wouldn't the game also reflect that?? that's why there's an emphasis on hand-to-hand combat...

i did like your review though, you offered a different perspective than a gaming site would offer... i love to read reviews on here, it's an honest opinion from a gamer, not someone paid to talk about games...

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I've been playing it most of today and have to confirm Samurai_tbag's review as being very very accurate, only thing I would add is that there is no way to change the difficulty level so if your struggling on one specific mission you either have to keep going until you manage to complete it, or quit and lose any progress, not that far in but had this problem once, and imagine it will be a recurring problem the more the story progresses and while I understand the need to not make everything overly easy to complete seems like some are too easy while others are too difficult.

I actually had heard of a few of the Western song's on the radio BUT the majority of more well known are really old songs (25-35 years old) and while the choice is eclectic there's seemingly very little choice for those not into asian music.

Yea that's another thing I forgot to mention. The game is surprisingly tricky at points, and as you said, the lack of a difficulty changer can make it frustrating. I have found that the best way around it is to pump on those soda's, massages, etc, before starting the tougher missions (as they give you stat bonuses).

Following up on the music, there have been a couple of songs that I have recognised now, Kasabian, Queen, and a couple others. But as you said, the Western choice is limited.

A close friend of mine told me he likes this more than Saints Row the Third. And he loved that game. I'm still going to rent this, as it's a game i think i can compete in about a week if i put in the hours.

Yea don't get me wrong, the game is a lot of fun, and it's definitely worth buying at a slightly lower price - if not rented. I guess my review seems pretty heavily critical because I didn't mention much of what was good about the game, but I felt that the major reviewers had already done that, but they hadn't highlighted some of the quarms that I have had with it.

@samurai - you touched on the world feeling empty, you're the first person to mention that so far... i thought, from what i've read so far, that the game actually has lots to do... perhaps you're still early in the game??

as far as the unpolished part, i kinda figured that was gonna happen... this game was picked up from activision with the world mostly constructed... they've basically patched it together to pick up the franchise for future games... and from the reviews thus far, it seems like we'll be seeing more sleeping dogs in the future... the unpolished stuff kinda reminds me of "the saboteur"... they weren't able to put the finishing touches on it because the company was shut down by EA... but it was still a fun game if you got past the bugs and rough edges... it was actually, one of my most memorable gaming moments of this generation...

on the weapons... you do realize this is hong kong, where weapons have been banned, right?? it's rare to find guns in real life, so why wouldn't the game also reflect that?? that's why there's an emphasis on hand-to-hand combat...

i did like your review though, you offered a different perspective than a gaming site would offer... i love to read reviews on here, it's an honest opinion from a gamer, not someone paid to talk about games...

Yea, it's hard to explain. I guess the emptiness is the result of knowing that you can't go in 99% of the buildings, interact with people many ways, or explore the above-street Hong Kong. I guess it just feels kind of lonely, like the stuff going on around is there, but you're not able to fully engage in it - like you're disconnected in some way. With regards to stuff to do, I'd imagine more side-missions and stuff pop-up as you progress, but of the few that I've done - the majority have been pretty basic; chase someone, beat them and a couple of their buddies up, and then get some rewards.

Regarding the weapons, I wasn't complaining about the lack of firearms. In fact, quite the opposite. The inability to hide weapons you have, in particular the melee items. I mean, in a city like Hong Kong, one would be more careful hide knifes, etc. due to their strict weapon laws. I think the reduced role of firearms is actually somewhat refreshing for the genre; I've always thought that was GTAIV's only problem - not enough melee weapons, especially as most violent crime is indeed commited with knifes, etc...

I'm glad you all enjoyed the review though, it's always good to hear reviews from those who have similar gaming interests (i.e. GTA), aren't affraid to throw in some of the more pedantic complaints, and as you said, aren't being paid to review.

For the record, anyone interested in starting a critical gaming reviews blog, I'd be down to assist/contribute.

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i love reading a dupzor review... i think you get the best synopsis from fans, not from people paid to talk about it... and open world games are my thing, i am tempted to start a topic for risen 2, an open world pirate RPG, but i don't know who'd be interested... i am about to buy it because i don't think i'll ever find a copy to rent... there's only one sitting on the shelf... and if there's pirate antics involved then i already know i'll like it... fuck it, i am buying it in the next week or so...

however, i am trying hard to rent sleeping dogs... i've been to the rental store almost every day this week in hopes of finding a copy... i really do want to play this game now... i absolutely love open world games, it's my go-to genre...

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Bought this game a few days ago and so far i'm really enjoying it but I guess it's not for everyone. If you're unsure about the game i'd definitely give it a rental.

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I really like the game, it's fun to play and not as crazy as SR, but not as serious as GTA IV. One problem I found annoying though was not being able to behold weapons. Guns are rare in Hong Kong I know, but even knives would've been nice to keep rather than being used to slash 6 times then thrown on the ground... Also the parkour is awesome but there are some areas that make you go "really?" when Wei can easily scale a wall far taller than him yet he fails to climb a tiny ledge because of invisible walls.

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Guest Marney-1

Just downloaded the demo for PS3, dunno what I'm doing when I'm trying to fight though...

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For any hardcore gaming there's no point getting this game, it's just way to easy and the story feels like it's been written by 12 year old's. Don't get me wrong if you've got money to spend and are bored then go and buy it cos it will entertain you for a few hours. But you guys/gals seem to like games that go on forever i.e. Skyrim/Fallout, so don't bother. xx

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Yeah, Sleeping Dogs goes on for only roughly 20ish hours if you go through the storyline while taking your time. It's better than Saint's Row III though, which only took like, 11 hours for me. AC Revelations only took 6ish hours, but it was hardly a full game anyway. Even TBoGT took longer than that.

Personally I liked the story, although a little bit cheesy. It was nice to have a game centered in the activities of the triads in asian culture, and how ruthless they can be. But that's just me, some people may not like it.

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This storyline was great, I just wished they already added long side missions instead of bringing them in by dlc's.

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got this game for free from Red Box, and tbh im happy it was free. it is not worth the 50-60 bucks.

Rather small open world. Very few activities,cars, locations, side missions.

it felt like i was playing a 1/2 completed game.

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yeah hong kong was an interesting place to explore-for like 15 minutes, then i realized that the game was mostly copy paste copy paste. And its too bad too because it felt like that game had potential to be pretty good

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This open-world game from Square Enix looks action packed. Here's the official site but you might just want to check out this gameplay video first to see what it's offering, hand-to-hand combat looks pretty decent plus because it's set in Hong Kong you get to drive on the correct side of the road.

Graphics look good, and love the HUD.

Action looks great. Cars appear fast.

He's driving on the wrong side of the road.

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I really enjoyed this game, i recently bought RDR and this to Subdue my need for GTA5 and so far it is doing the trick.

Like a lot of you, i agree it feels a little unfinished and could have been a lot more. However the combat system was pretty decent, a lot better than GTAIVs but then again that was years ago.

All in all a nice little game but very quick to complete, and one more thing, if this game can have some decent clothing options i don't see why gta 5 cant.

Sorry if i am slightly crossing topics.

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year of the dragon pack came out to day

and it comes with 2new abiltes and weponds.

i have supplied a video for you.

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i finally decided to finish this game and im mad that i didn't get to keep the machete or golden gun

they couldn't just have one spawn up at the safe house. :(

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