
Football (Soccer)

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USA-Belgium may well be goalless at the time of typing, but it is a damn sight more entertaining than the previous game.

Belgium have better quality, but the Americans just refuse to quit.

But why is Fellaini still on the pitch though? He's clearly in Man United mode...

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Bloody hell - extra time again! Least this is quite entertaining. Love the fighting spirit of USA but think Belgium will just sneak the winner in extra time.

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Just sneak? Well, Lukaku's introduction in to the game put paid to that. He's playing like a man possessed. Definitely has something to prove, that one.

That second goal probably broke the spirit of Team USA, but the Belgians know they've been in a game tonight.

Edit: HOLD THE BACK PAGE, spoke too soon!!!!!! US get one back, now if only they can score again in the next five minutes...

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What I just wrote on Facebook:

"Argentina-Switzerland: shite.

USA-Belgium: Arguably the best game of the tournament so far. Credit to the Americans, they never quit, even when the second Belgian goal went in. But Belgium's quality came through in the end, and Lukaku played like a man possessed when he came on."

Algeria yesterday, USA today. Like cuda said yesterday, a lot of teams would do well to adapt their attitude.

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Thank fuck for that, couldn't stand watching those USA fans anymore, they're like a group of toddlers that just learned about a sport.

Good game by that Yedlin kid, would be interesting to see him in Europe, great speed, stamina and vision for someone who only knows MLS football.

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My quarter-final predictions to come on Friday morning my time. Just too tired to think properly right now.

EDIT: A little later than planned, but still before kickoff of the first game today.

Now some people are finding France-Germany a little too close to call. I've seen plenty of divided opinion, but it's clear with me. I expect Germany to win. There's a case for saying that France have been on a downward spiral since their big win over the Swiss. Deschamps is going to have to get the team selection absolutely right today for them to have a chance. But Germany are proving to be their strong, resilient selves, and after fielding a ton of pressure from Algeria in the first half of their previous game, they finished much the stronger, and fully deserved their win. And they should get the job done today. Maybe by two goals.

I'd best not book a flight to Brazil any time soon, as you can count me amongst those who believes that the host nation will be shocked by Columbia tonight. You can make the case that this exciting Columbia team is playing more like Brazil than Brazil themselves. And all of this without arguably their best player (Falcao). For Brazil to triumph, Neymar is going to have to play out of his skin, and the rest of the team are going to have to show something. Anything. But I believe that Rodriguez will lead Columbia to the upset.

Argentina-Belgium. Now this could go either way in terms of quality, it could be a lush goalfest, or be as dull as ditchwater. Just depends upon whether Argentina actually start playing as a complete team, and whether or not Belgium's starting XI can actually make something happen before the 70th minute. Marc Wilmots cannot be expected to pull out a proverbial rabbit out of the hat with every substitution he makes! Still, I've been more impressed with Belgium overall, and I think that they will beat Argentina.

As much as I'd love to see Costa Rica continue their fairytale run, I think it comes to an end tomorrow against the Netherlands. As mentioned before, the Dutch have coped admirably with everything that has been thrown at them in this tournament so far, and I don't think that they will suffer too many ill effects from the heat of the previous game. Here's hoping that Robben doesn't do anything stupid this time.

Finally, I predict that none of the four games in this round will go to penalties.

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Please, Costa Rica, save me from this predictable fizzler of a world cup. And Robben's tnt-loaded heels.

Edit: In Extra-time. This Uzbek ref is a joke. Handball? I thought it only counted if it hit below the elbow, not almost on the shoulder. And only Robben gets penalties for getting tapped on the foot in the penalty area, it seems.

Edit2: Really? That's what we've come to? Subbing on keepers to win shootouts? Fucking dutch

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Poor Costa Rica. I hoped.

Argentina got lucky, but I'll stick to my initial prediction and say they'll still somehow win the world cup.

I want Germany to beat Brazil. It'd be cool for an all European final or an all South American final. Either sounds appealing.

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i watched a lot of the final minutes and then the OT/shootout of the costa rica/netherlands game today... i am not gonna stand here and say i am a soccer fan, or that i know what's going on all the time, but i do know sports and it looked like coasta rica has some really good defense... the netherlands were trying and trying to score but when they got near the box, that costa D kept them at bay...

and as a non-fan watching from afar; the shootouts seem dumb... the ball needs to be moved back further, it's way too easy to score... it really shouldn't be that easy IMO... the only two shots that didn't go in were weak ones anyways...

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As much as I don't see the point of baseball games being played until the 15th, 16th, 17th... inning (and I love baseball), soccer is a game that could benefit from continuing to play extra time until there's a result. Fatigue = mistakes = results. The best will stay on their A-game and fight through fatigue.

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I swear, if Argentina go to win this fucking thing I will personally fly down to Brazil and kill Sabella.

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?? The semi finals are tomorrow and Wednesday, dude.

Anybody else want an all European final?

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Thinking that some people commenting on here should stick to what they know.

Anyway, didn't do too well with the qf predictions. So I'll just say this. When it comes to the final, I'm hoping for either Argentina-Brazil, or Netherlands-Germany. Simply because those two pairs of teams flat out hate each other.

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