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Wow! Great start by USA and a very good goal by Dempsey.

Also, if there's one thing USA have over everyone else is the best national anthem! I just wish we had our own instead of using the British one....

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Congrats to the USA. A win is a win, and Ghana only have themselves to blame for not taking their opportunities.

They've given themselves a real chance of qualifying now, as long as they don't get complacent against what will be a desperate Portugal. The game with Germany was always going to be a needle match anyway, the opening results for both teams made it that much more interesting.

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Didn't the US win last world cup?

Jesus Christ.

Words fail me. Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

Anyway, good win for Belgium today. Many people's dark horses in this tournament, they were made to work hard by Algeria, but they came through. Even Fellaini resembled a football player today, making Man Utd fans cringe.

No matter what happens between Brazil and Mexico right now, I won't forget the spectacle of the Brazilian national anthem any time soon. Even I got goosebumps watching that.

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I agree, but only up to a point. Clearly Scolari met his match tactically. Mexico set out to defend, and he stuck rigidly to his plan of using Fred to hold the ball up, except that Fred was poor again. Surely he should have been scrapped for an out-and-out striker at half-time?

To be fair, Brazil did have some flashes of brilliance, only to be let down by poor finishing and having to watch the Mexican goalie pull off outstanding save after outstanding save.

I still think they'll be in the tournament for a while, but they're going to have to catch fire from somewhere in the knockout phases.

Now for Russia and Korea. Twenty quid says that Capello doesn't smile at any point.

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Taking bets on how many goals the Dutch will score against us.

Edit: How can men deal with such reckless Robben?? It's going to be a long 70 minutes.


Edit: Final score 3-2 to the Dutch. We should have been able to win the game, but a couple of lapses in defense let us down. I think the last 2 games have been by far our best performances at a world cup, despite losing both of them. I'm pretty devastated.

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Holland are still poor defensively, I know they destroyed Spain but can't see them winning it. I think Spain are in for a tough game tonight against Chile, Chile will be up for it and be well prepared to defend.

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Australia have nothing to be ashamed of. Yeah, they lost their matches, but they're no mugs. If they keep improving they will be a real handful for teams for years to come.

Say what you like about the Dutch, but in light of recent events, I'd much rather take an unconvincing win ahead of a pretty defeat right now.

Early moments of the Chile-Spain game, and damn, this Chile side really isn't messing around. I want them to win just to piss Spain off.

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Spain has been an absolute joke at this world cup. 2nd worst defending champs ever, after the 2002 French. They will need a miracle just to get a draw.

I hope Chile win this and top the group with a win over the Van Persie-less Dutch so that they avoid Brazil in the next round.

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Spain has been an absolute joke at this world cup. 2nd worst defending champs ever, after the 2002 French. They will need a miracle just to get a draw.

I hope Chile win this and top the group with a win over the Van Persie-less Dutch so that they avoid Brazil in the next round.

I would say the 2010 Italians were the worst - they finished bottom in a group consisting of them, New Zealand, Paraguay and Slovakia

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Well, it's all over. Adiós España!!!!!!!!!

Chile were absolutely sensational tonight. Before everyone rightly criticises Spain for their woeful performance, try not to forget that their opponents were every bit of good value for their win.

SIX minutes of injury time, where the hell did that come from?

And for all of this talk of potentially avoiding Brazil no matter what happens against the Dutch, to be frank, on current form Chile would have nothing to fear given what Brazil have shown so far.

And a quick EDIT shows something that I found on the BBC live sports event page.

Brazil boss Luiz Felipe Scolari said at Christmas time that:

"I hope Chile don't qualify. "I'd rather play any of the others. They're a pain to play against.

"They're well organized, they're intelligent, they have a good side. It's better to play against a European team."

Hmmm, interesting...

And just one more thing, again courtesy of the BBC. If you're a Spain fan, look away now...


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It's a game full of bullshit and sometimes, miracles. Let's hope one of those miracles is Colombia winning against Ivory Coast tomorrow.

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So, England are involved in TWO matches today. Of course you know all about the Three Lions trying to keep their tournament alive against Uruguay, but English referee Howard Webb takes charge of Côte d'Ivoire and Columbia. There'll be plenty of time for me to go crazy about the other match later, but looking forward to the Ivorians and Columbians get it on. Difficult one to call, maybe a late goal wins it?

If you see this post later, try and look for a tube video of Die Serey crying his eyes out during the Ivorian national anthem.

Holy CRAP. England solid for much of the first half against Uruguay, they make one defensive error. And Luis Suarez, who had done fuck all up to that point, makes the most of the only real chance he's had. Ugh.

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About 5 corners in a row and no goals. Feel sorry for Rooney with that header. Sterling and Rooney have players always all over them attacking.

also how many times was Suarez off side?

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Not just Rooney's header, but that free kick as well.

Obviously the scoreline says otherwise, but Uruguay were not that brilliant overall in the first half. Let's see if they 'park the bus' now...

EDIT: I guess not. Damn, Uruguay are all over England at the moment. How in the hell did Cavani miss? Riding their luck at the moment. I'm still trying to enjoy this, but getting increasingly nervous...

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So far, England have been fucking shit. Complete half-assed attitude from the players and if Danny Welbeck is a professional footballer then I'm the King of Spain.

Also, Gerrard is finished.

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