
Football (Soccer)

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Watching Sky Sports News is crazy, gets you hyped up for no reason.


Also, I think Arsenal really needed a DM, since Vieira and then Gilberto, they've had no one good enough to do the dirty work in midfield, and Flamini isn't that player.

Annoyed Everton got Lukaku, and we got Moses, would of preferred it the other way round. What i also don't get with the Moses signing is that we sent Borini off on loan to Sunderland to compensate.

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Liverpool's biggest achievement was keeping Suarez, he's the one that can get them into the top 4, if they really push on. Liverpool can improve in other areas imo, there strikers are decent. Sturridge is coming good, and Suarez is at least a 20 goal season striker.

Everton got a very good deal on Fellaini, his buy out clause at the end of July was £23 million. So United had to pay £4.5 million more because of dithering.

The Coentrao deal is 50/50 atm apparently, seems crazy though, especially since they have Evra there who is still decent.

Flamini did have one very good season, his last at Arsenal before he moved to Milan, can't remember seeing him play since that time, but if he can reproduce that previous form, he will be an asset to Arsenal. They still need a good striker though, Giroud not really on the same level as other Top 6 strikers.

Also not sure why Arsenal won't buy a decent keeper, Julio Cesar was at QPR and no one came in for him, seems crazy Arsenal didn't put in a bid considering he'd be pretty cheap.

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Liverpool are done imo, I don't think they'll be a part of the big 4 again.

Well we're the only team in the league who haven't dropped a point so far, or concede a goal, two games of which were against teams bolstering two of the best forwards in the league right now in Van Persie and Benteke. So our defense is sound, FINALLY, and we've recruited heavily in that area on deadline day and through out the window to make it even stronger, Once Suarez is back, which I laughed at when I heard it'd be against United in the cup, we'll have an awesome attacking lineup as well.

Only thing i'm worried about is if Gerrard and/or Lucas get injured, Henderson is finally coming good, but Allan is a pile of wank who can score to save his life, and unless they put in one of the CB's into the DM role, they've got no cover.

On a separate note, can anyone else see both Newcastle and Sunderland going down this season. Newcastle have had a terrible transfer window, only signing Remy on loan, and of course the coup signing of the summer in Joe Kinnear, and now have a midfielder in the dressing room who doesn't want to be there, great for team morale. <_< As for Sunderland, they've signed no one of note, apart from Altidore, and have gotten rid of Mignolet, Sessegnon, and James McClean.

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I'm sad llori wanted to move to the PL so early, I hope he gets playing time in Liverpool, he has enough potential to be a top defender - stupid fast, good ball control, surprisingly strong for his frame...

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How fucking insecure do you have to be to avoid a sport because it has too much "man on man" contact.

Rugby has a fair bit of that and is one of the ultimate sports, right up there with wrestling which is probably one of the most physically demanding sports in existence.

I bet you're one of those guys who is anxious as fuck when it comes to showering post sports.

Looks like united are done anyway. Liverpool are looking strong. Truly a shocker

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Am I the only die hard fan from the US in this thread

No, I live in the US and I love soccer, I just don't support the US national team.

Me neither. I am though happy that we are Top 20 in FIFA rankings

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Am I the only die hard fan from the US in this thread

No, I live in the US and I love soccer, I just don't support the US national team.

Me neither. I am though happy that we are Top 20 in FIFA rankings

True, they have shown a lot of heart and talent through the WCQ's, well deserved.

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Thoughts on the World Cup draw??

Group A





Group B





Group C



Ivory Coast


Group D


Costa Rica



Group E





Group F





Group G





Group H




South Korea.

I was kinda hoping we would get Honduras in group D. Doesn't matter, we'll still fuck it up.

Group G is looking like the most exciting group so far.

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Winners of each group and 2nd place teams:

A: Brazil (winners), Croatia

B: Spain (winners), Chile

C: Columbia (winners), Japan

D: Italy (winners), Uruguay

E: France (winners), Ecuador

F: Argentina (winners), Bosnia

G: Germany (winners), Portugal

H: Belgium (winners), Russia

Italy wins it all.

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I think the efforts to make things easy for France are really disgusting.

I'm going to be very pissed off if Portugal lose to USA.

My predictions:

A: Brazil, Mexico

B: Spain, Holland

C: Colombia, Ivory Coast

D: Italy, Uruguay... sorry England, I think you have a hard group, would prefer if you guys went through though.

E: France, Ecuador? lol@dis group

F: Argentina, Nigeria

G: Germany, Portugal

H: Belgium, Russia

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Holy shit, in ~6 months it'll be four years since I was "working" (if you can call it that) in a vehicle vinyl detailing place for work experience where I actually did fuck all because the boss fucked off on holiday and it was a really slow week so we just sat around drinking beer and watching the world cup.

A - Brazil and Croatia

B-Spain and Netherlands

C - Greece and Ivy Coast

D- Italy and England [hopefully!!!]

E - France & Ecuador

F - Argentina and Nigeria

G Portugal and Germany

H - Russia and Belgium

I don't think group stages have ever been this predictable

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