Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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If you register on GameSpot through this link, you can get early access to the character creator for Saints Row 3. Just make sure you click the right system first, I accidentally got the 360 version.


i will sign up tomorrow, i do have to make myself as the first character... might as well try to mold it now... and it also reminds me tomorrow to pre-order with amazon... it's the same deal as gamestop, except it's delivered to my doorstep instead, including a $10 gift card :D...

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Just a heads up, they dumbed down character creation. All facial hair sucks, and so do most of the tattoos. The actual character and most of the clothing looks better though.

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"It's even got an in-game radio station dedicated to playing content from Adult Swim. " is rather intriguing.

Yeah I just saw that. On closer inspection, it appears it will include songs from Tim And Eric and Dethklok (and probably others). Whether it's just songs from the shows, sketches, or a bit of both, I don't know.

Riding a Jetski with the Raz song playing would be awesome.

"What about the hoes?"

"Who needs the hoes"

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I'm still playing Saint's Row 2, it's kind of gripped my attention lately. I haven't played much else. I will probably play SR3, but only I'm finished with all the nut shots, diversions, and missions I have to do in SR2. So, not for a long time.

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Yeah I just saw that. On closer inspection, it appears it will include songs from Tim And Eric and Dethklok (and probably others). Whether it's just songs from the shows, sketches, or a bit of both, I don't know.

I'd rather just have Dethklok on the metal station, honestly. Can't stand Tim and Eric.

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i cant believe the amount of people that like the talentless tim and eric show... they claim their non-talent is talent... whatever, hire me and give me a show then... i can do what they do...

i want some aqua teen hunger force skits and songs... they've done a few CDs and MF doom and danger mouse have done rap songs with the trio...

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Pre-ordered... Can't wait for this game.. Loved the first 2... This is a game I can do about anything i can't do in RL... So Hoorah!

Also in the Initistion Station (early character Creator) there is 80% of the customization, so maybe they are keeping the good stuff untill the game comes.

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you will have to take a break from skyrim guys so we can play online...

I'm going to finish it solo first, and when I do, I'll mention it here. After that post, I'll more than likely be up for online shenanigans any time.

But PSN had better stop being a cunt and learn to love my internet connection, because they've announced that they're going to be working on enough DLC to keep us interested for at least a year (I think they said 40 weeks' worth, that's one piece of DLC a week for 40 weeks), and I don't want to have to buy a second copy of the game just to download it.

So... PSN didn't stop being a cunt. I think I'm going to have to switch my pre-order to 360 and buy the PS3 version used later on.

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whatever :rolleyes: , maybe me and dup will play at some point... otherwise i might not actually play any online... you guys will probably be busy with skyrim anyways... i think i might ask for it for christmas, my grandma keeps bugging my parents about that shit already... for fucks sake, we only just passed halloween...

i pre-ordered SR3 last week though with amazon, so i can't wait... time between now and skyrim will consist of SR3, new vegas, sam & max, and rentals of AC:R and uncharted 3... and i am looking forward to playing them all, but i really want to sink my teeth into SR3... fallout continues to be the only game i care about at the moment, i would like to have something else to play and chat about for a change...

plus seriously, if skyrim is that good, it would be nice to get all those games i mentioned out of the way before i forget about them...

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Meh, I'll probably rush out and buy it for PS3 the first time I see you and Dup talking about the previous night's adventures, anyway. I just got extremely pissed trying to download the Infamous 2 DLC, and I don't want to have to do that for 40 weeks.

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