Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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I wouldn't need TV either if my internet were good enough to stream or download all my shows.

There's been some pretty good footage. They showed a mission called 'Ho Boat' where you free whores from shipping containers, then protect them with a heat-seeking rocket launcher while a helicopter airlifts them to safety. Then you have the choice of either selling them back to the gang you stole them from for a shit load of money, or keeping them and having them work for you.

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wow, morality choices as well... welcome to the mainstream saints row... me thinks this will actually score in the high 80's-low 90's, which would be a great achievement... like i said a long time ago, if they can borrow a few million GTA fans, they are set...

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I don't know if they really count as morality choices. I mean, you're really just choosing whether they work for you or for someone else. I'm sure most of the choices consist of deciding whether you want money or to expand your empire.

Still, it's a nice touch.

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Wow that mission looked pretty much like what i need as a sandbox fix atm! I might go and play a bit of saints row 2, to get back in the mind frame of the saints row!

Oh and I'll definitely be up for some online play if you guys want!

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...and so the trio of heroes set forth, into the new world of steelport... with pistols in tow, they set out to change the world, one bullet at a time...

when does this come out?? and can you play through the story co-op style??

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...and so the trio of heroes set forth, into the new world of steelport... with pistols in tow, they set out to change the world, one bullet at a time...

when does this come out?? and can you play through the story co-op style??

Unfortunately this comes out in November along with other major game titles! I want at least this, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Uncharted 3... I better start putting money aside!

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November 15th, and it has drop-in, drop-out co-op, meaning you guys can enter my game at any time; in the middle of a mission, while I'm skinny dipping in a fountain in the park, while I'm launching mind-controlling octopuses at people with a rocket launcher. Any time.

And I think it's only two-player co-op, unfortunately. No three-man rampages for us. :(

Also, last night's episode of GameTrailers TV is online.

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penthouse DLC?? wow, that could be the coolest DLC ever...

i liked the drop-in/drop-out stuff, it was fun in SR2... never did anything else outside of roaming the city with my friend tommmy, doing missions and side missions... turning on infinite ammo and spending 15 minutes blowing up every cop car and helicopter that came near... it even says you can unlock things to take back to your game... i remember being able to take experience and money back to your game, but i don't remember being able to take items, except the weapons you might have picked up...

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Infinite ammo? You can use the cheats in multiplayer? Well, that'll make things more epic. I made so much epic shit happen with the low gravity/super explosions cheat combo.

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yea, his voice acting wasn't too shabby... i was actually impressed compared to my expectations... and holy hell, are we going to be able to wrestle on the side?! that's going to really be awesome, although, i doubt the controls will resemble the old school N64 THQ wrestling games... but, THQ is a publisher, so perhaps volition borrowed some wrestling tools from them...

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It kind of looks like this is replacing the fight club minigame from SR2, which is fine, since the wrestling ring and surrounding area still look brutal and gritty enough for me.

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Guest r_i_g_h_t

"In the real world you're just a bitch with a keyboard!" - I instantly thought of Pieface.

There's no way I'll be buying this.

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Guest r_i_g_h_t

Then get the fuck out of here.

Before I go I'd like to give my reasons for not wanting it; It's too cartoony and something only 8 year olds will find fun. It somehow reminds me of a comic book too.

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Guest r_i_g_h_t

It's no more cartoony than last-gen GTA was, anyone who isn't a cunt will find it fun, comic books are awesome.

One word: Webcomic.

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It's no more cartoony than last-gen GTA was, anyone who isn't a cunt will find it fun, comic books are awesome.

One word: Webcomic.

One word: Communist.

Anyone who doesn't think this game looks fun.

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It's no more cartoony than last-gen GTA was, anyone who isn't a cunt will find it fun, comic books are awesome.

One word: Webcomic.

That has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

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what... the... FUCK!!... this game is... is... is going to be epic!! cyber punks and luchadores?? the gangs are really diverse so far...

Then get the fuck out of here.

Before I go I'd like to give my reasons for not wanting it; It's too cartoony and something only 8 year olds will find fun. It somehow reminds me of a comic book too.

what a fucking moron... that's your excuse?? don't ever come back to the this topic unless you buy a saints row game... everything can't be GTAIV, in fact, i am glad it's not... i don't want more of the same, i want variety in the urban sandbox genre... so go play GTAIV again while me and massacre and dupzor tear shit up with something different...

you will have to take a break from skyrim guys so we can play online...

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you will have to take a break from skyrim guys so we can play online...

I'm going to finish it solo first, and when I do, I'll mention it here. After that post, I'll more than likely be up for online shenanigans any time.

But PSN had better stop being a cunt and learn to love my internet connection, because they've announced that they're going to be working on enough DLC to keep us interested for at least a year (I think they said 40 weeks' worth, that's one piece of DLC a week for 40 weeks), and I don't want to have to buy a second copy of the game just to download it.

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