Ostrich Boy

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Everything posted by Ostrich Boy

  1. Well, Here we go 1. GTA 5 would be THE game to show the wii u's true power compared to ps3/Xbox 360 to shut up all the haters. 2. I want Nintendo to sort of shake the "family only" image. 3. I am definitely going to be 1st day wii u buyer, and although I own a ps3, would much rather play a game like gta 5 on wii u as I feel it would be a better gaming experience, especially considering the capabilities of Nintendo's new Miiverse system in place. Oh yeah, and thank you all for returning the civility to this discussion
  2. I know, I also read this article recently. It has me disappointed, but I feel that if R* and Take Two decide that they can make a buck or two off of a wii u gta 5 port, they'll go for it. I mean, who wouldn't?
  3. Whats the monte Carlo got under the hood?
  4. Somebody needs to lock that bitch in a room with real music playing in the background and smack the shit out of her until she learns what good music is. The same could be said for that dickless bieber.
  5. I agree, but only because I would love to smash into them over and over with a large gas guzzling truck or suv
  6. Fire it up and tell us what it's like. I might try to round up my friends and go find a server that has survived the test of time.
  7. Goddamn, now I miss it.
  8. In samp I was part of a street racing gang. We would race all over the map and just generally raise hell.
  9. That's cool. I play tight end and outside linebacker
  10. 74 charger--------no balls. That was manufactured after all of the emissions shit was passed AND had the giant, ugly, 5 mph bumper, just like every other car after 1971. The only muscle car with any semblance of high performance after 1971 until recently was the Pontiac trans am formula 400, which still couldn't even make 300 hp
  11. Pfffffft, come talk to me when you get to play both ways
  12. On the line, you really can't go wrong with anything high-top or high-cut. Trust me, it'll save your ankles
  13. I hope they can keep the injuries down this year. If they stay healthy, they have a real shot at the super bowl
  14. Last year my team played a game at reliant stadium (texans)
  15. The killstreaks weren't so bad, but the rest, I definitely agree with!! You're fucking stupid there are no kill streaks in GTA Dude, you really need to stop flaming Colon. Yes, he is annoying but I'm getting tired of reporting your post Colon? As in : ....? No, you need to stop flaming your colon. It's bad for your health. You should try a nice, digestive regulating yogurt.
  16. Oh...never mind. It thought it was either a school in south east Texas or eastern Nebraska. Each region has a team with about the same color scheme.
  17. Which state is that? The uniforms look familiar.
  18. No, I meant where are you playing?
  19. No, just no. The name of the game is GRAND THEFT AUTO, not police academy.
  20. Was your mother the Chicken Lady? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrzkFmzd9Xo Hilarious!
  21. It doesnt matter what year, I don't really like any of them
  22. To me, camaros have lost all originality. It seems like everyone has one, and they're all starting to look the same to me. Agreed, same with mustangs. Although, there are a few mustangs I wouldn't mind, such as a '71 mach one, or a '70 Boss 429. But I'm a mopar guy, Those are rare to see, especially E-bodies. Also the most desired muscle car out there. I also picked up a 2000 Ford F-150 XL super cab 4x4. It has the Triton V8 and a 4-speed manual. Fun truck with lots of power. My old ranger had a 302 swapped in from a 69 mustang. The guy took it too the crusher. It was wrecked, but salvageable to someone with the right resources. I offered him more than its scrap price, but the dude wouldn't sell for anything.